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� 2� 1 ��5493 <br /> DEED �F TR[J�T <br /> ���nti�1l�ed� Page 4 <br /> incu�red by Trustee vr Lender in cvnnectivn with the condemna#�on. <br /> rM�OS�TI�N �F TAXES, FEES AND CHARGES B'f�DVERN�I�IENTAL AUTHaR1TIES, The�ollowin� provisions relating <br /> to go�ernmental#axes,fees and charg�s are a part ofi this Deed of Trust: � <br /> Cu�-rent Taxes, Fees and Gharges. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shall execu�e such documents in additian to <br /> #his Deed of Trus�and#ake whateve�-ath�r action �s requested by Lender to perfect and continue Lender's lien❑n <br /> the Reaf Praperty. Trustar shall re�mburse Lender for a�l taxes, as described below, toge�her with al� expenses <br /> incurred in re�arding, perFecting or continuing this Deed of Trus�, inc[uding w�thout limita�ion all taxes, fees, <br /> dvcumen�ary stamps,and other charges for�ecardin�or register�ng�his Deed❑f Trus�. <br /> Taxes. The �ollowing shall cans�itute taxes to which this sectivn applies: ��} a specific tax upon this type of <br /> Ds�d of Trust nr upvn all or any part of�he Indebtedness secured by this D�ed of Trust; ��} a spec€f�c tax on <br /> � Barrower which Borrvwer is authori�ed or required �o dedu�t�rom paymen�s an the lndebtedn�ss secured by�his <br /> type ofi❑eed of Trus�; �3} a tax on this type of Deed a�Trust chargeable against the Lende�-or�he holder❑f the <br /> Na�e; and �4} a speci�ic tax on a�l ar any por��on of the Indebtedness ar on paym�nts o� principal and interest <br /> made by Bvrrower. <br /> ,, <br /> Subsequent Taxes. If any�ax to which th�s sec�ion applies is enacted subsequent ta the da�e of this C3eed vf <br /> Trust, �his e�en� sha�l ha�e �he same e�f�ct as an E�en� af Default, and Lender may exercise any or afl af its <br /> a�ailable �-emedies for an E�ent of Default �s p�o�tded t�elow unless Trustor either �1} pays the tax befvre it <br /> beoomes delinquen�, or ��} con��sts th�tax as provided abo��in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with <br /> Lender cash or a su�fic�ent corpvra�e surety bond�r other security satisfa�ory�a Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEMENT; FINAN�[N� STATEMEI�TS. The �ollvwing pravisions re�a#ing �o th#s Deed �f Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part af#his Deed o�Trus�: <br /> 5��ur�ty Agreement, This instrument shall cons�itute a Security Agreemen� tv �he extent any ❑� the Praperty <br /> constitut�s fixtur�s, and Lender shall haWe all of the ri�hts o�a secured party unde��he Uniform Commerc�al Code <br /> as amended from time tv tirne. � <br /> Security 1n�eres#. Upon requ�st by Lender, Trustvr shall take wha�e�er ac�ian is requ�sted by Lender to perFect <br /> and continue Lender"s security interest in the Rents and Persanal Praperty. ln additian ta recording fihis Deed of <br /> Trust in �he real property records, Lender may, at any time and without further auth�ri�atian from Trustor, file <br /> exacuted �vunterparts, copies ar rep�-�ductians of this Deed ❑� Trus# as a financing s�atement. Trustor shall <br /> r�imburse Lender far all �xpens�s incur�-�d in per��c#3ng vr continuing this security inter�st. Upvn default, Trustvr <br /> shal[ no� remove, se�er ar de�ach the Pers�nal Praperky#rom the Prvperky. Upon defauffi, Trustar sha�! assembl� <br /> any Persanal Prvperty not affxed �o�he Property in a manner and at a p�ace reasonab�y cvnvenienfi�a Trustvr and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailab[e to Lender withEn three {3} days after re�eip� of w�it�en demand from Lend�r tv the <br /> ex�enfi permitted by appli�a�le law. <br /> Addresses, The mailing addresses �f Trustor �debtor} and Lende� �secured par�y} from whi�h information <br /> c�ncerning the s�curity interest granted by this Deed of Trust may be obtained �each as required by the Uni�arm <br /> Gammercia!Cvde}are as stated on the first p�ge�f this ❑eed of Trus�. <br /> FURTHER ASS�RANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN�FACT. The following provisions refafing to fur�h�r assuran�es and <br /> attorney-in-fa�t are a par�a�this D�ed af Trus�: . <br /> Further Assurances. Rt any time, and frvm time to time, upon��quest v�Lender, Trustor wifl make, execute and <br /> de�i�er, or wi I� ,rause�o be made,executed or deli�ered,to Lender ar�v Lande�'s designee, and when requeste�l by <br /> Lender, cause to be fi�ed, recvrded, refrled, or rereaorded, as the crase may be, at such times and in such offices <br /> and plaoes as Lender may deem appropriate, any and all such mor�gages, deeds�f trusf, securi�:y deeds, secur�ty <br /> agreements, f nan�ing sfa�ements, continua�ian s�atemen�s, ins�ruments vf �urther assuranoe, �ett�f ca#es, and <br /> other dvcuments as may, in the sale opinion of Lend�r, be neaessary or desirab��in v�der�a effectuate, avmpfete, <br /> perfect, canti nu�, o�-preserve �'f} Bar�ow��'s and Trus�or's obl igations under the Note, th is Deed a�Trus�t, and <br /> the Related Documents, and �23 �he�iens and securi�y�nte�ests created by�his Deed of Trust as firs#and prior <br /> liens vn the Prvpe�-�y, whether now owned vr her�after aoquired by Trus�or. Unless p�ohibited by law or Lende� <br /> agrees t��he contrary in writing, Trus�or sh�ll reim�urse Lender for all cos�s and e�enses incurr�d in cannectinn <br /> with the matters referred to in this paragraph. <br /> A�tarney-in�Fact, lf Trustor fails tn do any o��he things referred to �n the p�eoeding pa�agraph, Lend�r may da so <br /> far and in�he name of Trustor and a�Trustar's expense. For such purposes,Trustor herehy�rre�acably appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustar's attarney-i n-fac�far the purpvse Qf making,execu�i ng, de�iveri ng,fi f i ng, record i ng, and doi ng al f <br /> o#her things as may be necessary or desirak�le, in Lender�s sole opinian, to aocamplish the matters referred to in <br /> �he preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERFC�RMANCE, !f Borrower and Trustor pay all the Indebfedness when due, and Trustor otherwise perfvrms alf <br /> th�obligafiions imposed upvn Trus�ar under this[7�ed of Trust, Lender shal�exe�u�e and de�i�er to Trus�ee a request far <br /> full recon�eyance and shall execute and deli�er�o T�ustar sui�a�le sfiatements Q�termina�ion of any financing s�atemen� <br /> �n file eviden�€ng Lender�s security interest in the Rents and the P�rsonaf Property. Any recon�eyanc�fee required by <br /> law shall b�pa�d�y Trustor, i�permitted by app�ica�le�aw. <br /> EVENTS �F DEFALILT. Each vf the fol�owing, at Lender`s optian, shall constifut� an Event o� Detault under this Dsed <br /> of Trust: <br /> �ayment Defaulfi. Bo�rawer fails ta make any paymen�when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> �ther Defa�lts. Bvrrawer or Trustor�aifs fo camply with or�� pe�form any athe� t�rm, abligatian, co�enan� �r <br /> �ondi�ian contained in�h is Deed of Trus�ar iu� any❑f the Relafed Dacuments vr t� camply wi�h or t� perF�rm any <br /> term, ab�igation, �o�enant vr condition�antained in any other agreemen�between Lender and Bvrravtirer or Trustar. <br /> Campi'ran�e De�au�t. Failure ta �vmply wi�h any �ther t�rm, obligati�n, c��enant or condi�ion contained in this <br /> I]eed of T�-ust,the Nv���r in any af the Rela�ed Documents. <br /> De�ault on C3�her Payments, Failure vf Trustor within the time r�quired by this Deed of T�-ust to make any payment <br /> fv�-taxes or insurance, or any other payment necessary#� pre�ent filing of or�❑effect discharge of any lien. <br /> Default in Fa�vr afi Third Part�es. 5hould B�rrower or any Grantvr de�aul� under any [oan, exkension of �r�di�, <br /> secur�ty agreement, purchas�ar sales agreement, or anY ather agreement, in fav�r of any ather creditvr vr person <br /> that may materially affecf any o� Barrvwer's ar any Grantar's property ar gorrower's abi�ity �o repay the <br /> . lndebfiedness ar Bvrrower's or Grant��'s abi��ty ta pe�fiorm their respect��e abligatians under this Deed vf Trust or <br /> any❑f the Related Documents. � <br /> Fatse 5tatemen�s. Any warranty, represenfiation or statement made or furnished ta Lender by Borrower or Trus#or <br /> or an Bor�ower's or Trus#vr's behalf under this Deed v�Trust vr the Related Documents is false ar misleadin� in <br /> any mater3al respe��, ei�h�r nnw ar at the �im� made vr furnishe�! ar becnmes false ar misl�ading at any #�me <br /> therea�ter. <br /> De�ec#i�e Galla�eralizativn. This D�ed of Trust or any af the Re�at�d Documents ceases t❑ be in full fv�rce and <br /> effiec� �including failure ��any co�lateral document to create a �a�id and perfected securi�y in��rest vr lien} at any <br /> time and�or any reason. <br />