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<br /> _N.J._•
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<br /> [^��.� ��O Q'id V`i P�p�1 of 2
<br /> IOpen-E�d To S�cur�Prsa�nt enp Fufur�OAlip�t►ona Rnd Adwnc�a
<br /> � Dats: Qecember 19, 1989
<br /> ��
<br /> J. Thomas Pi�ctiie and Susan Diane Pirnie, husband and wife and three Nebraska
<br /> � Corporations namely; T & S Investments, Inc. ; Grand Island Express, Inc. ; and
<br /> Grand_ Island Cartage Co.
<br /> Mor49aqoh,ot Hall County, Neb�aska ,In consid�ntlon oi
<br /> the advance by Morgagee to Mortgagors of the princlpal sum speciiled betow,Ihe racelpt of which I�hereby acknowledged,and any
<br /> future,additlonal or protective advances made to Mortgagors at Mortgagee's optlon,hereby aetl,convey and mortpaps to FIVE POINTS
<br /> � BANK,2015 Nor1h 8roadwell Avenue,Orand Island,Nebraska 88802,Mortpapee,Its succeeaoro and aselDns.f�om the dale hereof untll
<br /> all obllgatlons secured here�yC,�i[�p�.(�! wing•described real estate in Ha 1 1 County,
<br /> Nebraska "' ' . `.e,�p_�-,0��
<br /> .._. r�-y�'.-�q � J�, 3a:
<br /> A parcel of land situated in the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast
<br /> Quarter (SE�NE'�) of Sec�ion Fifteen (15), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.M., in Ha.�.l County, State of Nebraska,
<br /> _ bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the east quarter corner
<br /> of said Section 15; thence along the east line of said Section, North
<br /> � 00 degrees O1 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 66.0 feet; thence
<br /> para�lel with and 66 feet northerly, measured at right angles, from the
<br /> east-west centerlane uf said Sect:�n I5, I�ortn 89 degrees, 39 mir►ute�
<br /> West, a distance of 27.0 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence
<br /> continuing paral.lel witn said east-west centerline North 89 degrees �
<br /> 39 minutes West, a distance of 646.0 feet, more or less; thence North 00
<br /> degrees 11 minut�s 3h Sp�nn�lc �a��, � �isr�;��� Qg g7�,�� g�c�� �r�r.ce
<br /> South 89 8egrees 39 minutes East, a distance of 648.04 feet, more or �
<br /> iess, to a point that is 27.0 feet westerly, measured at right ang?es .
<br /> from said east line of Section 15; thence �arEl�e� with said east line �
<br /> South 00 degrees O1 minutes 13 seconds East, a dista.�ce of 675.0 feet to � -
<br /> the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; containing an ares of 436,732 square feet, '
<br /> more or less, (10.026 acres, more or less). .
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> �
<br /> ,
<br /> toysthsr with all Mortgagoro riqht,titie and Interoat In a�id property,inctudinp�11 buildin�s,fixtures,erops and tmprovements now on or �:;,
<br /> heredter pt�ced upon aald real property;inetuding also all appuRenances,water,inlyatlon,and drai�a�s Hphts;and�fl rents,Iasues.uses, �
<br /> profits,and rlyhts to posseaslon;atl oit,gas,grevel,rock or other minerais of whatever mturs,i�cludinp�eoths�mal�esourcq;and�11 psreon�l
<br /> prop�rty that may Intepntly belonp to or here�Rsr becoms an Intpral part of sald real eatats whether�ttachsd or dstached,Inctudfnp eny �•� .
<br /> appurtenancss and aceoutromsnta of any �esldenee aeeu�ed hersby, and atl teuas, permib, Ucenaes or privlipei, appuKenant or
<br /> nonappurtsnant to aaid mortyayM p►emises, now or hereafte�iaausd,extsndsd or ronswW by Mort9apor,th�Stats,United States or any
<br /> departmsnt,bureau or ayency thersoi. •
<br /> ; N h unONSiood�nd pn�d b�twNn MoA�pors and Morl�pN MNt thh�a�b�iwn to s�euh:
<br /> (a) A promissory note or notes topether with intereat thereon execufed by Mortyayors to Morty��es�nd Cescribsd u foilows:
<br /> Dal�ot Not� Principtl Amount Oah�!Nat� Phnetoal AmouM
<br /> 9-11-88 $ 19,003.00 �10-17-89 $ 39,042.00
<br /> Unpaid Balance 1,762.72 *11-16-89 $ 39,036.00
<br /> 12-19-89 $ 130,000.00 xLetter of Credit/Promissory Note
<br /> payable according to the terms of aaid note(a).
<br /> , (b) And the repayment in full by Mort�agoro of any snd alt tutureand addittonal advancea which may be mede by Mortgaqee,at Its option,at
<br /> ths rsquat of,and to or torthe eccount of MoRgagoro,or any of them,tor eny purpoae,plua intere�t on ail auch advancea,underany note(a)
<br /> or othsr Instrument(s)taken in refimncin�,extending,renswinp,rsamortizing o�restructurfn�tuch indsbtedness or any p�t thersot,ail
<br /> payabte according to ths tsrms ot�ald note(a)or other In�trument(a):provided,howsver,th�t ths total prinetpal indebtsdnsse out�tanding " �
<br /> � and seeursd hereby st�ny one time ahntl rtot sxeeed ths sum o} T_wo hundred nine thousand e i�h t hundred '
<br /> f�rty at�d 72/100 — — — --------------- oO�uAS(s 209,840.72
<br /> exclus7ve of Interest and ot ths proteetivs diabunements authorized hereln or in the loan apresmsnt(e): provlded,further, that TH19
<br /> ANY TIME.
<br /> (c) 7he repayment in full by Mortgagora ot all amounta edvarteed Dy Mortgagss,at ite option,to or on behalt of Mortgagoro as protectlbe ��
<br /> L disbun�m�nts authorized herein,ln the loan eqreement(s),or In other instrument(s)whleh may be given to evlCence auch advances plus ��
<br /> ; intsrest on all such advancea,payeble a�provlded In the note(e),loen eqrea�ment(e)or othAr In�trument(s). d,
<br /> (d) The payment In(ull o}eny snd ell otner paat,present a►future,direr,t or contingent,debte entl Ilabllltles of Mortgagoro to Mortpegee of �F
<br /> i: eny n�ture wnatsoever. (.�A
<br /> �j . M'
<br /> ���� TMS mortgsqo w�ll be due_ ��DOn demHnd or upon the payme�t�n full of aU�uma secured hereby �f�
<br /> ��rcnr�
<br /> "'/jl Mortp�poro nereby we���nt tnet they no�d l��impie t�tte lo ine abo�e desCnDetl p�oDerty,that they n�vs pooe end lewfui�ulho+�ty to mnAgaqe the eame.�net ee�d
<br /> D+oO��tY�f�ro��n0 e�ear of�u u�n�and encum0�sncA�.exeeDi eneumbr�neef o1 reeortl.an[1 fnaf tndy.r���„y�,�����ntl tle�enA sa�0 propsrty eqam8l W c�eimtnn
<br /> �a•�+ wf+OmfpSV�I MOnq�aorle�lonE�ODyw��v�entlrelinpL�Sheilhp�isOftlow�r,MOmStt�sA.tllllriAutiveaM1e�eSn0e+8mpilonlnentltOfhOeboveEeSCritfAdD�op!/ty
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