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2� 1 ��57�8 <br /> Paym�nt of Principa��r�d In�ere5t; �]��er Charges.Borr�vver shall promp��y pay vcrhen due�he principal of and <br /> . �n�erest on t1�e debt o�red under�����n�ract��nd�a�e charges�r any other fees and ch��rges due under�he�antract. <br /> A�pli�abl.e Law. As used in �h�s 5�curity Instrument, the term "App�icab�e L�vv" sha�� mean a11 contrall�ng <br /> applicab�e federa�, sta�e and �oca1 s�a�utes, r:�gt�la�ion�, ardinances and admxn�strat�v�� �-u�es and ord�rs �tha�have <br /> �he eff�c�af law�as�twell as aIl applicable fzn��l,non-appea�ab��judic�a�opinions. <br /> �harges; L�ens. B�rra�uer shal� pay al� �a:�es, asse�sments, charges, �nes and �mpos�tions at�r�bu�a.b�e �� �he <br /> Proper�y which ma�r a��ain�ri�rity over�his Se�urity Ins�rum�n�, and leasehaXd payrr.�ents �r grnund ren�s, ��'any. <br /> A�the request af Lender,Borrower sha11 prornp�ly furnish�a Lender recezpts evidencx�xg�h.e paym�nts. <br /> Borrower sha�l promp�ly d�scharge any lien,►�h�ch has pri�r�ty over�his Security�ns#:rument unless Barrovver: �a� <br /> agrees in �writing to the payme�t of�he ob�ligat�on secured by the �ien iz� a ma�u�.�,r a���ptabl� tfl Lender; ��} <br /> conte�t� z�. good fai�h the ��en by, or def�nd.s aga�nst enforcemen� af the �zen in, Ie�;al proceedings �vhieh in �h� <br /> Lender's opini�n opera�e to pr�ven� �he enforcemexz� of�he Iien; or �c� secures �rom �he holder �f�he Iien an <br /> agreement satisfa�tory�o Lender subordinating the lien to this Security Instrument. I��`Lender de�ermines that any <br /> part of the Property is sub�ect to a lien vvhich r�ay at�ain pr�ority over th�s Security l:ns��-ument, L�nder may give <br /> Borro�uer a nfl��ce zdentifying�.he�ien. Borrc�ujer sha�� satisf��he l�en or take �ne or more �f�he a�tians se�for�h <br /> abave�v�th�n 1 D days flf�he givxng af n���ce. <br /> Hazard or Praperty I�suran�e. Bo�-rovver.�hall keep �he improvements n�w existin,g or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured agaxns�loss by�re, hazards�ncluded within�he�erm"ex�ended c�verage" and any�ther hazards; <br /> inc�uding floods, �r flooding, for ,which Le�r�der requzres znsurance. Th�s �nsurance shal� �e n�a�ntained in �he <br /> arnounts and f�r the peri�ds that Lender requires. The insuran�e carrier providing�he insurance sha�l be chasen by <br /> Borrovver subj e�t ta Lender's appro�al which shall not be unreasonab�y v�ri�hhe�d. ����orr��ver fax�s �a rn.ain�ain <br /> coverage descrzbed abave, Lender may, at L�nder's option, abtain c�verage �o p�•o�ec# Lender's righ�s xn the <br /> Property�n accordance wxtih sec�zan��t1ed Pr��te��ion vf Lender's l�i�hts�n the Pr�p�rty. <br /> AlI insurance p�i�c�es and rene�vals sha11 be ac�ep�ab�e ta L�nder and sha�� �nc�ude a s�andard mor�gage clause. <br /> Lender shall have the righ��o hold the po�ici�s and rene�trals. �f Lender re�uires, Bor��ower sha��prampt�y gzve to <br /> Lender al1 rece�pts of paid premiums and rer.ewal n��ices. Zn the even�of lass, Borrfl�ur�r shall gi�r�pr�mpt no�ice <br /> �o�he insuranc�carr�er and Lender.Lender r�iay make proof of Iass if not made promptly by Borr�urer. <br /> Unless Lender and Bflrrovver �th.erw�se agr3ve in writing, in�urance proceeds shal� be app�zed tQ res�ora�ion or <br /> repa�r of the Property damaged, if, ��. Lend�:r's s�l� d�scretion, the restorat�an vr �re��air is e�onom�ca�ly f�asibl� <br /> and Lender's security is no� �essened. If, in 7�ender's so�e discretion, the res�ora�ion ��r repair is not ec�n�mical�� <br /> feasib�e or Lender's securzty would be�ess�n�:d,�he insurance�rflceeds��.a��be applie�3�fl the sums se�ured by th�s <br /> Securi�.y Instrument, whether or no� then due, �ui�h any ex��ss paid �o Barrovver. �f Borrower abandons the <br /> Property, ar dfles na�answer�i�hin the num,�}ex of days prescr�bed by App�icable La��as se�for�h in a na��ce from <br /> Lender t� B�rr�wer�ha��he insuranc� carr�e:r has off�red�o set�le a c�a�m, �hen Lender may col�e�t the �n�urance <br /> proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to r�:pa�r or res�ore �he Propea�y or to pay sl�ms by th�s Securi�y <br /> �ns�rur�ent,vvhether ar not�hen due. The periad of tzme for B�rr�w�r�o ansvver as set forth in t.�ie no�i�e vvi��beg�n <br /> When the nflti�e is given. <br /> IJnless Lender and B�rrower o�h�rwzse agre�: in�rriting, any�pplic��ion of proceeds t�pr�nc�pa� sha��no�extend <br /> or pas�pone�he due da�e of the payments duc�u�der�he ��ntract or change the amoux��of the pa�ments. Zf under <br /> the sec�ian t�tled Acee�er�tion; Remedies, t��.e Proper�y is acquxred by L�nder, Barrc��rer's right�a any znsu.rance <br /> po��cies and proceeds result�ng from damag�; �a the Prope�-ty prior �o �he ac�u�si��on. �hal� pass �a Lender to �he <br /> extent�f the sums secured by�his Securi�y�n;��rument immediate�y priQr t��he acquisi�zon. <br /> Preservat�on, Main�enan�� and Pro�����on �f th� �roperty; B�rro�ver's Loan. Appl�ca�ivn; Lea�eho�ds. <br /> Borrawer shall nat des�roy, damage �r impai:��he Property, a11ow�.e Pr�per�y ta de���r��rate, or�omrn�t Waste on <br /> �he Proper�y. Borrower sha1�be ix�.defaul�zf any farfeiture ac���n vr pro�eeding,vvhe� civil or crimzna�,is begun <br /> �ha� �n Lender's good faith�udgment could rEvsu�� xn f�rfei�ure af the Proper�y �r �th{��-wise mate�ia��y�mpair�he <br /> �ien �r�ated by �his 5ecurity �ns�trument ar Lend�r's secur�ty inte�-es�. Borrower m.ay cure such a defau�� and <br /> rezns�a�e, as pravzded i� sect�an�itled Bo�-ro�we��s Right �a l�.�ins��te, hy causing�h�� actian or proce�ding to be <br /> dism.issed vvi�h a ruli�xg that,in Lender's good fai�h de�erminati�n,prec�udes f�rfeiture�f the Borrower's in�er�s�zn <br /> �he Proper�y or other material �mpa�rment c�f�he lien crea�ec� �y this Security In�t��um.en� or Lender's securrty <br /> in�erest.Borrower sha�l a�so be�n default if B onrovver,durzng�he lo�n applica�tion proc�ess,gave materially false or <br /> inaccurate informa�ion or s�a�exnents to Len��er �or fa�led to pravide Lender wzth ar�y material inf�rmation} in <br /> canne��ion with�he �oan evrdenced�y �he ���ntract. If�this Securxty Instrument is on a leaseh�ld, Borrov�rer sha�l <br /> camp�y w��h a�l the provisions of�he�ease. �f Borrau�er acquires fee�i�le t�the Proper�,the leasehold and�he fee <br /> ��tle shal�no�merge un�ess Lender agrees�a��e merger in writxng. <br /> Protec�ion vf Lender's RiEghts in the Pr�jPer�y. �f B�rrov�rer faxls ta perform the covenants and agr�er�en�s <br /> contair�ed in�his Se�urity Instrurn�nt, or ther�; is a legal proce�ding�hat may srgn�f ca:r�tly affec�Lender's��gh�s in <br /> the Praperty �such as a proceeding in bankr��p�cy, pr�bate, for condemna�ion or forfeiture or to enfor�e lativs ar <br /> regulations}, �hen Lender may dfl and pay �:or vvha�ev�r is necessa�y to pro�e��t �he� �alue of�he Praperty and <br /> Lender's rights in�he Proper�y. Lender's ac�zons�nay i�.clude pay�ng any sums secured by a lien which has pr��rity <br /> over�his Secu.rzty�ns�rument, appear�ng�court,pay�ng reasonable at��rneys'fees ant�entering an the Prop�r�y to <br /> make r�pa�rs.Although Lender may take actic�n��a.der this sect�on,Lender does no�ha��e to do s�. <br /> Any ar�ou.nts disbursed by Lender under thi;� s�ct�fln sha�l �ec�m� additional debt ��f Borrou�er secured by �h�s <br /> Security �nstrument. Un�ess BorraWer and ��end�r agree �o other terms af paymen�, �h�se arn�un�s shal� bear <br /> Q 2�04-Z4I 5 Compliance Systems,Znc.CBEB-18D2-20 t 5.I2.2.�I 12 <br /> Cons�zmer Rea�Es#ate-Security Instrurnent llL2036 Pa�e 2 of 5 www.camplian� <br />