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. <br /> ` 2� 1 ��55� 1 <br /> � , , <br /> , � <br /> , <br /> . <br /> the real and persanal property describe� in the Security Instrument and defined therein a� the "Propert�r," <br /> loGa�ed at <br /> 1�14 NURTH WHEELER AVENUE,�RA1vD ISLAND,NEBRASKA�8�01 <br /> the real praperty described is Iocated in HALL C�UNT�,NEBRASKA and being s�t forth as follaws: <br /> SEE E�HIBIT"A"ATTACHED HERETa AIwD MADE A PART HER��F: <br /> In c�nsideratiQn of the mutuaI pramises and agreernents exchanged, the parties hereta agree as fal�ows <br /> �natwithstanding anything to the c�ntrary contained in the l�ote or Security�nstrument}: <br /> 1. As of, AUGUST 1, Z�16 the amount pa�able under the Note and the Security Instrument �the "Unpaid <br /> Principal Balance"} is U.S. $�4,9�4.25, cansisting of the amount�s} loaned t� Borr�wer by Lender, plus <br /> capita�ized interest in the amaunt �f U.S. $G,78U.15 and ather amounts capita��zed, which is Iimit�d ta <br /> escrows and any lega�fees and related foreclvsure costs that may ha�e been ac�rued fflr wor�cflmp�eted. <br /> 2. Borrower promis�s ta pay the Unpai� Principal Balance, plus interest,to the order of Lender. Interest will <br /> be �harged on the Unpaid Principal Balance at the yearly rate 4f 3.875�°/v, from AU�UST 1, ��1�. The <br /> B�rrower promises to make monthly paym�nts af principal and interest af U.S. �3U5.21, pius praperty <br /> taxes,hazard insurance,and any ather permissible escrow items af U.S$256.87,beginning an the 1�T day <br /> af SEPTEMBER, Z�1�, and cantinuing thereafter on �he same day �f each succeeding month until <br /> pri ncipal and in�erest are paid in fu�i. If on AU�U5T 1, 244b �the "Matur�ty I�ate"), the Borrower sti�� <br /> awes amounts under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreernent, Bor�nw�r will <br /> pay these amounts in futl on the Maturity Date. <br /> 3. If at�ar any part of the Property or any interest in it is sa�d or transferred�or if a beneficial znterest in the <br /> Borrower�s sa�d ar transf�rred and the Bvrrower is nat a natura.l person}with�ut the Len��r's prior wvrit�en <br /> consent,the Lender may require ir�mediate payment ir�fu11 of a11 sums s��ured by this S��urity Ynstrum�nt. <br /> If the Lender exercises this aptian, the Lender shall gi�e the Borrower no�ice of a�ce�eration. The nvti�� <br /> shall provide a per�od of nvt less than 3�days from the date the notice�s delivered Qr mailed within which <br /> the Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security I.nstrument.If the Borrvwer fails ta pay these sum� <br /> prior t� the expiration of this period, the Lender may invvk� any remedies pertnitted �� this S�cur-ity <br /> Instrument without further notice ar demand on the Borrower. <br /> 4. The Bor�-vwer als❑ wi�� comp��r w�th all other cnvenants, agreements, and requirements af the �e�urity <br /> Instrument,including without limitati�n,the Borrower's covenants and agreements to make a�l payment�of <br /> taxes, insurance premiums,assessments,escrow items, impounds,and a1�other paym�nts that the B�rrQwer <br /> is obligated ta make under th�Security Instrumen�;however,the fol�owing terms and pra�isi�ns are fore�er <br /> cancelled,nu�l and vaid,as of the date specified in Paragraph No. 1 abo��: <br /> �a} all t�rms and provisions of�he I�ote and Security Instrument��f any}pro�iding for, impl�menting,or <br /> relating to,any chang�or adjustment in the rate of interest payahie under the N�te;and <br /> (b} all terms and Frovisions of an� ad�jus�able rate rider,or other instrument or documer�t that is affi�ced <br /> t�, vvh�lly or partially incarporated into, or is part of, the Note or Se�urity Instruznent and t��at <br /> cantains any such terms and provisi�ns as�hose referred to in�a}above. <br /> 5. If the Borra�ver has,sin�e inceptivn of this Ioan but pr�vr to this Agreement,recei�ed a dis�harge in a <br /> Ghapter 7 bankrupt�y, and there ha�ing been nv valid reaffirmation of the underlying debt, by <br /> entering into this Agreement, the Lender is not a�tempting t� re-es#abiish any persunal �iahility for <br /> HUD Ivlvdifi�atian Agreement�b�9��16 45 6DaDU3$4�8 <br /> Page 2 <br />