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2� 1 ��5488 <br /> ASSlGNNiENT �F RENTS <br /> ��ont�n Ued} Page � <br /> cfaims except as disclosed to and accepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. Grantor has the full right, power and autho�-ity to enter into #h�s Assignment and ta assign and <br /> c�nvey the Rents to Lender. <br /> No Prior Assignmen#. Grantar has not pre�i�usly assigned or conveyed the Ren�s to any other pe�son by any <br /> instrument now in force. <br /> Na Further Transf�r. Grant�r will not seil, assign, en�umber, ar otherwise dispose of any af G�-antor's rights in�he <br /> Rents excep�as pro�ided in�his Ass�gnmen#. <br /> LENDER'S RIGHT T� RECEIVE AND COLLECT RENTS. Lender sha�l have the righ� at any time, and even �hough no <br /> default shall have occurred under th�s Assignmen�, to cfl�lect and receive the Rents. For�his purpose, Lender-is hereby <br /> given and granted�he fnllowing ri�hts, powers and au�hority: <br /> Na�ice to Tenants. Lender may send notices to any and al� tenants af th� Prape�ty advising them of this <br /> Assignment and direc�[ng all Rents ta be pa�d direc�ly to Lender or Lender's agent. <br /> Enter the Praper�y. Lender may enter upon and take possession of the Proper�y; demand, collect and recei�e from <br /> the tenants or fram any other persons ��able therefor, all of the Rents; �nstitute and carry on ail lega� praceedings <br /> necessary for the protection of th� Proper�y, inciuding such pro�eedings as may be necessary �o reco�er <br /> possession�f the Property; ca����t the Rents and remoWe any tenant or tenants or ather persons�rom the Property. <br /> Maintain the Property. Lender may enter upon the Property to maintain �he Property and keep �he same in repair; <br /> tv pay the costs �hereof and of al[ services of ali employees, including th��r equipment, and of al� cvntinuing costs <br /> and expenses of maintaining the Prope�ty�n prape�repair and Gondit�on, and also�o pay all taxes, assessmen�s and <br /> water u�il��ies,and the premiums on fire and other insuran�e e�fected by Lender on the Property. <br /> Compliance wi#h Laws. Lender may do any and all things ta execute and camply with �he �aws of the State of <br /> Nebraska and a�so a�l other laws, rules, orders, ordinances and requirements of al� other go�ernmental agencies <br /> affecting the Property. <br /> Lease fhe Praper�y. Lender may ren�❑r lease�he whol�or any pa�t of the Proper#y fo�such �erm �r terms and on <br /> such c�ndi�ions as Lender may deem apprnpriate. <br /> Emp[vy Ag�nts. Lender may engage such agent or agents as Lender may deem appr�pria�e, either in L�nder's <br /> name or in Grantor's name, tv rent and manage the Praperty, including�he col[ection and applica�ion of Rents. <br /> �the�- Acts. Lender may do a�l such ather things and ac�s w�th respe�f to the Pr�perty as Lender may deem <br /> appropria�e and may act exc[usi�ely and solefy in the p�ace and stead of Grantor and �o ha�e all of the powers af <br /> Grantar for the purposes stated abo�e. <br /> No Requirement to Acf. Lender shall not be requ�red to da any o��he foregoing acts or things, and the fact tha� <br /> Lende� shall have performed one or more af the foregoing acts or things shall not require Lender to da any othe�- <br /> specific ac#or thing. <br /> APPLIGATl�N ❑F RENTS. All cos�s and expenses incurred by Lender in connection wi�h the Property sha�l be for <br /> Gran�or's a�count and Lender may pay such �os�s and expenses fr�m the Rents, Lender, �n i�s so�e discre�ion, shall <br /> determine the app�ication of any and all Rents received by it; howe�er, any such Rents recei�ed by Lender which are <br /> nvt applied to such costs and expenses shall be applied to the lndebtedness. AI� expenditures made by Lender under <br /> �his Assignment and not reimbursed �rom the Ren�s shall become a par� of �he [ndebtedness se�ured by this <br /> Assignment, and shall be payabfe on demand,with �nterest at�h� Note rate from date of expenditure un�il pa�d. <br /> FULL RERF�RMANCE. If �rantor pays ali of the Indebtedness when due and otherwise performs al� the obliga��ons <br /> imposed upon Gran�or under this Assignment, the Nate, and �he Related Documents, �ender shafl execu�e and deliver ta <br /> Gran��r a suitable sa�isfac�ion ❑f th�s Assignment and suitabfe statements of�ermina�ion of any financing s�atement on <br /> file e�idencing Lender's security interest in the Ren�s and the Property, Any termina�ion fee required by faw shal� he <br /> paid by Gran�or, if perm�t�ed by applicable law. <br /> LENDER`S EXPENDlTL1RES. ��any a�tion or proceeding is cammenced that wou�d mate�ial�y a�fect Lender`s in�eres�in <br /> �he Property or if Gran�or fails�to comply wifh any provision of this Assignment or any Re�a�ed Documents, in�lud�ng but <br /> not limited to Grantor's failure to discharge or pay when due any amoun#s Grantor is required to dis�harge or pay under <br /> this Assignment or any Rela�ed Documen�s, Lender on G�-antor's behalf may �bu� sha�l not be obiigated to} take any <br /> actian tha� Lender deems apprapriate, �ncluding but nc�t lim�ted �o discharging or paying afl taxes, liens, securi�y <br /> in�erests, encumbrances and o�her claims, a�any time le�ied or placed on th� Rents or�he Property and paying alf costs <br /> for insuring, main�ain[ng and preserving �he Praperty. A�I such expendi#ures incurred or paid by �ender for such <br /> purposes w�ll �hen�ear in�e�-es�at the rate charged under the Note from the date incurred or paid by Lender to�he date <br /> o#repayment by Grantor. All such expenses will become a par�of the �ndebtedness and, at Lender's op�ion, will �A} <br /> be payable an demand; €B} be added to�he balance of�he Nate and be appartioned am�ng and be payable wi�h any <br /> insta�lment paymen�s to became due during either {�} the �erm of any applicable insurance policy; ar �2} the <br /> remaining term of the No�e; ar �C} be t�-eated as a balloon paymen� wh�ch wil[ be due and payab�e a� the Nate's <br /> maturity. The Assignment a�sc� will secure paymen�of these amoun�s. 5uch right shall be in addition to a�l other r�ghts <br /> and remedies to which Lend�r may be en��tled upon Default. <br /> DEFAULT. Each o�the following, at Lender's op�ion, shalf const[tute an E�ent of Defau[t under this Assignm�nt: <br />
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