2� 1 ��5532
<br /> DEE� �F �F�UST
<br /> €Continued} Page 4
<br /> Lender�ash or a sufficient�orporate sure�y bond or other security satisfactory ta Lender.
<br /> SECUR[TY AGREEMENT; FIIVAN��NG STATEMENTS. The f�llvwing pro��sions refating ta this Deed of T�ust as a
<br /> security agreemen�are a part a�this Deed af Trusfi:
<br /> Secur�ty Agre�ment. This instrument shaf[ consfitute a Security Ag�eement ta the ext�nt any o� th� Prvperty
<br /> consti�utes fixtures, and Lender sha�� ha�e a[I ❑f the righ�s of a secured parky under the Unifo�m Cvmmercial Code
<br /> as amended�Fr�m time ta time.
<br /> Security lnterest. Upvn requesfi by Lender, T�ustar sha[f take whate�er a�tion is requesfied by Lender ta perFect
<br /> and continue Lender's secur��y in�erest �n �he Ren�s and Persona[ Property. in addition to recarding this Deed af .
<br /> Trust in �he real property records, Lender may, a� any t�m� and wi�haut fu�her auth�ri�ation �ram Trustvr, file
<br /> execu�ed caunterparts, �vpies vr reprodu��i�ns o� this Deed ❑f Trust as a �inancing s�atement. Trustar shaf€
<br /> . reimburse Lender for al� expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing�his security interest. Upon default, Trustor
<br /> sha[I no� remo�e, se��r or detach the Personal Property from the Prope�y. UpQn default, Trustar shali assemble
<br /> any Personal Prvperty nat a€f�xed �❑the P�aperty in a manner and a�a place reasonably con�enient�o Trusto�-and
<br /> Lender and make it a�ai�able t� Lender within three {3} days after re�eipt o�written demand from Lender to the
<br /> exten�permitted �y applicable[aw.
<br /> Addresses. The mail�ng addresses af Trus�ar {d�htor} and Lender �secured party} f�-om whi�h �nformatian
<br /> cvncerning the securi�y interest granted by this Deed of T�ust may be ob�ained (each as required by fhe Uniform
<br /> Gommercial Cad�}are as stat�d on the first page v��his De�d��Trus�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The �o�fowing p�a�isions relating #❑ �urther assuran�es and
<br /> at�vrn�y-in-fact a�-e a par�o��his ❑eed af Trust:
<br /> Further Assurances. At any time,.and fram time to t�me, up�n request ofi Lender, Trustvr will make, execute and
<br /> del i�er, or wi 1 I caus�to be made,exe�u�ed ar def i�ered,�o Lender ar to Lender's designee,and when requesfed by
<br /> Lender, cause#o be filed, recorded, refiled, or rerecarded, as�he case may be, a�such times and in such ofFces
<br /> and plaoes as Lender may deem appropriate, any and a�l such rr�r#gages, deeds vf trus�, security deeds, securi�y
<br /> agreements, financing statemen�s, con�inua�ran statements, instruments of further assuranoe, �er�ificates, and
<br /> ofher documerrts as may, in the sole opinivn vf Lender, be neoessary or desirable in order to efFe��uate, complete,
<br /> per�e�, continu�, vr preserve �1} T�ustor's vbligations under�he hiofie, this Deed of Trust, and �he R�la�ed
<br /> Qocuments, and ��} fhe I�ens and security interests�area�ed by this DeEd o�f Trus�as first an�l privr liens an the
<br /> Prvperty,whether now owned or he�eafter a�qu���d by Trustor. Unl�ss prahib�ted by law or Lender agree�s�o fhe
<br /> con�rary in writing, Trustor shall �eimbursa Lender.far all oosts and �xpenses incurred in connectian wi�h the
<br /> matte�-s referred to i n�h is paragraph.
<br /> At�vrney-inyFact. If Trusfor fails to do any��the things ref�rred to �n the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so
<br /> far and in the name of Trustor and a�Trus�ar's expense. For such purposes, Trus�or heretay irrevoGably appoints
<br /> Lender as Trustvr's at�orney-�n-�ac�for the purpase v�making,execu�ing, delivering,filing, re�rding,and daing a�l
<br /> other things as may��necessary ar desirable, in Lender's sole vpinion, �a accomplish the ma#ters refe�red t� �n
<br /> the preceding paragraph.
<br /> FULL PERFDl��lANCE, lf Tnas�or pays all�he Indebtedness, including withou�limita�ti�n alf�u�ure ad�ances,when due,
<br /> � and otherwise performs a�l the obligations imposed upon Trustor under this Deed a�Trust, Lender shal[ execute and
<br /> deli�er to Trustee a requ�s� for fuf[ recon�eyance and shall execufe and deli��r to Tnas�ar sui�abfe statements vf
<br /> te�mination of any finan�ing s�atemenfi on file e�idencing Lende�'s seGuri�y in#erest in �he Rents and the Personal
<br /> Property. Any recon�eyance�ee required by faw shall be paid hy Trustor,if permitted by applicable[aw.
<br /> EVENTS �F DEFAULT. Each of�he folfowing, at Lender's aptian, shall �ons�itute an Event of Defau�t under this peed
<br /> vf Trust:
<br /> Payment Defaulf. Trustvr fails t� make any paym�nt when due under�he Indebtedness.
<br /> 4ther ❑e�aults, Trustar-fails tv comply with Qr �o perfivrm any o�her �erm, abligatiQn, co�enant v� condition
<br /> contained in �his Deed o� Trust ar in any af the Re�a�ed Dacumen�s or tv comply with ar to Qerfarm any term,
<br /> abligatian,cQ�enant ar conditi�n con�ained in any o�he�-agreement be�vveen Lender and Trustvr.
<br /> �vmpl'rance Default. Fai��ure tv comply with any a�her �erm, abl�gation, ct�W�nant or �anditivn contained in this
<br /> Deed of Trust,the Nvte or�n any of the Related ❑ocumen�s.
<br /> De�ault an�the�Payments. Faifu�-�of Trustor wi�hin the�ime required by this Deed o�Trust to make any payment
<br /> far taxes or insuran�e, or any a#her payment necessary ta preven�filing of or to eff�ct�ischarge af any fien.
<br /> Default in Favar of Third Pa�ies. 5hould Grant�r defaulfi under any laan, extension of credit, security agreement,
<br /> purchase or sales agreement, vr any afher agreement, in fa�or vf any other creditvr vr person that may materialfy
<br /> affe�t any of Grantor's property o� Grantar's ability to repay the Indebtedness Qr �rantor"s ahi�i�y to perfvrm
<br /> . Gran�or's obligations under this Deed af Trus�or any of the Related D�cuments.
<br /> Faise Stafemen�s. Any warranty, rep�esentativn ar sta�emen� made �r �urnished tv Lender by T�stvr or an
<br /> Trus�ar's behalf under�his D�ed of Trust v�r the Re�a�ed Dvcum�nts is false ar mis�eading in any mafier�al respe�t,
<br /> e��her nvw or at the time mad�ar�urnished or becvmes false or mis��ading at any time thereaf�er.
<br /> Defe�t��e Cvllat�ra�ization. This Deed vf Trusf or any af the Related Documents ceases �o be €n �ulf farce and
<br /> �ffeGt ��ncluding fai[ur�of any Gallateral documen�to create a valid and perf�cted secu�-ity in�eres�or lien� a�any
<br /> �ime and far any reasan.
<br /> Death or lnso[�er�cy. Th�death af T�us�or,#he insnl��ncy of Trustor,the appo�ntmen#vf a receiver for any part o�
<br /> Trus�or's pr�per�y, any assignmen� �o� �he ben�fit of creditors, any typs afi �red���r worknut, vr the
<br /> cammencemen�o�any proceeding under any hankruptcy.or insvfWency Iaws by or against Trustor.
<br /> Creditv�- vr Farfei�ure Proceedings. Commencemen�of fvreclosure ar far-�eiture praceedings, wheth�r by�udicial
<br /> pra�eeding, seffi-he�p, repassessian ar any vther method, by any creditor a�Trustor ar by any gv�ei-nmental agency
<br /> against any property securing the Indebtedness. This includes a garn€shmen� of any af Trustor's accoun�s,
<br /> including deposit accounts, �rvith Lender. Howe�er, #his Event af Defaul� shall not apply if there is a g�od fai#h
<br /> dispute by T�-us�or as�❑ the �alidity�r reasvnableness v�the claim which is the basis o�the creditor ar�v�Feiture
<br /> pro�eeding and if Trustvr g��es Lender written notice of the credi�or ❑r farFeiture p�oceeding and depvsi�s with
<br /> Lender monies or a surety bvnd for the creditor or farfeiture proc�ed�ng, in an amoun�determined by Lender, in its
<br /> sole discretion,as be�ng an adequate�eserve or bond far the dispute.
<br /> Br�ach of�ther Agreement. Any breach by Trust�r under the terms❑f any o�her agreement between Trus�or and
<br /> Lender that is no� remed�ed within any grace periad pravided �herein, including wi�hvu'� �imitat�on any agreement
<br /> concerning any indebtedness ar other o�liga�ion of Trustor to Lender,wh�ther existing naw vr later.
<br /> Events Affe�ting Guaran�vr. Any vf�he pr�ceding e�ents ac�urs w�th respec�to any guarantor, endorser, sure�y,
<br /> or accammvdativn party o� any vf�he �ndebtedness❑r any�uarant�r, endvrser, surety, or accvmmodativn par�y
<br /> dies ar becomes incvmpe�en�, ar re�vkes ar disputes the �alidity of, vr liabilifiy under, any Guaran�y ❑f the
<br /> • lndeb�edness.
<br /> Adrr�rse Change. A material ad��rs� change occurs in Trustvr's financial candition, ar Lender belie�es the
<br /> �
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