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_ ._ . ______ <br /> a�� ___ <br />--j <br /> � � <br /> .- � , . , g��..� loo2os <br /> � 1• w1d, tnnit�tred oe furetar encwb�c�d wlthout elw •apra�� o� vrltten co�ecnt oI san�[fcl�ry. <br /> ten�ticl��r a�r, �t It� �ol� opttoe. deel�r� •11 �uw� �eeuc�d sy t1�1� 11eed o[ Teuet to ba lw�adl�t�lr <br /> du• �nd par�pl• �od pcoee�d to th� cew�dl�• �vall�bl• to !t undec tl�a de(�ult p�ovl�too� eont�ined <br /> Aer�ln. <br /> � 11. tvent� ot O�t�ult. My o! the follavlaa �v�nt• thall b� deewed �� avcot ot d�E�ult hae��nd�el <br /> (�) Tcu�tor �h+�ll hsr� [a11�d to Mk� p��ent ot �ny in�t�llwsnt of fntere�t. <br /> p�leetp�l or pcinelp�l anJ int����t ot �ay oth�s �u�� tau��d herebr uhen due;. <br /> (b) Tlsarn ha�s oeaurcaE s draa:h o! a: 3a:ou3t u.zQas aap tera. cavaaaa:. <br /> �{nea�et. coedltton, pcovi�lon, ��pc��e�taRloe� oe v��nnRr coot�faed fo thia M�d <br /> ot T�wt, th� not� oe any oth�T loan lo�tcswent ��cured hec�b�s <br /> (e) Th�r� ha� been • d�t�ult bp tb� T�u�eoe !n th� paywent o! ney priot or <br /> �ueteaueot 11�e oc encu�branc� lo reipRCt to �11 or �nr pset o[ tha proptetr= <br /> (d) i'ru�toe �Msll [11� � volunt�rr o�tlefoo fa bankrupecy or �h�ll b� ad�udt- <br /> e�t�d banktupt o� insolv�nt. or �hall rek� ae a��isnNrt Eoe th� b�ne[it ot estditos� <br /> fn ���p�et to th� �rap�ety{ or �a actfo� ta tn[o�e• �n� llea or ancuwbranc� o� jud�- <br /> �aet• alaln�t tl�� peop�ety !• eow�e�e�d. <br /> 12. Aee�l�r�tfon U oe Dot�ult. In th� ���et o! anr d�t�ult, �en�ficia�y My d�clar� a11 lnd�btadn��� ' <br /> ..o�r.� co • dw �nd oarabl�. and eh� s�N �h�ll th�reupon becow� du� and payabl� vithout an� ' <br /> ►r�a�etNwt. d����, �rot��t vr notla� of anr kied. lh�s��[t�r, e�aatiai�rr ��y� <br /> (a) •ith�r fe p�r�on o� by aj�et. vith or vlthouc eriesin� �ny �etion or peo- <br /> e���inj, oe er r�c�lv�r �ppoint�� ►r � eouee �ad vtthout res�rd to eh. .a.ower oI <br /> _ .�y ,.o�rler. �t�e upon �n� t�k� Po�����ion ot eh� psop�str. o� anr p�st th�s�ot. <br /> fn !e• o� eM� or !o th� �aN o[ t!N Teu�tt�. anA de �ny aet• vhieb !t d��� n�e����sr <br /> �d d��lra61• to pre���v� th� v�lu�. Mrk�t�b111tr oe r�et�Mllty o[ th� psop�ety� oe <br /> p��e eh���ot os fet����t th�r�ln. lner�a�� th• feeo�� tl�aeotror oe proe�ee th� •�euritr •• <br /> he��o[ and, vlthout t�klns poa�e��lon ol eh� property. �ue lo� o� otha�vls� coll�ot ttM <br /> rent�, l��ws �nd pro[lt• tlN�eot. lneludlns tlwt� pa�t du� �nd unpaid. and apply th� <br /> ��N. lea• eoit• aed �sp�ni�s ot op���tlon �ed eall�etioe. leeludia; attorn�r f���. upon � <br /> any indebt�dne�� �acurad her�tiy� �11 in tuah ordu ai e.�,.tt�i.ry w�r deteawfn�. The <br /> eute�tng upon and to�tng p000eaotai ot tiw t�rurt eetate� ti�a cvllectlon o( �ueh seet�� <br /> i��u�• �nd prolit• �ad �polle�efon eh��eol �� •Eortaaid �hall not cura o: vaiv� anr d�► <br /> [ault o� noeic� o! d�Eault h��eund�r or levalidata any �et �nd !e reipon�� to �ueA d�- <br /> t�u1t or oursu�nt to �uch eotic� ol de[�ult and. �otvleh�tanJlna ehe eootlnuanc� !e <br /> poase�slon ot !he p�operCy or th� collectlon� tecaipt �nd �ppiicatioo o! sent�. 1��ue� <br /> or peottt�. l�u�te� oe e�n�[ini�ry w�y b� •otielsd to eaarci�e avery rfsht provid�d Eos <br /> !� �ny ot tA� loan instru�ent• or br l�v upon oeeuereae� of �ny avent ot datault. !n- <br /> cludi� th� ri�ht to eaerei�� tM pows ot �al�; <br /> (e) eo�wene� an �eeioa to [or�¢lon� thf• Deed o[ 7eu�t a• a wort=a��� �ppofnt <br /> • a sscwiv�r. ot �peel[lc�llr en[orc• �nr ot th� tovenset• hereoti <br /> • (e) daliver to Tcwtee a ucittee deel�r�tion o[ def�nit aaJ de�end lor ��1�. <br /> aet� • wsfttm notie� oE detanit and •leetioe to cau�� Ttu�eoo'• lnterese i� eh� peop�sty <br /> to be �old� vhieh nollea Trwte� •hsll cau�� to 6� dulr Ifled lor recoed !n th� oi[leial <br /> �tcosd� oE th� couuy !n whieh th� prop��ty i� located. <br /> l�. Poreclo�ur� b �owar of 9ale. Should lemticf��y •lect to [oreclo:e by exesci�� o[ tM powr <br /> o[ tal� htr�ls eontaleed, ��rn lci�rr afwli eotltr hustt� and �h�ll deposit vieh Tru�t�� eb!• Med ot <br /> ?cu�t �w� th� eot� and �ueh see�lpt• and svidane� of �xpsndlturea wde �nd ��cured h�rebr as Trust�� . <br /> My rqulr�. �nA uoon eeqwst ot th� l��Elel�ry� th� Trwte� �I�all [!te tot recosd. !o th� Rest�t�s ; _ � <br /> o! D�ed� o[tte� fo eh� Cou�ty wt��c� th� prop�rty i• locat�d. • ootle� of de[ault. �etefo� lerth eh� � � <br /> oa�c oI the Trwtor, ch. eook and Paae oe Docusent No. of thi� Dced oE ?ruat ai �ecorded !o a�id ; <br /> Reslst�r o[ Deed� offie�� th� lesal deictlption of th� above-de�rribed real eaute �nd that • br�aeh l,� <br /> ot �n obli��tlon. tor vhich aaid ceal a�tata v�� eonveyed as �ecurler. bai oceursed. and sattle= fotth <br /> th� nrtur� oI auch breach �aJ the Tcu�te�'• �leetfon to ��Il tl�• real e�tate to ■atl�ty th� oblia�tfon= ;�� <br /> �n� aftes th� l�pi� of not le�s th�n one (1) �onth. tiw tru�te� �hall aive vrftten notic• ot th� tfw � <br /> �nd pl�c� oi �ala vl�icl� �ay be betveee 9t00 a.�. aod S p.�. at the pre�ises. or at the Cousthou�� !n <br /> the Co�ntr vha�efn �ueh property 1s loaated. de�eslbina tha property to be sold by !t• les�l d�tcrlp- :'t <br /> tion. u!d notfc� to b� publf�hed in � nev�p�p�r ot senar�l clrcul�tlon in the County vharele •ucfi <br /> �rap��t� !• loeated. ane� a veek (or tiv� (S) con�ecutiv� veetu� the l�st publication to be �t Itaat '-;' <br /> t�w (10) ��r�. 6ut aot �or� than thlrty (70) d�y�. peios tv th• �al�p �nd tl�o Truate� �hall th�n s�ll _ <br /> �ai� ►roNstr •t th� e!N and plac� d��l�nat�d in th� notic�. !o th� w�nnec provld�d by l�v !n �tlect <br /> ae eM t!M o! [llfoi ��id notie�. �t publle �uotion ta th� hithest bidder [or c�sh and diall d�llr�r � <br /> te ��eh �ureh�s�r � d�ed to tl�� prop�str �olA. co��l�t�ot vith cl�� law in �fEeet �t eh� ti��. <br /> ' Yps r�e�lpt ot tM prlce bld. Ttu�te� �Irll dtllv�r to tha puraha�e. T�ustee'a ds�d aonverins th� <br /> �coMrty �old. R�elal• !n th� iru�t��'s d�ed ah�ll ba Pel�a taci� •vlJance of ths truth oE th� •tat�- <br /> Nnt• Md� tlMr�ln. tru�t�� �hall �pplr tlw ptoc��d� ot ttu �al� in tha [ollovina ordtrt (�) to �11 <br /> «ason��l� eo�ta �ed �Ypsn�ta of th� ��1�. ineludle= but eot ll�lcad co. 7ruuee•• fee� of noe �or� <br /> than 3.a x o[ tlie �ro�� ��Le prlce. �e�sooablt •tto��y leas aad cost• of title rvidsnae= (b) to all <br /> �uu ..��r.a er tht• Deed of T�wt; and (e) the •xe���. ![ a�y. to ct�� po��on or ptr�on� leaallr �n- <br /> tltl� lMc�to. My ��eson, leeluJlns s�n�liel�cr, �ar purehes� ��ld property �t �aid �al�. <br /> Th� ��r�ow een4uetlnR tIN �al• ��r. [�e �ny e�u�• h� or �Iw d���� �xpeJl�nc. poatpae� eh� •�1� Iea� <br /> t!N t• t!N untll !t �h�ll b� ao�p��t�0 �nd. ln �v�er �uc1i e���. notle• ot po�epon�w�nt �h�ll �� SlvM <br /> br ���lta d�eler�tlon th�r�ol 6Jr �u¢h pe��o� at th• tl� �nd p1ae� l�it �ppoint�d (oe th� •al�� pto� <br /> �i�. lt ttu rula 1� po�tponcJ (o� longer tlan on� (1) d�y beyond tl�a date dcalaeatad !n tf�� natic� o[ <br /> �al�. eetle� tt���eot �hall be �ivan !n th� •a�s unnes �� th� orljin�l notiee of •al�. <br /> 14. Re�edle� Not EYCluilv�. Trwc�� �nd iee�tief.ry. �nd taeh oi the�. �hall b� entitlad to �n- <br /> [ote� ���nt anA per[er�ane� ot anr lndebtedneu or ob116�a1on •eeuced heeeby and to exerciu �11 rlsht• __°__ <br /> aM �o+r�t� und�r thl� 11e�J o[ Trust or under �ny loan ln�trw�ent ar otl�er ebree�ent or �ny lav� nov or • <br /> hl���Itft MEOTCtd� eotvlth�taedlns �oae or all oi the lodabtedne�� �nd obllgetion� a�eured he�ebr <br />: vfilch �ar eov er U�caa[te� 40 otl�e�v1�� eecucoJ. Mhatl�ec Uy wortae6e. dued o[ trust, pl�dse. Iten� ■��fen- <br /> �eat or oth�r�l�e. N�lthsr th� iccept�n�ee vt tbl• Deed of Tru�t noc ft• entorcer�eot, wl�ether by eourt <br /> aetton or puc�u�nt to th� povee ot •�le or othe� pouer• h��efn eontolocd. al�all preJudica or in �ny <br />� Yflfl�t •I�fl� TtW�l��w or tieneflctery'• �1SI�t to r�all:e upon o� eo[oree any other •�curity aov or h�r�r �' <br /> �ftec h�ld br ?�u�te� or tieoeEici�r�, /t be/ea �areed th�c truscee end eeoeficiary. and e�ch of the�, <br /> L •ball b� �ntltled to en[oree tl�lr Oetd u( Ttuet �nd aay ott�er •rcurlty no� or hereattzr I�eld by the sene- • <br /> ticlar� or lsu�te� 1n •uch o�dcr and �anner �� they� or eltl�er of tl�ew, n�ay In their �b�olut� df�er�tloa �. <br /> d�t�r�lne. Ho reaedr herefn coolerred upon or �ese�ved to T�u�tee or Oenetletsry !� lncended to be ex- .�. <br /> elv�tv� ot �ny other re�edy t�ereln or by I�v provlded or persltted, but racl� etisll be euwul�rtive �od n <br />' �h�ll be !n addit/o� to every other reaedy 6iven liereunder o� nov or I�ereafter extatl�s et lsv or fn �tp� <br /> tryutty dr br •t�tuce. Evary pover or cewedy elven by any ot tl�e tosn 1n�trumence to 7ruetee or bene- ��� <br /> flcl�tr or to vl�lel� elel�er o� tlMa aay be otl�ervlee entltled c�ny be exercfaed, cnncurrently o� lndepen- �°� <br /> deatlr. fcoe tl�ne to tl�e aud se ottc� a� n�y be deen�ed e�edlent by Trustee or Beneficlary. nnJ elthe� <br /> of th�• r�y pur�ue inton�l�tent re�[Jle�. Nott�ln6 hereln el�sll be ear�etrued ne p�al�lbltlnR �ene[lCi�ty <br /> /ro� �t�kln� a d�ffele�cr )ud�isent aa�ln�t 2ru�tor to the e�tent •urt� ectiun lm per�ltted by lsv. <br /> , _2_ <br /> � <br />