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THE UNDERSIGNED, a Nebraska Registered Abstacter, presents this Certificate of Title <br />- Report of Title, hereafter "Certificate ", relative only to the following described real estate <br />in the county referenced, hereafter "Property" : <br />Lot Three (3), Block Two (2), Dale Roush Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />This Certificate is a contract between the undersiY 1 ed as an abstracter and SimplyHomes. <br />The consideration for this contract is the information set forth below and furnished by the <br />abstracter together with the fee charged by the undersigned for this service to be performed <br />by the absfracter. The nature of this contract, first as to what this Certificate does not do, <br />and second as to what this Certificate does do, is explained as follows: <br />A. This Certificate is not an abstract of title in that it is not a complete compilation of <br />all facts of record relative to the property, nor is it a complete chain of title search; <br />and, it is not an opinion on the title nor is it a policy of title insurance. <br />B. This Certificate does p.rovide limited information and report limited title facts <br />relative to the property only as is specifically set out in the following numbered <br />paragaphs, in each of which the introductory words after the paragraph number <br />identifies what particular information is given by the undersigned in this Certificate. <br />C. This Certificate reports limited information of record only to the date set forth <br />below. <br />1. The Grantee in the Last Deed of Record is: <br />Monadine L. Dubas <br />2. Unreleased Mortgages and/or Deeds of Trust: <br />(Pursuant to Nebraska Title Standard No. 1.4 and Nebr. Rev. Stat. <br />925202 and 76 -239) <br />NONE <br />201605585 <br />3. Financing Statements: Those filed in the office of the Register of Deeds and <br />indexed against the property are: <br />NONE <br />