2� 1 ��57�8
<br /> Tran�fer of the Property flr a Benef�cfa�I���eres��x�B�rrower.�f aIl�r ar�y part o:f�he Property or any xnt�rest
<br /> in i� �s sold ar �ransferr�d �or if a benefzc�a.� �nterest in �orrower �s so�d or transf�,rred a��d Borrower is not a
<br /> natura� person} w��haut Lende�-'s priar writ�e:n consen�, Lend�r ma�, a� its option, requ�re �nunedia�e paym�nt �n
<br /> fu1l flf a�� sums secu.red by �his S�curity �ns�rumen�. Ho-�ve�er, �his op�ion shall not be exerc�sed by Len�ier if
<br /> exercise is proh�b�ted by federal Ia�r a�of the da�e of�h�s Sec�.rit�r Instrum.en�. .
<br /> If Lender exerc�ses �h�s optian, Lender sha:�1 ��ve B�rrav�rer notice af acce�era��on. The natice shall provide a
<br /> period af not less �han the minimum number of days estab��shed b�y App�icable Lav�� fr�m th� date �he not�ce is
<br /> de��vered or mai�ed �vi�h�n wh�ch �3arrower m�s� pay a�� sum.s secured by th�s Security �ns�rurnen�. �f B�r�ower
<br /> fai�s to pay these sums prior to the expirat�c�n �f th�s per�od, Lend�r may invoke an��remedies p�rmitted by thzs
<br /> Securi�y Instxument vvxt�au�fur�her notice or demand on Borra�ver.
<br /> Borrower's Right tfl l�ei.nstate. If Bor�ov��er meets certain �flnd���ons, Borrovver �aha�l have the r�ght to have
<br /> enforc�men�of th�s Security�ns�rument discian�inued at any�ime przar t� the earlier of: �a} 5 da�s �or such other
<br /> peri�d as App�icable Law may specafy for re�:nstatemen�}bef�r�sa�� af the Property��ursuant to any po�wer�f sa�e
<br /> contained �n this 5ecurity �nstrument; nr �b� ent�ry of a judgme�l� enf�rci�g this Secur�ty �nstrument. Those
<br /> cond�t�ans are that B orr�wer: �a} p ays Lend er all su�ns v�hic�. then�r►TouXd�e due un�d�r this S e�ur��y �ns�ent
<br /> and th��on�rac�.as if no accelera�ion had occ�urred;�b}cures any defaul�of any n�her covenants or agre�nr�.en�s;�c}
<br /> pays a�l expenses incurred�n�nforc�ng th�s S�curity Instruxnenti, �nc�ud�ng,but no�Iim.i��d�o,reasonabl�at�orneys'
<br /> fees �o the ex�ent permi�ted by�aW; and �d}takes such ac��on as Lender may reasonalbly re�uire ta assur��hat the
<br /> l�en of th�s 5ecur�ty�ns�rument, Lender's rig�i�s in�he Proper�y and Borro�rer's obliga�i�n�o pay the su�ns se�ured
<br /> by �hi5 5ecurity Instrument sha�1 continue u.rich�nged. �.Jp�n reinst�.tement by Borr���rer, ��us Secur�ty Ins�rumen�
<br /> and �h� ob�iga�ions secured hereby shal� re�r�a�n fu1ly eff�c�iv� as if n� acce�erat�on lhad accurred. H�wever, �his
<br /> right ta reinstate shall no�apply in�he case oF accelera�ian und�r th�section t�tled Tr,�nsf�r of the Property or a
<br /> Benef���al Intere��in�3�rrower.
<br /> Ha,�ardaus Substan�e�o Barro�rer shal�nat cause ar permit the presen�e,use, d�spasal, starage, or release �f any
<br /> Ha2ardous 5ubstances o��r�n th��roper�y.:B�rro�ver shall no�do,nor a�l�w anyone eise to do,a�y�iing aff�c�ing
<br /> �he Pr�per�y �hat �s �n vi��atinn af any Enviror.�men�al Law. The preceding �vo sent:�nces shall nat appiy to �he
<br /> pre�ence,use,or storage fln�he Proper�y of s7:na11 qua�tities�f Haza�dous Subs�anc�s��ha�ar�generally recogn�zed
<br /> ��be apprnpria�e�o norrr�.a�res�den�za�uses a�1d�fl maintenanc�af�h.e Pr�perty.
<br /> �3orro�ver sha�l promp�Xy gzve Lender�urit�en na�ice of any inv�s�iga��fln,claim, demar�d, �aWSui�or o��r a.Cti�7n��
<br /> any governmenta� �r regula��ry agency ar p-rivate party rnvo7ving �he Proper�y and t�r�y Hazardous 5ubs�a�ce or
<br /> Env�ror�.mental Lavv of vvhich B��ro,wer has actua� �navvl�dge. �f Borro�r�r learns, or i� notified �y an�
<br /> g�verr�men�a� or regulato�-y auth�rity,tha�an,y removal or�ther remed�at��n of any�3���ardous Subs�ance affectzng
<br /> the Praper�y xs necessary, Borrovtrer sha1� promp�ly tal�e �.11 neGessary remed�a� act�ons �n accordance w�.�h
<br /> Environmen�a�La�v,
<br /> As used�n thzs paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are thvse subst�nces def ned as t�3�ic ar hazardous substances
<br /> by �n�zronm.ental Lav�r and the fnllowing �ubstanc�s: gasoline, kerQsene, a�her fla.mmable or toxic p��ro�eu�m
<br /> prflducts, tox�c pesticides and herbicides, vt3�ati�e s��ven�s, materials c�r�taining asb�s�os ar formald�h�d�, and
<br /> radzaactive ma�erials. As used�n�hzs paragraph, "Envrronmental Lavv" means federal Iav�rs and�av►ls of�h�state of
<br /> Nebraska that re�a�e�o�i�a��h,safet�r�r envirs�nz�.ental pro�ect��n.
<br /> Ac�elerat�on; l�emed�ese Lender �hai� giv�a n��xee tv Borro�ver prior to ac�e�.er����.on f�l�ow�ng ��rra�wer's
<br /> br�a�h of any ca�enan�or agre�ment in th�is�ecur�ty I�nstrurnernt or the�ontra��under which acceleration
<br /> xs p�rmitted�but na�pr�or tv a�ce�eratian under the se�ti�� tit�ed Tran�fer of t���Property�r a Benef��a�
<br /> Intere5t�n Bor�oyver, un�ess App���ab��La�v provi�des n���rwise). The not�ce shall specify: �a� th� de�au�t;
<br /> �b} �he a�tion requir�d tv cure the def��.u��; �c� a da��, no� les� �han th� n��nir�um mumber of days
<br /> estab�shed by Appl�ca��e La,w fr�m th�d��te th���tx�e�s g�ven to Borrower,by�h��h the defau�t�n.ust be
<br /> �ur�d; and �d� tha� failure t� �ure the def�u�t on ar b�fore th� date specified �rn the natic� may result in
<br /> acce�e�a��on �f the sum.s secu�-ed by th�s S�curity Instr�.men� and sa�e af �h�� Property. TQ �h� exten�
<br /> permi��ed by�aw, th� nvtice sh.al�further inf�rm�Borroyv�r af�he r��ht to reins��te afte�r acce�.era�ion and
<br /> �he r�ght to br�ng a court action to a5sert t:h�non-ex�stenc�of a defauXt or an�otlher defense of Borrower�o
<br /> accele�a�ron an� sale. If the defau�t is not cured on or before th�e date sp�ci�ed in the not�c�,Le�der at i.ts
<br /> �pt�on may re�u�re �nr��nedia�e payment in �ull �f al� sums se�ured by �h�s Se�cur�ty Ins�rument yvi�hout
<br /> further demand and rr�ay �nvvke the p�w��r of sa�� and an� a��er remed�es per�n�tted by Appl.��ab�e Law.
<br /> To �he extent perm�itt�d by lav�v, Lender �:ha�l. be entitled �o c���ec� �ll expense�� �ncurred in pu�rsu�n� the
<br /> remedies provided in th�s Section, in�Iud�.rng,but not I��n�i��d to,reas��ab�e a�tor�.�ys' fees and c�st��f tx��e
<br /> evidence.
<br /> If the pvwer vf saie is ir�v�ked, T�ustee sh��ll record a not�ce of�efau�t zn each c+�unty�.n wh�ch any p�rt of
<br /> the Pr�perty xs �oCated and 5ha11�nail c�p�e� of such n�tice in the mar�ner pres�r:�bed by Ap�li�able L�w tn
<br /> Borrowver and �o the other persnns presc�r°xbed �� App��cable L�aw. A.fter th� tirn� r�qu�red by Appli�ab�e
<br /> La�v, Trustee sha�i g��e public n�t�ce of sale ta the per5v�s and in the manner prescrib�d by A.ppli�abie
<br /> �La�v.'�'rustee,���hou� demand on B�rrovver, shall S�X�the 1'roperty at publYc auc��on to the high���b�dder
<br /> at�he time and p�ace and under t�e ter�n.s d��ignated in th�no�i�e af 5ale in one���m�re parCe�s�nd irn any
<br /> �rder Trustee detern�i�.es. Trust�e may p��tpone sale �f all or any par�el a�f t�e Property by publi�
<br /> ann�un�ement�t the�ir�.e and place vf an�,�p�evi��s�y�ch�dul.ed 5ale.Lender or its d�si.gnee may pur�ha5e
<br /> th�Pr�perty a�any sa��,
<br /> Upon �ec�ipt of paym�nt�f the pr�ce bid, Trustee sha�� d��iver to th�pur�hase�r• Trus�ee's deed �o�v�y�ng
<br /> the Pr�perty. The re���als�n �he'Trust�e's de�d shall b�prima fa��e eva�dence�f���.e truth nf the�tatemen�5
<br /> Q 2404-20 i 5 Carnpliance Systems,Inc,CBES-1 SD2-2015.�2.2.I 112
<br /> Cons�mer Real Estate-Security Inst�-ument DL203b Page 4 a�S www.corr��3iancesystems.com
<br />