2� 1 ��5489
<br /> �xH���T �A�
<br /> Debtor hereby irre�ocably grants and conveys ta Secu�ed Party, in trust, with power of sale and right of entry and possession all of �ebtor`s
<br /> estate, right, title and interest �n, �o and under and grant to Secured Party a security interest in any and all of the fnllowing des�ribed prope�ty
<br /> which is �except where �he con�ext oth�rwise requires} herein col�ecti�ely �alled the "Proper�y", whether nnw o�vned or held or hereaf�er
<br /> acquired, and any proceeds, products, accessories, rents, profits, and subs�itutions thereof or�h�re�a, in��uding:
<br /> A, The �-ea� property, as described in th� at�ached dacument, together with ali ❑f the �asements, rights, pr��ileges, franchises agreements,
<br /> ficenses andlor opera#ing ag�-eemen�s, and appur�enances be�ongin� to or in any way pertaining thereto whatsoever, either at �aw or �n �quity
<br /> �"Premises"};
<br /> B, All structures, buifdings, fixtur-es and impra�ements of e�er-y kind and des�ripfion naw or af any time hereafter 1oca�ed on or used in
<br /> connection w�th �he Premises, inc�uding any additions, ren�wals, subs�itutions, andlor rep�acemen�s thereof�"impro�ements"}; �Premises and
<br /> lmpro�ements col�ec�i�ely referred to as"Real Es�ate"};
<br /> C. AI� artic[es of pe�-sonal property, including any renewals, rep�acemen�s or additions there�o, including fillings, furniture and furnishings, and
<br /> �nsta�lations, sheiving, par#itions, doorstops, equipment and machineryy VdLII�S, eleva�ors, dumbwaiters, awnings, window shades, drapes,
<br /> drapery rods and brackets, venetian blinds, gas and e�ec�ric ligh� fixtures, fir� hoses and bracke�s, and �oxes for the same, �ire sprink�ers,
<br /> security and fire alarm systems, screens, linaleum, carpets, plumbing, laundry tubs and t�-ays, laundry equipment of any�ype, washers, dryers,
<br /> iGeboxes, refrigerators, appliances, heating units, boiler, furnaces, and heaters , s�a�es, ovens, water heaters, sinks, water close�s, basins,
<br /> pipes, faucets, and other air conditioning, plumbing and heating fixtures, communica��on systems, and all specif�caily designed �ns#ailatians and
<br /> furn�shings, now or a� any time hereaf�er�ocated on o�-used in any way in connec�ion with the use, enjoyment, occupancy or operation of the
<br /> Premises or the �mprovemen�s and own�d by Deb�or in which Debtor now has or hereafter acquires an in�erest, and al� vther �ixtures, and
<br /> personal property, buifding ma�eriais and equipment of whate�er kind and na�ure, now or hereaffer de�i�ered �o the Premises and intended to be
<br /> ins�alled❑r p[a�ed in or ahau��he Impro�ements and al(goods, equ�pment, chattels and personai property as are usuafly furnished or used by the
<br /> Landlords in letting Prem�ses of the character af the real esta�e;
<br /> ❑. All Righ�, tifle and interes� of �eb�or in and to a�l s�ree#s, roads and pu�lic p�aces, opened or propased, and afl easements and rights ��
<br /> way, public or pri�ate,�enernents, hereditaments, rights and appur�er�ances, now o�-hereafte�used in connec��on w�fh, belnnging or appertaining
<br /> to, �he Premises;
<br /> E, A�I general intangibles rela�ing to the development or use of�he Premises, including but not limi�ed to all governmentai permits relating �a
<br /> �ons�ruc�ion on the Prem[ses, all names under ar by which the Premises or any improvemen�s on the Premises may at any time be operated or
<br /> any�ariant�hereof,and alf�rade names,t�-ademarks and goodwill in any way t-elating to�he Premises;
<br /> F. All reser�es, deferred payments, deposits, refunds, cos� sa�ings, and paymenf of any kind or nature relating ta the construction of any
<br /> improvements on the Premises ar othe�-wise relat�ng to the Premises or to any af�he property described herein;
<br /> �. All presen�ly�awned or hereafter acquired rights of Deb�o�with respect ta wa�er taps, sewer taps, andlor utility deposi�s;
<br /> H. Any and alf ��aims,judgments, awards af damages, �ompensation pa�d flr payable, and settlements hereafter made as a result of ar in fieu
<br /> of any taking of�he Premises�r any part�hereof or int�rest therein under the power of eminent domain, ar for any damage �whe�her caused by
<br /> such takin�or otherwise}�o the Premises or the impro�ements�hereon or any part thereof or interest therein, including any award for change of
<br /> grade ofi stree�s, and al� pr�ceeds of�he conversions, �olun�ary o�-in�oiuntary, o�any❑f the foregoing into cash or liquida�ed claims;
<br /> !. AI� plans and specifica�ions prepared for construction and impravements on the Premises and all s�udies, da�a, and dratrvings related
<br /> #he�-eto; and a(so all con�racts and agreements of�he Debtor relating �o #he aforesaid plans and specifiica�ions or to�he aforesaid s�udies, da#a
<br /> and drawings, or to�he cons��-uc��on of improvements on the Premises;
<br /> J. A�I presently owned ot- hereafter acqu�red righ�s of Debtor under all policies of insurance co�ering any of the forego�ng proper�y and ail
<br /> pr�ceeds, loss of payments and prem�um refunds which may become�ayable with respe�t to such insurance policies; •
<br /> K. AI� of the rents, royafties, issues, profi�s, revenue, incame and other benef�ts in any way arising fr�m o� relating t❑ the Premises or
<br /> Impr��emen�s, a�both and af� rights, tit(e and interest of Debtor�n and a�l leas�s af the Proper�y now or hereafter entered in�o and al� righ�, �it�e
<br /> and in�eres� or Debtor thereunder, depos�ted thereunder to secure perf�rmanc� by the lessees ❑f their ob�igations th�reunder; sub�ect to
<br /> however,the provisions contained �n the Assignment of Rents.
<br /> LaserPra,Ver.#6.2_1p.q16 Cnpr,D+H USA CarparaUan 1997,2�18. All Rig+ifs Resen�ed. -FJE G.1CFIiLPLlG64.FC TR-0773 PR-74
<br />