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2� 1 ��55�2 <br /> can b�gi�ren e�'fec�vvi��out�he conflic�ing provision. To th�s�nd the prov����ons of�his 5ecur��y�ns�ruxr�.en�and�he <br /> Cantract a��e dec�ared to be severab�e. <br /> Borr�wer's��py.Borr�wer�ha�I be given o�e c�py of this Security Instr�ament. <br /> Transfer of t�ne Property or a lBenef�cia�In�ere5�in Borrovver.�f a��or any par��f the Praperty or any in�eres� <br /> �n it �s so�d ar �ransf�rred �or �f a benef�ia� �nterest in Borr�vver �s �a�43 or �ransferred and Bflrrower is not a <br /> r�a�ural person} vv�th�ut Lender's prior wr��t�n cansen�, Lender may, a� i�,� option, require immediate pay�ra.ent in <br /> fu�� of al� sun�s secured by �his SeCU.rity Yn5�i11ment. Hovveuer, �his op�i�on shal� nat be e�ercised by L�n�.er if <br /> exercise is pro�ibited by federallativ as af th�date af this Securi�y Ins�rum�n�. <br /> If Lender ex�rc�s�s �his �pti�n, Lender sha�� g��e B or�ovver nati�� of a�ccelerat�on. T'he not�ce �ha�� pr��r�de a <br /> p�riod of no� less than the m�nimurn number af days established �y Appl�cable Law from �h� da�e �he no�zce �s <br /> d�livered ar ma�led vvithua Which Barrow�r must pay a�l sums s�cur�d by th�s S�cur��y Ins�rumen�. If BQrra,wer <br /> fai�s ta pay these sums pYzor �fl �he expira��on of thxs per�od, �.end�r n�ay inv�k� any remedies p�rmi�ted by this <br /> Securi�y�ns�rument wi.thout fur�her notice�r demand�n Borr�vver. <br /> Borrower's Right t� Re�nstate. �f Borrovver meets cer�ain �ond�tions, Borrawer shall have the r�ght �o hav� <br /> enf�rc�men� ��this 5ecurity In�tru.rnen� discontinued at any time pri�r to the ear��er of: �a} 5 days ��r such o�h�r <br /> period as App�icable Law may spec�fy for�e��.statexnen�}before sal�of the Proper�y pursuant��any p�ur�r of sale <br /> con�ained zn �h�s Secur�ty �nstrumen�; ar �b} �ntry af a judgment enfarcing �h�s Security �ns�rumen�. Those <br /> condxt�ons are that Bon o�ver: �a} pays Lender a�1 sums which then wau.��� be due under�his �ecurity Ins�rumen� <br /> and th��on�ra�t as�f n� acce�erat�on had occurred;�b) cures any default o:f any other covenan�s or agreemen�s; �c) <br /> pays a11 expenses incurred in enf�rc�ng this Securil.y Ins�rume��, including,bu�no�1im��ed�a,reasonabl�a��orneys' <br /> fees to �he e��en�pernutted by Iaw; and�d} �akes such ac�i�n as Lender may reasonab�y requxre�a ass�.re that�he <br /> lien of t�is 5ecurzty�nstru�nen�, Lerider's rig�its�n the Property�nd��rrotiver's�b�igation to pay�he sums secured <br /> by this 5ecurity�ns�rumen� sha�l continue un�hanged. Upon reins�a.�em�n�t by Borrower, this Security Ins�rt�ment <br /> and the ob��ga�xans secured hereby shal� remain ful�y effective as �f no a�ceXerati�n had occurred. H�v�re��r, this <br /> right�o reinsta�e shall no�apply�n the cas�of acceieration under the sectic�n��tled Trar�sfer of�he Property or a <br /> Ben�f���a�Interest�n B�rrower. <br /> Haza�dvu� Substan�es.B�rrflvver shall not cause �r permit�he presence,use, d�sposaX, s�orage, ar r���as�of any <br /> Ha2ardous Su�stances on or in�he Propert�.Sorrou�er sha�l no�do,�or all�vv an�one e�se��da,anything affect�ng <br /> the Proper�y �ha� �s in v�a�a���n af any Env�ronmental Lavv. The p.recedirlg �o sen�ences shall n�� appl� �o the <br /> presence,use,ar storage on the Praperty of srnall quantities flf Haza�dQus�ubstances that are g�neral�y reca�nized <br /> to be appropri�te to normaX residential use�and�fl maintenance of�h�Pr�perty. <br /> Barr�wer shaX�pramp�ly give Lender wri�t�n not�ce of any inves�igati�n,�1aim, dernand, lavvsuit�r oth�r ac�ion by <br /> any govern�mental or regulat�ry agency �r pr�vate party involving �he Praperfiy and any �3a�ardous Subs�nce or <br /> Environm�r��a� La�v flf �vhich Barrower has actua� �ow�edge. �f B�rraWer �earns, or �s notifi�d by any <br /> go�ernmenta�or regulatory authori�y, that an�rem�val or ather rem�ediatior�of any I�3azardous �ubs�ance affec�ing <br /> �he Praperty is necessary, Borrav�rer shal� promptly �ake aII necessary remed�al actions i� accordance w��h <br /> Environmenta�Lav�r. <br /> As used zn this paragraph, "�azardaus Substances" are�hose substa�.�e� def�ned as toxic or ha�ardo�.s subs�ances <br /> by Environmen�a� La,t�v and �he fo�low�ng sub��ances: gasaline, k�ros�n�, other flammable Dr ta�ic pe�ro�eum <br /> products, �oxic pesticides and herbic�des, v�Iatile salven�s, �nater��.�s co��a�ning asbes�os �r formaldeh��e, and <br /> radioac�i�e ma�eraa�s. As used in�h�s paragraph, "Environmer��al La�tr�'r�.e�.ns federal�aws and�av�s of the sta�e of <br /> l��braska that re�ate ta hea��h,safety or env�ronmen�a�pra�ect�on. <br /> .�c�eleration; Remedzes. Lender shall g�ve no�ice tv Borr°Q�er p�-�or �� accelera��on foll�w�ng �or�o�er�s <br /> breaeh vf any�avenan��r agr�ement in thi� �ecuri.ty Ins�rumer�t ur t�e Contrac�under�vhich a�cei�ration <br /> i�permut�ed t�au� not prxar�a a�celeratior� under the sect��n �itled Tr���sfer nf the Property or a Be�ef�cza� <br /> Intierest in Borro�ver, un�ess A�plicable La�v pr�vides o�herw�s�}. Th� no��ce sha�l specify: �a} the d�faul�; <br /> ��� the act�or� required �� cure the defaul�; �c} a da��, r�ot Iess than the min�mum number �f days <br /> es�ab��shed by Appl�cable Law from th�date th�notice�s givem �o�3o�-rower,by wh�ch �he default r�us�be <br /> cured; and �d) tha� failure to cure the default on or before �h� da�e specif�ed in the not��e may r�su�� �n <br /> a�celera��on �f the sums secu�ed by this Security Instrurnent �nd sale �f the Proper�. To �he ex�ent <br /> permitted by�aw, thQ noti�e shal�furth�r�.nf�rr�t Borrow�r vf t�� r�ght�o re�nstate af�e�r aeCe�erati�n and <br /> the rzght to bring a evur�a��ian to asser�th���r�-ex�Stenc�of a defau��t or any o�h�r d�fer�se of Bvrr�Yver�o <br /> acce��ra�ion and sa�e. If the defau�t�s n�t cured �n �r befflr� th� da�e spec�fied in the no�ice, Lemd�r at its <br /> vptYon may require �mrr�ed�a�e payment xn full of a�l su�ns s��ured �by this Se�ur�ty Instrument �i�h�u� <br /> further demand and may invake the p�wer �f s�.ie and any a�h��rennedies p�rm�tted b�r A�ap���abl� LaYv. <br /> Ta ��e extent permui�ted by law, Lender sha�l be ent�tled t� coil�ct a�� e�pense� incurred �n �u�suing the <br /> remedie�prov�ded in�h�� Sectf�n,in�iudi�g,�ut no��xrni��d t�,rea�ar�able a�torneys' fee� and c�s�s of���le <br /> ev�den�e. <br /> If th�pavver flf sa�e�s invoked, Tru�tee sha��rec�rd a notice flf�i�faul���n each county in�vvhich any�art af <br /> �he Property is��cated and 5ha�l ma�l cop��s of such no�ic�in th�m�nner prescribed by App��cable�aw to <br /> Borrower and to the,other pers�ns pre�cribed by Applicabl� L�vv. Aft�r the ��me required �y AppX�cabie <br /> Law, Trus�ee Shal� g�ve pub�ic nati�e of s�l� �� the pers�ns an� in the mann�r pres�ri�ed by �►.ppli�ab�e <br /> Law. Trus�ee,yv�thout demand vn Barrov�er, shall se�l the P�op�rty at pubXic auc��vn tfl the high�st bi�der <br /> at the t�me and p�ace and under the terr�s de5i.gnated in the noti�e�f s�le in one�r more par���s�nd in an� <br /> vrder Trus�ee determines. TruStee may p��tpvne 5a�e af all �� any par�el af the Property by publYc <br /> Cc�2�04-2fl15 Ca�nplia�ce Systems,Inc.8�54-EA26-20I 5.11.3,1098 <br /> Cons�zmer Real Estate-Security Instrument DL2Q35 Pa�e 4 of S www.cQmptian� <br />