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2� 1 ��572� <br /> �3. Recon�eyan�e. Upfln paymen�of al� sums s�cured by�his Security �nstrument, Lender shall reques� <br /> Trus�e�ta recon�ey the Prapert� and shali surrender this Secur�ty �nstrumen�and all n���s e��denc�ng debt <br /> secured by this Securit� �nstrument to Trustee. Trustee shall recon�ey �he Praper�y w�t�iou�warrant� �o the <br /> p�rson or persons Iega����n�it�ed�o i�. Such person ar p�rsons shall pay any recorda�ian cas��. Lend�r may <br /> Gharge such person ar persons a fe�far reconve�ring�he Property, bu�an�y �f the fee�s paid to a th�rd par�y <br /> �such as�he Trustee} for serv�ces render�d and�he charging of th�f�e is perm�t�ed under Applicable Law. <br /> �4. Subst�tute T�ustee. Lender, at�ts o�t�on, rnay fr�m ti�me�o f�m�remo�ve Trustee and appoint a successor <br /> �rus�ee to any Tru.stee appointed h�r�under h}� an ins�rument recorded in th�county �n which�his Secur��y <br /> Instrument is recarded. V�ithou�conveyance of the Proper�y, the su�cessor�rust�e shal� succ�ed to aI� the <br /> title, p�w�r an�du�ies canferred upon Trust�e here�n and by App�i�abie Law. <br /> �5. Request fvr Not�ces. �orrawer r�quests tha�cop�es of the notic�of defau�t and sale be sent�o Barrov�er's <br /> addr�ss �hich is the Property Address. <br /> N�BRASKA-5ir�gle Family-�annie�aelFred�ie Mac[JNIF�RM INSTR�M�NT Farm 3fl�8 11Q1 <br /> VMP� ' � VMPfitNE�{�342f <br /> Vllolters Klc�wer��nan�ial 5er�ic�s Page�5 of 17 <br />