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2� 1 ��5487 <br /> DEED []F TRUST <br /> �C�7r1t1 n Ued} Page 3 <br /> bond, reasonably satisfactory ta Lender, ta pro�ect Lender's interest. <br /> Duty �o Prvfec�. Trustor agrees neither t❑ abandon ❑r leave una�tended the Property. Trustor sha[I da afl o�her <br /> acts, in add�tion ta those acts set forth abo�e in�his sectian,which fram�he character and use of the Prvper�y are <br /> reasonably necessary to protec�and preserve the Prope�ty. <br /> Cvnstruction Loan, �f some❑r al� �f�he proeeeds of the�oan creating the Indeb�edness are�o be used t❑construct <br /> or comp�ete construction nf any Impro�ements on the Prope�ty, �he [mpro�emen#s shal! be cample�ed n❑later than <br /> the ma�urity date of the Nr�te �or such ear�ier da�e as Lender may reasonably establish} and Trus�or shall pay in ful� <br /> all costs and expenses in connec�ion wifh th� work. Lender w�l[ disburse loan proceeds under such �erms and <br /> condi�ivns as Lender may deem reasanabiy necessary t❑�nsure that the �n�eres�created by�his Deed of Trus�shall <br /> have priori�y o�er al� possibie liens, including those of material suppliers and workmen. Lender may require, amang <br /> ather things, �ha� d�sbursement requests be suppo�ed by rece�p�ed bills, expense affida�its, wai�ers ❑f �iens, <br /> �onstru�tion progress reports, and such o�her documentation as Lender may reasonably request. <br /> DUE DN SALE �C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender`s option, declare immedia�ely due and payable all sums <br /> se�ured by th�s Deed of Trust upon the sale or transfer, withou�Lender's prior writ�en consent, af a�l or any par�of#he <br /> Real Proper�y, or any interest in the Real Proper�y. A"sale vr transfer" means the �on�eyance af Real Property or any <br /> right, title or interest in �he Real Property; whe�her legai, beneficiaf or equi#able; whether �aluntary ❑r in�ofuntary; <br /> whether by outrigh� sale, deed, ins�allment sale contract, land c�ntract, contrac� for deed, leasehold interes� with a <br /> term grea�er�than #hree �3} years, lease-aption contract, or by sale, assignmen�, or�r-ansfer of any beneficial in�erest in <br /> vr to any land trust holding ti�le to �he Real Property, or by any o�her method vf�on�eyance af an interest in the Rea� <br /> Pr�perty. lf any Trustor is a corpora�ion, partnership or l�mited liab��i�y company, transfer alsa inc�udes any change in <br /> �wnership af more than �w�nty--fi�e percent�25°/a}of the vot�ng stock, partnership interests or limi�ed liability company <br /> interests, as the case may be, of such Trustv�. Howe�er, this op#ion shal� no� be exercised by Lender if such exercis� <br /> is prohibited by federal law or by Nebraska law. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS, The fallowing pro��s�ons relating �o t�e taxes and liens an the Proper�y are pa�t af this Deed of <br /> Trust; <br /> Paymenf. Trustar shall pay when due �and in al�evenfs pr�or to delinquency}al��axes, specia[tax�s, assessments, <br /> charges ��ncluding water and sewer}, fines and impositions ievied aga�ns�or on account of the Proper�y, and shail <br /> pay when due all cla�ms for wark done on ar�or services rendered or material furnished to the Prope�y. Trus�or <br /> shaf� main�ain the Proper�y free of al[ liens having pr�ority o�er or equal to the interest ofi Lender under this Deed o� <br /> Trust, except f�r the lien ❑f taxes and assessments not due and except as o#herwise pro�ided in this Deed o� <br /> Trus�. <br /> Righ��o Contesf. Trustor may withho�d payment of any tax, assessmenf, ❑r�laim in connection with a gaod faith <br /> dispu�e o�er tha obligation to pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Proper�y is not je�pardi�ed. If a ��en arises ar <br /> is fil�d as a result of nonpayment, Trustor sha�l within fifteen ��5} days after th� lien arises or, if a lien is filed, <br /> within fif�een �'15} days af�er Trustar has notice ❑f the fil�ng, secure the discharge o�#he [��n, vr if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit with Lender cash or a sufficient cvrpora�e surety bond or other security sa#isfactory to Lender in an <br /> amoun�sufficient to dis�harge the lien p�us any costs and a�torneys`fees, or�ther�harges that cnuld accrue as a <br /> result of a forec[osure or sa�e under�he lien. in any cnn#est, Trustor shall def�nd itse[f and Lender and sha11 satisfy <br /> any,ad�erse judgment before enforcement against the Property. Trusto�-shal� name Lender as an addl�ional obligee <br /> under any surety band furnished �n the contest proceedings. <br /> E�idence af Payment. Trus�or shall upon demand fur�n�sh to Lender sa#isfactory evidence of payment of the taxes <br /> or assessmen�s and shall au�horize the appropriate go�ernmentaf aff�cia� �o deliver to Lender at any time a written <br /> statement of the taxes and assessments against the Praperty. <br /> Notice vf Cvnstru�tian. Trustnr shall natify Lender at least fif�een ��5} days �efore any work is commenced, any <br /> serv�ces are furnished, or any materials are supplied ta the Prope�ty, i�any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or <br /> other f�en could be asser�ed on accoun� ��the work, serv�ces, or materials. Trustor will upon request of Lender <br /> furnish to Lender ad�an�e assurances satisfac�ary to Lender that Trustor can and wi[1 pay the cos� of such <br /> impro�ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1NSURANCE. The followin� pravisians reiating ta insuring the Praperty are a part o�this Deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shal� pracure and maintain policies o�fire insuran�e wi�h standard ex#ended <br /> eoverage endorsemen�s vn a replacemen� basis for the full insurable va(ue co�ering a�l Impro�ements on the Real <br /> Property in an amount sufficient to a�oid application o� any coinsuran�e clause, and wifh a standard mor�gagee <br /> clause �n fa�or o#Lender. Trustor sha[I also procure and maintain comprehensive general �iability insu�anc� in such <br /> ca�erage amounts as Lender may request wi�h Trustee and Lender bein� named as additional insureds in such <br /> liabi�ity insurance p�licies. Additionally, Trus�or sha�l maintain such other insurance, including but not limited to <br /> hazard, business interruption, and �oiler insurance, as Lender may reasonably requ�re. Po�icies shafl be written in <br /> form, amounts, c�verages and basis reasonably acceptab�e to Lender and issued by a company or companies <br /> reasonably a�ceptab[e to Lender. Trustar, upon request of Lender, wi[f deliver to Lender from �ime to time the <br /> poli�ies or cert�fica�es of insurance �n form satisfactory to Lender, inc�uding stipulations that co�erages wifl not be <br /> cance[led o�-diminished without a�least fifteen �'15�days prior written no�ice ta Lender. Each insurance policy also <br /> shal� include an end�rsement prov�d�ng that coverage in fa�or of Lender will not be impaired in any way by any act, <br />