2� 1 ��5748
<br /> If the Prop�r�y is damaged, such M�scellaneous Prnceeds sha��be applied to restorati�n or r�pair of the
<br /> Prapez-ty, �f the res�oration flr repair zs e��nom�cally feasib�e and Lender's se�uri�y is nat lessened.
<br /> During such r�pair and res�ora�ion period, Lender shall hav�e the right to ho�d such Miscellaneaus
<br /> Praceeds un�il Lender has had an oppor�u.n�ty to inspect such Proper�y �� ensure �he �ork has been
<br /> com.p�et�d to Lender's satisfac�ion,prflvided�ha�such inspection sha�1 be undertaken prflmptly, Lender
<br /> may pay for�he r�pairs and restara��on�n a single d�shursemen�or in a series of progress payments as
<br /> �he v�ork�s comp�e�ed. Unless an agreement is made �n writ�ng or App��cable La�v requires �nt�rest�o
<br /> b�paid on such Misc�llaneous Proceeds, Lender sha�l no�be required to pay Borrower any interes�flr
<br /> earnings on such Misce��aneous Proceeds. If�he restara�ian or repair is not economically feas�ble or
<br /> Lender's security wnuld be�e5sened, the Miscel�an��us Proceeds sha�l be app�ied ta the sums secured
<br /> by this Secur�ty Ins�rument, whether or nat�h�n due, wi�h the excess, if any, pa.id�o Borrower. Such
<br /> Miscel�aneous Pr�ceeds shal�be appli�d xn�he ard�r prc�vided for in Sec�ion�.
<br /> In�he event�f a�ota1 taking, des�ruction, or l�ss in value of the Prap�r�y,�he Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds
<br /> sha�� b� app�ied to �he sums secured by ���s Securi�ty �nstrumen�, �vhether or no� �hen due, wi�h th�
<br /> excess, if an�,paxd�o Borravver.
<br /> �n the e�ent of a par�ia� taking, destruction, or loss �n �a�ue of the Proper�y in which t�e fair marke�
<br /> �alu� of the Proper� immediately b�fore the par�ia��ak�ng, destruc��on, or�oss i�va1u� zs equa��a or
<br /> grea��r�han the amount af the sums secured by�his Securi�y Instrument�mmedia�ely before the par�ial
<br /> �aking, destru��zon, ar I�ss in value, un�ess Borrower and Lender��herwise agree in vvriting, �he sums
<br /> secured by this Secur�ty �nstrumen� sha11 be reduc�d by the amount �f�he Miscellaneous Proceeds
<br /> multip�ied by the follovving fraction: �a} �he total amount�f the sums secur�d immed�ately befare the
<br /> par�ial taking, des�ruc�ion, ar loss in value divided by �b} the fair marke� value af the Pr�per�y
<br /> im.med�ate�y before �h� partia� �aking, des�ruction� ar �oss in �alue. A.ny ba�ance shall be paid t�
<br /> B�rrovver,
<br /> In the ��en� of a par��al �aking, des�ruction, ar lflss in �a�ue �f the Proper� in vvhich the fair rnark��
<br /> value of the Property imm�edia�ely before the par�ia�takzng,destruc�ion,or loss in�alue is less�han�he
<br /> am�un�af�h�sums secured�mmediat�ly�efore�he par�ial taking, des�ruction, or loss in v�.lue, unless
<br /> Borrc��ver and Lend�r o�herwise agree in wrx�ing, the Miscellaneous Proceeds sha�� be app�ied to �he
<br /> sums secur�d by�his S�cur�ty Instrumen�whether or no��he sums are then due.
<br /> If th�Property�s abandoned by Borrawer, or if, af��r n�tic�by Lender�o B�rr�wer tha��he �3ppos�ng
<br /> Party�as defned in�h�next sent�nce}t�ffer�ta make an avvard ta settle a claim for damag�s,Barrower
<br /> fai�s �o respond t� Lender w��hin 3 U days af�er th� date the no�ice �s �iven, Lender is authari2ed �o
<br /> cal�ect and app�y �h� Miscellan��us Proce�ds ei�her ta restoration ar repa�r of�he Praperty or t� th�
<br /> sums secured by this Securi�y Instrument, vvhe�her or no��hen due, "�ppasing Party" means the�hird
<br /> par�y �hat o�res Borr��nrer Nlisce�laneous Praceeds or the par�y aga�ns�whom Borrower has a righ�of
<br /> actian in regard�o Miscel�ane�us Proceeds.
<br /> Barrower sha�l be in default �f any action flr prace�ding, v�hether civi� ar crimina�, xs begun tha�, in
<br /> Lender's judgment, c�uld resu�t in farfei�ure af the Proper�y or a�her material impairmen�af Lender's
<br /> �nter�st in�he Proper�y or r�gh�s under�his �ecurity Instrumen�. Barrower can cure such a d�fault and,
<br /> if acce�era�ian has��curred,reinstate as provided in S�c�ion 19,by causing the ac�i�n or proc�eding to
<br /> b� dismissed �i�h a ru�ing �h�.t, in Lend�r's �ud�m�nt, �recludes forfe�tu.r� of the Praper�y or other
<br /> mater�a� zmpairmen� af L�nd�r's in�er�st in �h� Prop�rry or rights under this Security�ns�rumen�. The
<br /> pr�ceeds�f any award flr claim for dama�es�ha�are at�r�bu�able��the impairmen��f Lender's�ntere�t
<br /> �n�he Property are her�by assigned and shal�b�paxd tt�Lender.
<br /> Al�Misc���aneaus Proceeds tha�ar�na�ap�l�ed to restora�ion or repair of the Praper�y sha�l be applied
<br /> �n the ord�r pravided fnr in Sec�ion�.
<br /> NEBRASKA-Singlc Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Ma�UNIF�RM INSTRllMENT �'orm 30�811�1
<br /> Q 2Q04-2�i5 Compliance Sysf.ems,Inc.d&23F�afc-db571c3fi-2415.18d.�.2
<br /> Single Fami�y Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2447 Page 9 af 1� www.�ampliar�cesysterns.cam
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