2� 1 ��5493
<br /> �EE� �F TRU�T
<br /> . �C��tinu�d} Page �
<br /> I aw, or any a�her [aw wh i ch may pre�en� Lender frvm bri ngE ng any acti on agai nst Trustor, i nGl ud�ng a �lai m fo�-
<br /> def�iency to�he extent Lender is athennr�se entitled to a claim for d�ficiency, be#or�or after Lender's commencement
<br /> or campie�ion o�any foreclosure actian, eith�r judic�ally a�by�xe�-�is�of a pawer of sale.
<br /> PAYMENT AN�3 PERFDRItiI#ANCE. Except as othenrvise pra��ded in this Deed of Trus�, Borrawer and Trus�or sha�l pay to
<br /> Lender alf lndea�edness secured by this Deed vf Trust as it becomes due, and Bvrrower and Trustor shall sfriGtly
<br /> perform all�heir respective obligations und�r fihe Nfote,this Deed af T�ust,and the Related Documen�s.
<br /> PaS5ES5lt]N AN D MAINTENANCE DF THE pRDPERTY. 6arrower and Trustor agree that Borrower's �nd Trustar's
<br /> � possessian and use���he Property shall be gv�erned by the following prov�sions:
<br /> Possess�an and dJse. Unfi[ �he accurrence o� an E�en� vf Defauf�, Trustor may �'�} r�main in possession and
<br /> cvntrol of the Property; �2} use,aperate vr rnanage the Prvperty;and �3} collecfi the Ren�s frvm the Prvper#y.
<br /> Duty to Mainfain. Trustor shalf maintain the Propetty in �enantable condi�ivn and prvmp�ly perF�rm alf repairs,
<br /> replacements,an�f maintenan��necessary to pre�erve its vaf u�.
<br /> ComplianGe Vlri#h Environmental Laws. Trustor represents and wa�rants�o Lender tha�: �1} ❑uring the peri�d vf
<br /> Trustvr's�wnership af the Praperty,�here has been na use,genera#ion, manufacture,s�orage,trea�ment,d�spvsal,
<br /> reiease vr threatened rel�ase of �ny Haz�rdvus Substance by any persan ❑n, under, a�aut vr from the Property;
<br /> ��} Trustvr has no knowledge ofi, vr reasvn t❑ belie���ha�there has be�n, except as pre�iously disclased ta and
<br /> a�knowledged by Lender in writing, ta} any bre�ch or �€vla�ion af any En�ironmenta� Laws, {b} any use,
<br /> generati�n, manufa��ure, storage, �reatmen�, d'€spvsaf, release or threa�ened �efease o�any Hazardvus Subs�ance
<br /> on, under, about or fram the Prope�-�y by any prior awners or ❑ccupanfs of�he Pr�pe�-ty, vr �c} any ac�ual or
<br /> threa�ened [i�igation ar claims of any kind by any persvn relating �a such matters; and t3} Ex�ep�as pre�iously
<br /> disclased ta and acknaw�edged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustar nar any�enan'�,can�raGtor,agent or v�her
<br /> authari�ed user of the Property shall use, generate, manufacfure,store,treat, dispvse af or re€ease any Haza�-dous
<br /> . Substance on, under, ab�ut vr fram the Praperty;and �b} any such acti�ity shall be conduc�ed in cvmpliance with
<br /> al� applicab�e federa[� 5�at�r and loca� l�ws, regula�ians and ❑rdinances, including withaut limi�a�ion al�
<br /> En�irvnmental Laws. Tn.rstvr authar€zes Lender and its agen�s tv en�er upon the Praperty to mak� such
<br /> inspec#ipns and tes�s, at Trus�or"s expense, as Lender may deem appropriate �v determine compl'rance of the
<br /> Prvperty with this section of the Deed vf T�-us�. Any inspectians or tes�s made by Lender sha[[ be�Far Lender's
<br /> purposes only and�hall not be cons��ued to �reate any respansibili�y or lia�ility vn�he �art o�Lender to Tn.is�vr or
<br /> �o any other person. The represen�a�ions and warranties con�ained herein are based on Trusfar's due dil�gence in
<br /> in�estiga�ing the Pr�perky for Hazard�us Substances. Trustvr hereby �1} releases and wai�es any futu�e �laims
<br /> against L�nder for indemnity or cvn�ribu#ion in �he e�ent Trust��- becomes �iabfe for cleanup vr other cvs�s under
<br /> any such faws; and ��} agrees to �ndemnify, d��end, and hvld harmless Lender against any and a!I claims, �vsses,
<br /> liabifities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses whi�h Lender may direct�y❑r ind'€rectly sustain or sufFer resuft�ng from
<br /> a breach of th�s sec�ion af the Deed nf Trus� or as a consequen�e of any use, generation, manufa�ture, s�nrage,
<br /> disposal, release ar�hrea�ened release occurring privr ta Trus�or's ownership or interesf in the Praperty,wh��her or
<br /> no��he same was or should have been known tv Trusfar. The pra�is�vns of this section of the �eed of Trust,
<br /> incFud�ng the�bl�ga�ian to indamnify and defend,shalf survi�e�he payment of the lndebtedness and the satisfac��an
<br /> and re�an�eyance of the�fen€�f this �eed af Trust and shall no�be affec�ed by Lender's acquisi�i�n o�any in�erest �
<br /> in�h�Praper�y,whefher�y foreclasure ar o�herwise.
<br /> Nuisance, �Vaste. Trustvr shalf nvt cause, canduct or permi� any nuisan�e nor commi�, permit, ot' sufFer any
<br /> stripping of or waste on or tv the Praperty or any portion of the Proper�y. Withaut limiting the generali�l�r of the
<br /> fvregoing, Trustvr will na�r�ema�e, �r grant to any o�her par-ty the righ�tv remo�e, any�imber, minerafs�including
<br /> ail and gas},coa�,clay,scar�a,svil, gra�el or�ock products without Lender's priar written �onsent.
<br /> Rem��al vf lmpra�ements. Trustor shall nvt demal3sh vr remnve any impra�ements frvm fhe Reaf Praperty without
<br /> Lender's prinr written consenfi. As a candition to�he remo�al nf any Imprv�ements, Lender may require Trustvr�fl
<br /> make arrangernents sa�isfac�ory �v Lender to replace such �mprovements with �mpr��ements af at Ieast equa3
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Righ�ta Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may en�er upvn the Rea� Property at a�l
<br /> reasnnab[e �imes to attend to Lender`s interests and �� inspect the Rea� Properky for purpvses of Trustar's
<br /> compliance vsr�th �he�erms and conditions of this Deed ofi Trus�.
<br /> Compliance with Go�ernmental Requiremen#s. Trustor shall promptly comply wifh a!I �aws, ordinan�es, and
<br /> reguia�ions, nvw or herea�t�r in effect, of al� ga�emmental au�hvri�ies applicable ta �he use or occupancy ❑�the
<br /> Property, inc�uding wi�hvut 1�mi�ation, the Americans V11ith ❑isabilitfes Act. Trustor may contest in gvod faith any
<br /> such ��w, ardinance, ❑r regulativn and withh�ld compliance during any prv�eeding, including appropria�e appeals,
<br /> so long as Trus�or has n�a�ified Lender in writing privr ta doing sv and sv�c�ng as, in Lender's sa[e opinivn, Lender's
<br /> interests in th� Property are not jeopardized. Lender may require T�-ustor ta pvst adequa�e securi�ty or a sure�y
<br /> band, reasonabfy satisfa�to�y�� Lender,tv prvte��Lender's in�eresfi.
<br /> �Du�y ta Pro#ec#. Trustvr agrees ne��her#v abandnn vr IeaWe unattended the Pr�perty. Trus�or shall do a�l o�her
<br /> ac�s, �n addition ta�hose a�ts set�orth abo�e in th�s se�tian,which from the�haracter and use�f�he Prvper�y are
<br /> reasonab�y necessary to protect and presen���he Property_
<br /> TAXES AND L�ENS, The fvllowing pravisions relating to the faxes and liens on �he Proper�y are part of this Deed of
<br /> T�-u st:
<br /> Payment. Tr-us�or shall pay when due�and in alF events prior t� de�inquency}alf�axes,specia!taxes, assessments,
<br /> charges �includ�ng water and sewer}, fines and impositivns levied against❑r vn account af the Prnper�y, and shall
<br /> pay when due al� �laims for work done on or far services �endered❑r ma�erial �urnished�� �he Praperty. Trust�r
<br /> shafl maintain the Properky free vf all liens ha�ing pria�ity vver or equal�o the interes���Lend�r under�h�s Deed o�
<br /> Trust, except for the €ien af�axes and assessments not du� and excep# as otherwise prv�ided in �his �eed of
<br /> Tru st.
<br /> Right tv Cnntes�. Trustor may withhvfd payr�en�❑f any�ax, assessment, ❑r claim in cvnnectivn w�th a good faith
<br /> dispute over the obligation to pay, s❑Ivng as Lender's interest in the Proper-ty is na�#sopardi�ed. lf a€�en arises❑r
<br /> is filed as a resul�of nonpayment, Trustor shall wi�hin fifteen �15} days after the lien arises ar, i�a lien is�iled,
<br /> with�n fi�teen ��5} days after Trustor has nvfiice af the �ilFng, secur�the discharge ❑f the lien, vr if request�d by
<br /> Lender,depvsit with Lender cash ar a sufficient cvrp�rate surety hand or vther s�curity satisfactory�a Lender in an
<br /> amvunt suffi�ienfi t� discharge the lien pfus any cqs�s and attorneys`#ees, or vther charges tha�c�uld accrue as a
<br /> resuft of a fvreclosure or sale under the lien. In any can�est, Trustor shall defend it�self and Lend�r and shall satis�y
<br /> any ad�erse judgment befnre enfarcement against the Pr�perty. Trus��r shall name Lender as an addit€onal vbligee
<br /> und�r any sure�y band furni�hed in the�ontest prviceedings.
<br /> Erridence o�Payment. Trustvr shal! upvn demand�urnish tv Lende�satisfac#ory e�idenr�e of payment of the taxes
<br /> or assessmen�s and sha�� authvrize�he apprapriate go�ernmental offi�ial tv deli�er to Lender at any��me a written
<br /> statement of�he taxes and assessments agains�#he Property.
<br /> Noti�e nf Construction. Trustar shall noti�y L�nder at�eas�fi�teen ��5} days he�v�e any work is�ommenced, any
<br /> se3vices are furnished,or any materials are supplied t� the Prop�rty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, ❑r
<br /> ��her lien could be asserted on accvun�af the work, services, ar ma�erials. Trustor wsll upan requ�st a� L�nder
<br />