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2� 1 ��5533 <br /> ►A���l�hl�IIENT �F REIVT� <br /> ��o�1t[n t��d} Page � <br /> RIGHfTS AND RE�EDIE�ON DEFA�LT. Upan the❑ccurrence af any Event af Defaul�and af any time thereafter, Lende� <br /> may exercise any❑ne or more af the folfawing rights and �-em�c��es, in additivn�o any o�h�r r�ghts ar remedies pra��ded <br /> by law: <br /> A�celerate �ndebtedness. Lender shal[ have fhe right at its vption �o declare the entire Indebtedness immedia�efy <br /> due and payable, in�luding any prepayment penalty that Gran�vr would be required to pay. <br /> Ca�lec� Rents. Lender shall have the right, withvu� n�tice to Grantvr, to take possess�on Qf �he Property and <br /> co[�ec� �he Rents, including amaun�s past due and unpaid, and apply�he net proc�eds, over and above Lender's <br /> C05t5, against �he lndehtedness. In fur�herance of th�s �igh�, Lender shal� haWe a�l the righ�s pro�ided for in the <br /> Lender's Right to Rec�i�� and Collect Rsnts Sec�ion, aba�e. i� the Rents ar� col�ected by Lender, then Grantar <br /> irre�ocably designates Lend�r as Grantor's attarney-in--�a�t to endorse instruments recei�ed �n payment thereof in <br /> th� name of Grantor and �o n�gatiate the same and �vflect the praceeds. Payments �y tenants or other users�� <br /> Lender in response tn Lender's demand sha[[ satisfy the obligations for which the payments are made, whether or <br /> nvt any proper grounds for the demand exis�ed. Lend�r may exerc�se i�s rights under this subparagraph either in <br /> person, �y agent,vr�hrough a receiWer. <br /> �ther Remedies. Lend�r shall ha�e a!I other rights and remedies pro�ided fn this Assignmen� ❑r the hlofe or hy <br /> law. <br /> Ele�tivn vf Remedies. Election by Lender t❑ pu�sue any remedy shal� not exc�ude pursui�of any othe�r�medy, and <br /> an ele��ion to make expend��u�-es vr�o take action to perform an vbliga�ivn o�Grantor under th�s Assignmen�, afker <br /> Gran�or's fa�lure to perform,shall not affect Lender's right to declars a default and exercise its remedies. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. I�Lender inst��ut�s any suit or action to enforce any of the te�-ms of�this Assignment, <br /> Lender shall be entitl ed to reca�er such sum as �he cou rt may ad!udge reasonabl�as attorneys'fees at tri al �nd <br /> upan any appea[. Whefher o� not any cour� actian is in�ol�ed, and to th� extent no� prahibited by law, ali <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incu�s that in Lend�r's apinian ar� necessary a� any time f�r the pro��ctivn o� �ts <br /> interes�or fhe en�orcement���ts�ights shal! become a part af the fndebtedness payable on demand and shall be�r <br /> in�eres�at the No�e�ate from the date af the�xpenditure until repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph include, � <br /> � wi'�hout limita�ivn, hawe�er sub�ect�o any jim�ts under app�i�able law, Lender's attorneys'fees and Lender's�egal <br /> expenses, whe#h�r nr not there is a lawsuit, in�lud�ng attvrneys" fees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedin�s <br /> {inc�uding e'�forts�o modify or�ac�te any autamatic s#ay v�injun�tion}, appeals,and any anticipate�post judgment <br /> Golleckian se�vices,fhe cQst n�searching records, ob�ainir�g titl� reports �inc�uding fareclvsure reports}, surv�yvrs' <br /> reports, and apprai5af fe�s, title insurance, and fees for the Trustee, �o �he ex�ent permitted by applicable Iaw. <br /> Grantar al�a wi 11 pay any�ou r�costs, i n additi�n to al f other sums prv�ided by I aw. <br /> ELECTR�N[C ��PNES. Lender may copy, e�ectronically or otherwise, and the�eafter �estray, the originals a� �his <br /> Agre�ment andlor Related Dvcumen#s in �he �-egular caurse of Lender's business. All such copies produc�d from an <br /> electranic form ar by any o�her reliable means {i.e., pho�og�-aphia �mage vr facsimi��}sha�l in a�l respects be can�id�red <br /> equi�a�en�to an or�ginal, and Borrawer h��e�y waives any rights ar ob���tions to the use o�such copies. <br /> MtSCELLANE�US F'R�VISI�NS. The�oll�wing miscellansous pra�isions are a part o��his Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Assignmen�, tagether wi�h any Related DoCuments, constitu�es the entire und�rstanding and <br /> agrsement of the parkies as ta the matters set farth in this Assignmen�. IVo a��era�i�n af vr- amendment to this <br /> Assignment shall be effective unless gi��n in writing and signed by the party or parties sought to �e �harged or <br /> bound by the a�teration❑r amendment. <br /> Cap�ivn Headings. Caption headings in this Assignmen#are far convenien�e purpases anly and are not to be used <br /> �a interpret o�-d�fine the pro�isions of this Assignment. <br /> Gaverning Law, This Assignment will be g��erned by fede�aN Caw applicabCe #o Lender and, to the �xtent not <br /> preempted by federal �aw,the laws of the 5tate o�1Vebraska withaut regard to"rts Canflicts of law pro�isians. This <br /> Assignm�nt has been accepted by Lender in the State of Nebraska. <br /> Ghoice af Venue. If�here �s a�awsuit, Grantor agrees upon Lender's requeSt�v submi��a �he jurisdiction o�th� <br /> cou rts of Ha�#�ou nty, S#a�e of Nebraska. <br /> Joint and Serreral Liability. All �bligations of Grantor under this Assignmen� shalf b�jvint and several, and �II <br /> ref�rences tv Grantvr shaf� mean each and e��ry Gran�or. This means that each Granfivr signing befvw is <br /> responsible fvr a[1 abligations in th�s Assignment. . <br /> illlerge�. There sha�i be no merger of the �nterest ar�sta�e crea�ed by th is assignment w i#h any ather int�rest �r <br /> esta�e in the Property at any time held �y ar for the benef��o�Lender in any�apac�ty, v�ri�hou�the w��tten consent <br /> ❑�Lender. <br /> !n#e�-p�-etation. t'�} !n al� cases where there �s more�han one Bvrrower v� Grantor, fhen al� words used in #his <br /> Assignmen�in th�singular shall be deemed to ha�e been used in the plural where the cantext and constructivn sa <br /> require. ��} I�more than one person signs�his Assignmen�as"Grantar,"the vbf€ga�ivns of each Grantor are join� <br /> and severaf. This means that i� Lender brings a larrvsuit, Lende� may sue any ane or mare af fhe �rantors. If <br /> Barrower and Grantar are not the same per�vn, Lende�need not sue�3orrower firs�, and that Bv�rrawer need no�be <br /> jained in any fawsuit. �3} The names gi�en �o paragraphs ar sec�ions in �his Assignment are far convenience <br /> purposes only.They are n��to be used ta �nterpret or define fhe pro�is�ons of�h is Ass�gnmen�. <br /> NQ Vtilairrer by Lender. Lender shalf no� �e deemed �o ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under this Assignment unless su�h <br /> wai�er is giW�n in wri�ing and signed hy Lende�. Nv d�lay vr Qmission on the par�o�L�nder�n exer�ising any�-ight <br /> shall operate as a wai�er of such righ�or any ather righ�. A wai�er by Lender o�a prvvision o�th�s Assignment <br /> shall no� prejudice ar cons�itute a wai�er of Lender's righ� atherwise to demand s#�-�ct �omplianGe wi�h that <br /> pro�isivn or any other pro�isivn a�this Assignment. Na priv�-wai�er by Lender, nor any course af dealing between <br /> Lender and Gran�or, shaff cons�itute a wa���r a�any vf Lender's �ights ar of any��Gran�ar's abligations as t� any <br /> fu�ur� �ransac�ions. Whenev�r �he consent of Lender is �-equi�-ed under this Assignment, the granting vf such <br /> consen� hy Lende� in any ins�ance shall no� c�nst�tute �ontinuing consent to suhsequen� ins�ances where such <br /> consen�is required and in alf�ases such cansen�may be granted ar withheld in the sole discretFvn of L�nder. <br /> Notices. Any natice �equir�d to be gi�en under�his Assignmen� shall be gi�en in writing, and shall be effecti�e <br /> when ac�ua�ly deli�ered, when actualiy re�ei�ed hy ��lefacsimile �unless o�henrvise required by �aw}, when <br /> deposited with a nationally recagnized a�ernigh�courier, ar, if mail�d,when deposited in the United States mail,as <br /> first class, certrfed �r registered mail pvstage prepaid, directed�� �he addresses shown near th�beginn�ng vf this <br /> Assignmen�. Any par�y may change its address for notices under th�s Assignment by gi�ing forma!writt�n n�tice <br /> �o the ��he�- parties, specifying fiha� the purpase af the nati�e �s �o change the par�y's address. For natiGe � <br /> purpvses, Gran�vr agr�ees to keep Lender infvrmed a'� all times of Grantor`s curren� address. Un[ess ❑fiherwise <br /> prv�ided ar required by law, if there is more than ane Grantor, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Grantor is <br /> deemed�a be n��ice gi��n to alf�rantors. <br /> Pvwers of At�orney. The�arious agencies and pawers of attorney conveyed on Lender unde�-#his Assignment ar� <br /> gran�ed for purposes af security and may not be re�oke� by Grantor until such �ime as th�same a�-e renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Se�erabil"r�y, lf a cour� of competent jurisdicfiion frnds any pra�ision of�his Assignmen� �o b� il�egaf, �nvalid, o� <br />