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2� 1 ��5532 <br /> �3EE1] �F T'�U�T <br /> ��on���u�d} Page � <br /> generat�on, manufacture, stvrage, trea�ment, disposaf, release or threat�ned release of any Hazardaus 5ubstance <br /> on, under, abaut vr �rr�m �h� Praperty by any prior own�rs ar vccupants of �he Proper�y, ❑r �c} any ac�ual vr <br /> threatened li�igation �r claims ❑f any kind by any pers�n relating to such matters; and �3} Except as previpusly <br /> disclvsed�a and acknowiedged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustar nor any tenant,cvntractor,agent vr o�her <br /> authorized user vf the Pt-vper�y shall use, generate, manufacfiu�e, store,treafi, dispase of or release any Hazardous <br /> Subs�an�e on, under,abvu�o�-fram�he Prope�y;and {b} any such ac�i�ity shall be conduc�ed�n comp€iance wi�h <br /> al� applicabfe federa[, sta�e, and Iv�al laws, regu�at�ons and ordinances, inciuding without fim��atian al� <br /> En�ironmental Laws. Trustor autha�-i�es Lender and its agents to enter upon the Prvper�ty to make such <br /> inspe�tions and tests, at Trus�ar's expense, as Lender may deem appropriate to determine cvmpliance of the <br /> Praperty ►nrFth this sectian o'�the Deed o� Trust Any inspections vr tests made by L�nder sha�1 be fv� Lender's <br /> pu�pases only and shall no�be cons�ru�d to create any rasp�ns�b�lity ar liability on�he par�of Lender tv Trustor or <br /> ta any vther person. The representativns and warranties con�ained herein a�e based an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es�igating the Property for Hazardous 5ubstan�es. T�-ustar hereby �'I} re�eases and wai�es any future �laims <br /> against Lende�-fvr indemnity or cantribu�ion in �he event T�-ustvr becames liable for cleanup ar vther casts under <br /> any such [aws;and �Z} �ndemni�y, defend, and hold harm�ess Lender agains�any and a�l claims, losses, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties,and expenses wh�ch Lender may directly vr indirectly sustain or suf�er�esufting f�om <br /> a breach vf this section af the Deed vf Trust ar as a cansequence of any use, generativn, manufac�ure, starage, <br /> disposal, �-elease vr threa�ened release occurring prior t�Trus�vr"s ov►rnership or interest in�he P�operty,whether or <br /> not the sarne was ar shou�d ha�e been known to Trustar. The pravisions vf�his sectivn of�he Deed of Trus�, <br /> �ncluding the vbligation to indemni�y and de�end,sha��sunrf�e�he paymenfi of the Indebtedness and the satisfa�tion <br /> and recan�eyance of the lien o#this Deed o�Trust and sha[I not be af�ected by Lender's acquisition of any�nteres� <br /> in the Proper�y,whether by fare�losure ar o#herwise. <br /> Nuisance, Vllaste. Trustor sha�l no� caus�, canduc� vr permit any nuisance nvr cammit, permit, ar suffer any <br /> s�r�pping of or was�e an vr tv �he Praperty ar any portion of�he P�operty. V1lithou� limiting �he genera�€ty vf the <br /> for�going, Trustor will not remo�e, ar gran��o any other party the right to remo�e, any timber, m�nerals�including <br /> osf and gas}, �oal, cfay, scoria,soil, gra�el a�rock praducfs wi�hout Lender's pr�ior writ�en �vnsen�. <br /> RemaWa!of imprvr►ements. Trus�ar shal� nvt demv�ish vr r�move any lmpravemen�s f�am fhe Real Prope�y withou� <br /> Lender's privr wri�en consent. As a condi�i�n�o�h�rema�ai af any�mpro�ements, Lende�may require Trustor to <br /> make arrangements satisfac�vey t❑ Lender �Q rep[aGe such I mpro�ements w i�h 1 mprovements ❑f at [east equa[ <br /> �af ue. <br /> Lender's Right�o Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and r�presentati�es may enter upon the Rea[ Property at all <br /> reasonable times to a�tend #o Lender's inter�sts and to inspect �he Reai Prope�ty far purposes ❑f Trustor's <br /> cvmplian��wi�h the terms and conditions o�this Deed vf Trus�. <br /> Compliance w�th Gvvernmenta! Requirem�n�s, T�-us�ar shall pramptly cvmply w�th a�l �aws, ordinanc�s, and <br /> regulatians, now or hereaf�er in efiFe��, o�all go�ernmen�al au�hori�ies applicable #o �he use ar occupancy of the <br /> P�aperty, including wi�hQut limitation, the Am�r�cans'UIlith Disab�lit�es Ac�. Trustar may contes� in good fai�h any <br /> su�h law, ord'€nance, or regu�a��on and wi#hhold compliance du�-ing any proceeding, including apprapria�e appea[s, <br /> �a�ong as Trustor has nati�ied Lender in wri�ing prior ta doing so and so l�ng as, in Lender's sofe apinion, Lend�r's <br /> in�eres�s in �he P�-operty are not�eopa�-di�ed. Lender may require Trustvr to post adequa�e security or a surety <br /> bvnd, �easanably satisfac#ory t❑Lender,�o prote�t Lender's interesf. <br /> Duty tv Protect. Trustvr agrees neither to abandon or leave unattended the Praperty. Trus�or shal� d� afl other <br /> acts, in addi�i�n�o thos�acts set forth abo��in this sectiqn,which from the character and use vf fhe Property a�� <br /> reasonably necessary t❑ protect and prese�ve�h�Praperty. <br /> � TAXES AND LIENS, The folfowing p�-o�isians r�lating ta the faxes and �iens on the Prape�ty are par� of this De�d of � <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor sha11 pay when due�and in all e��nts prior ta delinquency}all taxes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> charges tincluding wa�er and sewer}, fines and impvsitions �e�ied against o�on accaunt af the Pr�per-ty, and shall <br /> pay when due a!I cfaims �or work dvne on vr for s�rv�c�s rendered vr mater�al furnished �o the Property. Trus�ar <br /> shall maintain the Prvpe�y free of all liens ha�ing priari�y o�er o�equal ta the�nteres�of Lender und�r this Deed of <br /> Trust, except for �he fien ❑� taxes and assessmen�s not due and except as o�henrvis� pro�ided in this Deed of <br /> Tru st. � <br /> Right to Cantest. Trustvr may withhald payment of any�ax, assessment, or�laim in cannec��nn with a gaod fai�h <br /> dispute��er the abligativn tv pay, so lnng as Lender's interest in�he PrQperty"is n��jevpardi�ed. lf a lien arises or <br /> is filed as a �esult❑f nonpayment, Trust�r shall within fi�teen t'15} days after fhe lien arises vr, if a lien f5 �il�d, <br /> with�n fii�e�n t"i 5} days after Trustor has notice o��h�fiiing, secure�he diSCha�`�e �f the lien, ❑r ifi �eques�ed by <br /> Lender,depnsi�w�th Lender cash o�-a sufficie.n�carpora�e surety bflnd�r other security satisfac�ory tv Lender in an <br /> amount sufficient to discharge�he lien plus any casts and attorneys'fees, or a�her�harges�hat could as a <br /> result of a forecl�sure or sale under fihe lien. In any�antest, Trustor sha[[defend�tself and Lender and shall satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgmen#be�a�e enfvrcement against the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additional obligee <br /> under any sure#y bvnd furnished in fhe contest praCeed�ngs. <br /> E►ridence of Paymen#. Trustor shall upan demand furnish t� Lender sa��sfactory e�idence of paymenfi vf the taxes <br /> or assessments and shall authorize the apprapriate gfl�ernmenfial vffi�ia[�o def i�er to Lender at any��me a written <br /> s�atemenfi vf the�axes and assessments against the Prope�-ty. <br /> Nati�e of Construc�ion. Trustor shafl notify Lender a#�east fi�teen �15} days be�nre any work is commenced, any <br /> services are furnished, vr any ma�eriafs ar�supplied to the Prvpe�-ty, if any mechanic's �ien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> other iien could be a�serted on accoun�of the work, services, ar materials. Trustor wili up�n re�uest of Lender <br /> furnish to Lende� ad�ance assurances satisfa��vey �o Lender �hat Trustar can and wiil pay the cos� of such <br /> imprv�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DA�IAGE tNS�RANCE. The�ollowing pra�isions relating t❑ insuring the Property are a part of�his Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> � Maintenance af Ensurance. Trustor shall procure and maintain pvl�cies af fire �nsurance w�th standard ex�ended <br /> caverage endorsemenfs on a repfacement basis for the full insurable �a[u�caver€ng a�l lmpro�ements �n the Real <br /> Property in an amaun�su�fi�ient ta a�oid applica#ian a� any coinsurance c�ause7 and wi�th a s�andard mortgagee <br /> c�ause in favor of Lender. Trustor shall also pr�cur�and maintain comprehensi��general ��ability insurance in such <br /> �a�erage amoun�s as Lender may request wi�h Trustee and Lender being named as additivna� insureds in such <br /> liability insuranG� pvlicies. Addi�i�nalfy, Trustor shall maintain su�h o�he�- insurance, includ�ng bu� not limited to <br /> hazard, business in�erruptian, and bailer insuranGe, as Lender may reasanably require. Pvlicies shall be written in <br /> �orm, amoun�s, ca�erages and basis reasanably ac�ep�ab�e �o Lend�r and issued by a company o� companies <br /> reasonably ac�eptable to Lender. Trus�or, upon r�ques� o� L�nder, will deliver ta Lende� frrom �irne ta time �he <br /> po[icies vr certificates af insuranc� �n form sa�isfactory ta Lender, including stipulations that co�et-ages w€I� n�t be <br /> cancelled or diminished withau�a�least thirty(30} days pri�r written no�ice�o Lender. Ea�h insurance policy also <br /> shall in�lude an endorsement pra�iding that coverage in faWvr af Lender w�l� nat be impaired in any way by any act, <br /> omissivn or default of Tr-ustar or any��her person. 5hauld th� Real Prope�y be Io�ated in an area designa�ed by <br />� the Administra��r af the Federal Emergency Management Agency as a spe�ia�flood ha�ard area, Trusto�-�grees#o <br /> Qb�ain and maintain Federal Flovd lnsurance, if a�ailable, for the ful� unpaid principa� balan�e af�he loan and any <br />