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<br /> �
<br /> � Frank Ko1ar, a sinc�le person ajk/a Fzank F:. Kolar
<br /> � Hall Nabraska ----------
<br /> of the CountY oi_ and State oi_- hereinafter called the party of the �rst pFUt, in
<br /> 5event -Five Thousand and No/100ths--------- $?5,000.00)- n�����
<br /> coAeidetstloa oi.�__. y f
<br /> in hand p�id. do hereb�arAn�bar�ain, eell and coavey uato the Home Federal Savinge dc Loan Association oi (irand Ialand,
<br /> � Graad LLsad,Nebra�lu, and its succ�wn and Hal l
<br /> aa�igns, tha following real estate,eitutted�n
<br /> � Connly,State of Nebraska towit:
<br /> The Southerly One Hundred Feet (100' ) of Lot Three (3), in 61ock One (1 ),
<br /> in Farmington Se�ond Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, except a certain tract deeded to the City of Grand I51and by
<br /> Deed recorded as Document No. 78-000397.
<br /> ZbSethu'a1t1i all the �ppurtenances thereunto belonging� and all covenants in all the title deeda ivnning wlth safd real eatate,
<br /> and aU the renta, is�ues and progta ar]sing therefrom a�ter default in performance of any covenant or condition herela con-
<br /> tdned; �ad warrants the title thereto pertect and clear except tor th9s mortgage.
<br /> During the time this mortgage i� in force the mortgagors agree:
<br /> First. To pay all taxes and spedal assessments levied against said premises, iaeluding all taaes an@ assessments levied
<br /> upon tbls mortgage�or the debt s�cur�si by this mortgage.
<br /> Secoad To l�eep all buildinga thereon insured againat loss by fire, lightning and tornado ia some company� to be ap� '
<br /> proved by the said Home Federal Savings dc Loan Associatioa oi Grand Island in the sua� o! � �5,000.00 for
<br /> the benefit oi the said Association,and its auccessors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Aasociation,and shaII not
<br /> � commit or suHer any waste on aaid premises, and shall pnt and keep said real estate bu9ldings and improvements in good �
<br /> � order. -
<br /> Tl�ird. To pay or cauae to be paid to the Home Federal Savings � Loaa Association of Grand Island, ite successora or -
<br /> aasigns,the aum of �-- Seventy-Five Thousand and No/100ths----(?5,000.00)-------------DOLLARS�
<br /> paqable as follows:
<br /> .�::
<br /> Due January 10, 1991 ��.'—
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> i:� .
<br /> wlth interest thereon paqable,according to the tenor and effect oP the one certain first mortgage aote of said mortgagors, ; �°
<br /> bearing even date with these presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at the rate of nine per ceat per annum. � � -;.
<br /> � It said taxes and assessments are not paid when due, or ii the buildinga on said premises are not insnred as above pro- �a �
<br /> vided, or if any of said interest ia not paid when due,then said whole debt shall become due immediately,at the option of the ��''
<br /> � said Association,and shall thereafter draw interest at the rate of nine per cent per annum. �
<br /> The mortgagor hereby assig�_ to said mortgagee all reats and income arising at aay and all times from said t
<br /> s� property and hereby suthorize said mortgagee or its agent, at ita option, upon default, to take charge of said property and L2
<br /> colleet all 1�ents and income therefrom and apply the same to the payment oi interest, principal, insurance premiuma,taxes, �
<br /> _ asseasments, repairs or improvements necessary to keep said property In tenantable eondition. or to other charges or pay- 4�
<br /> ments provided for herein or ia the note hereby secured. Thls rent assignment shall continue in force until the unpaid bal- '
<br /> — ance of st�iid note 9s f�il�y paid The taking of gossessioa hereunder sHall ia no manuer prevent or retard said martgagee fn `!
<br /> tiie collection M said sums by foreclosure or otherwise. �
<br /> Whetltet said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of tihe first part to comply S
<br /> � with anq condition herein, the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors and assigns, �� I
<br /> shall Have the rlght to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, and to include � �
<br /> �) therein all taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and costs, paid bq it or them; or said Association, its successors or
<br /> y� assigns, may foreclose onlq as to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> of the lien thereof. :�;
<br /> And the said first party and the makers of sald note, especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and � �
<br /> �:, every one of them, including both that now owned and that hereafter acqulred, is pledged and bound for the payment of f� � ' "
<br /> the debt hereby secured.
<br /> After the commencement of any sv3t in foreclosue the plaintlff therein shall be entitled totfle lmmediate possession of r�
<br /> said premiaes and the appointment oi a receiver therefor, notwitIIstanding they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br /> notwithstanding the parties liable far the debt may be solvent, and the first party hereby coasents to the appointment of a k�
<br /> Receiver upon the production of this indenture, without other evidence.
<br /> �__= The foregoing conditions and pgreements, ali and singular,belag fully perfarmed,tlus conveyance sha21 be void, other- f# �
<br /> � �viee to be and remain in fall force aad effect. � ��
<br /> , f� � �
<br /> � Sigaed this l Oth _day of____._ January ` n, D., 19g� � y■+��
<br /> y � ��� ■�
<br /> s� In presence of ��Y�3L 4, ��,.��
<br /> ` :-
<br /> Fl�r�k Kul:+i a/k/a i'rank P. Kol��r
<br /> - ,�. ;�; �,
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