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2� 1 ��551 � <br /> referred to in the ev�dence �f debt, including withaut limitatian, fees, co�ts, and expens�s, �agether with <br /> all r�new�ls, extensivns, ar refinancing a�same and any future and additiona� laans a�advances made <br /> at L�nder's option tv or on b�ha�t af ��rrower by Lender ar under any other Loan Docum�r�t for any <br /> pu�pas� whether related �r unrelated �a the purpose of the vriginal �redi�, �nc�uding advances fo� the <br /> protec�ion af the �raperty, all attorney fees, cvsts ar�d �xpenses incurred by Lender to the e�ctent <br /> permi��ed by law in the c�llec�ian vf any I��n �r in the enfo���ment or presenration of the rights of Lender <br /> in and�o fhe Pr�perty, regardless of wh�th�r Trus�or is abligated fher�on as�make�or ca--rnaCcer, signer <br /> �r c���igner, or as a gu�r�ntor, endnr�er, surety vr ather�ccommad�tion p�rty. <br /> Per�o�na[ Properfiy: All equipmenfi, fix�ures and ather personal prap�rty �hat are now ar he�eaTter <br /> attached or affi��d to the ReaE Proper�y; tngether wi�h �II acces�ians, p�rts and additi�ns to, all <br /> replacements��and al! �uas�ituti�n�fvr any�f such prv�erty. <br /> Rea� Property:Tag�ther with the belaw lega�ly described real estate, al�e�ci�ting or sub�equently erected <br /> or affixed buildingsy S��'LICtU�'e5, improvements vr fixtur�s; all�raps, timber, ��mber ta be�ut, �rees, plants, <br /> vines or o�her plantings; af1 v�ater, water rights, including ripar�an rights and surface wafe� rights, <br /> wat�rcourses, irriga�ion, drainage and d�fch rights; all rentis, issues, uses, inc�m�, prafi�s and r�yalties; <br /> all leases, permits, �icenses, privileges, easements, rights of way, rights t� possession; all righfis� in and <br /> ta�he lands lying in s�reets, alleys and roads adjaining the Real P�operty�nd appurtenances; a�l leases, <br /> permits, Iicenses, ar privileges, appurk�nant vr non-appurtenant to the proper�y, now a��e�e�ft�r issued, <br /> ex�er�ded, or ren�w�d by T�ustvr, �ny State, the L�nited Sta�es, �r any departmen�, bureau, <br /> ins�rum�ntali�y, �r �gen�y �here�f; all ��oceeds in e�nir��nt domain, insurance p�ymenfs, proceeds or <br /> refund�of premiums�r�ny afh�r p�yment vr se�tlemen�r�lating fo fh� Praper#y; all a��, g�s, gravel, rvcl�, <br /> geatherr�al and simi�ar r�s�urces or vth�r mine�al �ights of wha�e�er n�tu�-�; and any ar�d a[t ❑ther righ�s <br /> rel�ted �o the real pr�p�rty. <br /> Prop�r�y: �oll�cti�ely the F�eal Proper�y and the Personal Pr�perty, inGluding w+thaut I�mit�tion all <br /> �nsurance proceeds and �efunds of ins�rance p�-emiums relaf�d t❑��id Praperty. <br /> Truste�: As set f�rth a�ove. <br /> Trustvr; As set f�r�h �bave. <br /> Th� �ba�e named Tru�tor far good and valuable c�nsider�tion, hereby irr�v�cably fr�n�f�r�, �onveys <br /> and assigns �v Truste�, IN TRUST, WITH P�V11ER DF SALE, fvr �he benefit and ��curity of the <br /> �en�ficiary, its suc�es�ors and assign�, �n assignm�n�and security intere�t in all vf Tru����-'� �igh�, title <br /> and in�eres� whefher currently e�cisfing or h�reinafter acquired in and to the foll�wing--d�sGribed Real <br /> Property En Hall Coun� ie� , Nebraska, �o wit: <br /> Parcel A: The��uthw�st Quarter�5W%} of Sectian Twenty--seven ��7}, Tawnship <br /> Eleven ���} Narth, Range �le��n ���} Wesx of the G�h F'.M., Hall Cvuntyk <br /> Nebraska, EX�EPT S and L SubdEvision and EX�EPT �he Southeast C�uarter of <br /> fhe S�utheast C�uart�r af the Sauth�vest C�uart�r �SE%4 SE'�4 �VIl���} of Section <br /> Twenty-se�en ��7}, Tvwnsn'rp Ele�en �1'i� N�r�h, Range Eleven ���} VIl�st o�the <br /> 6th P.M., Hall Caun�y, Ne��ask�. <br /> Parc�l B: Th� Northwesf Qu�rter �Nlll!%4} af 5�ction Th�r�y-fiour �34}, Township <br /> Ele�en �'I�} NQrth, Range Ele�en �'1'1} �l11��t af the fith F'.M., Hall Counfiy, <br /> Nebrask�. <br /> 1 n add i�i�n, Trusfa�-hereby g ranfs to L�nder a Un iform ��ammerci�l ��de secu rity i nter�st i n af I Per�onal <br /> Prop�rty; and all proceeds frorn any sal� or ather dispasitivn of the P�v�erty. The �rus� d�ed is als� <br /> eff�ctive as a financ�ng statemen�filed as a fixfure filing under the Unifarm �ammercial Cade. <br /> l� is underst�od and agr�ed between Trustor and Lend�r that this �rust deed is given tv secure �he <br /> repaymen� in full of the C��li�at�vns as sef forth in this ��ust deed and any L�an Documen�. A�I ama�unts <br /> shall be paid when due as pr-ovided f�r in the Loan ❑acumenfs creating the C��iigations secured by this <br /> �rust deed. <br /> This�ru�t deed ��cure�a[I �biigati�ns, inc�uding, but na�limited ta fhe following: <br /> App#:54Q6n9�; CIF#: 'f��3�6; Note#:3�46583 2�nKS Legal Doc.D�te:August 24,�a'i 6 <br /> F�RM 5��f�,Trust[�eed and Assignmenf af Rents Page�af 8 <br />