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<br /> � Trustor understands that the document that T.ustor�s aboul to execute is a Deed ot Trust and not a mortgege and that the pvwer
<br /> � ot sale provld8d fo►In tho Oeed of i rust�rov�des substantia�ly ditterent r�ghts and obligations to Trustor than A mortgege in thQ event
<br /> of a detautt or breach of obtigat�on under the De�Q of Trusf,mcluding,but npt Iimlted to,the Lendai s r�qht to have the Proparry so�d
<br /> by the Trustad without any �udlc�al proceeding. T�ustar represents anQ warrants that thi� acknowtedgemen!was executed by
<br /> Trusto►before the execut�an of the Deed of Truat �
<br /> G�-� o•» ! 1P��
<br /> (Ramon Zubia) rrustor
<br /> � Cix�Y4. `„/'.ft,�sc-� �.�J1,•r2�
<br /> (Emma 1 rene Zubia) Trust
<br /> �
<br /> THIS DEED OF TRUST, is made as ot the�IjL day o1 .lanuary , 19�� by and among
<br /> tho Trustor, Ramon Zub1a and Emma Irene Zubia� husband and wife ,
<br /> wh�se mailing address is 816 E. 8th. GranC� Island. NE 68801 (here�n '•Trustor,"whether one or more),
<br /> the T�ustee,�Nilliam G_ BlackBurpr a m�hpr af ths N bragka Sja#�Bgr Ascn�iation ,
<br /> whose mailing address is P.O. Box 2280,5_r��ls_lalLd. N 6$$02-2280 (herein "Trustee"), and
<br /> the Beneticiary, F�Y�' Points Bank ,
<br /> whose mailing address�s �t Box 1507_ Grand Island, NE 68802-1507 �herein"Lender").
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, including Lender's extension ot cred�t identified herein to Ra1110T1 Zubia_an�_
<br /> Emma Irene 2ubia, husband and wife _ �here�n"eorrower",whether one or more)and the trust herein createa.
<br /> the receipt o1 which is hereby acknowledged.Trustor hereby irrevocaoly grants, transters, conveys and assigns to Trustee,IN •
<br /> TRUST,WIZH POWER OF SALE,Tor the benetit and secunty of Lender,under and sub�ect to the terms and conditions hereinefte�set
<br /> forth,the real property,described as follows:
<br /> � Lot Two (2), Block Ten (10),Voitles Addition to the City of Grand lsland. Hall County, �
<br /> � Nebraska. - _
<br /> Together with 211 buildings, improvements.fixtures, streets, alleys,passageways, easements,rights, privileges and appurte- �
<br /> nances located thereon or in anyw�se penaimng thereto,and the rents.�ssues and profits,reversions and �emainde�s thereof,and . - -
<br /> such personal property that is attached to the improvements so as to constitute a fixture,including,but not limited to,heating and ..::_�
<br /> cooling equipment;and together with the homestead or marital interests.i13ny,wh�ch interests are herehy released and waived;all -
<br /> of which,including reptacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a pan of the real estate secured by the lien oi this i �
<br /> Deed of Trust and all 01 the toregoing being referred to herein as the"Property".
<br /> This Deed o1 T�ust shall secure(a)the payment uf the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or credit
<br /> agreement daied �anuary 4. 1990 ,havirg a matur�ty date ot �anuary 4. 1995 _, i. ,_
<br /> in the original principal amount oi$ 5,000.00 , and any and al! modifications,extensions and renewals �'
<br /> thereof or thereto and any and all future advances and readvances to Borrower (or any of them if more than one) hereunder
<br /> pursuant to one or more promissory�otes or credit agreements(herein called"Note"):(b)the payment of other sums advanced by
<br /> Lender to protect the security of the Note:(c)the pertormance of all covenan;s and agreements of Trustor set forth herein;and(d)ali �-�`,
<br /> present and tuture indebtedness and obligations oi Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender whether direct, indireCt,
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdrafl or otherwise.The Note,this OPed of Trust and any and all
<br /> other doCUents that seCUre the Note or otherwise executed in connect�on therewith,inC:uding without limitati0n guaranteas,seCUrity '
<br /> agreements and assignments o}leases and rents.shall be referred to herein as the"l.oan Instruments".
<br /> Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as follows:
<br /> 1. Paymeni of Indebtednesa. All indebtedness sec�red hereby shall be pa�d wnen due.
<br /> 2. Tltte.Trustor is the owner ot the Property, has the ngfit and authonty to convey the Property, and warrants that the lien
<br /> created her9by is a first and prior lien o� the Property, except }or iiens and encumbrances set forth by Trustor in w�iting and
<br /> delivered ta Lendar before execution oi this Deed of Trust,and the execution and del�very o4 this Deed ot Trust does not violate any
<br /> contract or other obligetion to whi�h Trustor is sub�ect
<br /> 3. Taxes,Assessments.To pay before delirquency al!taxes.special assessments and all orher charges against the Property
<br /> now or hereafter levied.
<br /> 4. Inaurance.To keep the Property�nsured against damage by f�re.hazards included with�n the term"extended coverage",and
<br /> such other hazards as Lender may require.�n amounts and wdh companies acceptable to Lender nam�ng Lender as an addit�onat
<br /> named insured,with loss payable to the Lender.In case of loss under such policies.the Lender�s authonzed to ad�ust,cellect and
<br /> - compromise,all clafms thereunder and shail have the option of apply�ng ali or part oi the insurance proceeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> �. secured heroby and in such order as Lender may determine.(ii�to the Trustor to be used for the repa�r or restoration ot the Property ,-_—=--- ___
<br /> or{iii)for any other purpose or cbject satisfactory to Lender without affecting the I�en of th�s Deed of Trust}or tlie full amount secured �
<br /> hereby before such payment ever took place.Any appucat�on of proceeds to inde�tedness shal{ not extend or postpon� ths due
<br /> date ot any payments under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> 5. Escrow.Upon written demand by Lender, 7rustor shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender�ray designate,suNfcient
<br /> � sums to enabte Lender 4o pay as they become due one or more ot the following(i)al{taxes.assessments and other chargas agafnst
<br /> the Pfoperty.(ii)the premiums on the property in�urance requ�red fiereunder,and (ni)the prem�ums on any mortgege msurance �
<br /> reqwred by Lender. . �a�1'
<br /> L 6 Malnt�nanee, Repalrs and Complianee wlth Laws. Trustor shail keep the Property m goad condition and repa�r; snall �
<br /> promptly repair, or replace any �mprovement which may be damaged or destroyed, shall not commrt or perm�t any waste or
<br /> detetioration of the Pioperty: shall not remove.demolish or substantiaily alter any of the improvements on the Property. shail not �t
<br /> , comm�t,suffer or perm�t any act to be done m or upon the Property�n v�olation of any law.ord�nance,or regulat�on,and shall pay and ``
<br /> promptly diSChargg et TrustOr'S Cost and expense all I�ens, encumbrances ar�d charges levied, �mposed or assessed aga�nst the �
<br /> � Pmperty qr 2ny part ther�+Of
<br /> -�. 7 Eminent Qasnaln.Lender�s hereby ass�gned au compensat�on,awards.damages and other p�yn,enfs or rei�el�nore�n��fter �,y �
<br /> � ; Procec�ds"1�n c:OnneCtion w�1h Condemn�hon or other taking ol tt78 Property C� p�3rt thereof,or tor conveyanCe�n heu of Condemn8-
<br /> _ ��, Tton Lender shall hp bnt�t�ed Bt�ts opUOn to commence.appea� ���:�nd prc�SE:c.utt��r. �ts��,vn �an�p;iry.,rt�ur� c,r �:ic�ce•ed�ngs <+nd
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