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--_�t. <br /> � <br /> _ � � <br /> ...� <br /> I�HA MORTGAGC RIDCR �� ��O 17�i <br /> (Assumptian Rlde�) <br /> �� � (The term "mortgage" shall bc deemed to include "Oeed ol T�ust " as a licable. <br /> + PP ) <br /> � Thls Rider, dat�d the >>t h ��y. o� .�anuarr j ge� <br /> amends the O�ed of T�ust of even date y a�d between � <br /> B�RERT RRFNT(IN ANrI MARY � BRFNTf1N � 1�1Q Oorrowe�(s), and <br /> rni i iMR11S FF(1FRA1 �A nn,r_� RntiK , the T�ustee, a�d <br /> r_ni i�MUi�� FFnr•Rai sA�T Nr,� RANK , the Lende�, <br /> as followss <br /> � O�e-Time Mort�age lnsurance Premium , <br /> l. Subsection (a) oi Pa�agraph 2 is deieted. <br /> 2. Subsectlan (c� (1) ot Pa�agraph 2 is deleted. <br /> 3. in the third sentence af Para�raph 3� the words "all payments made under the <br /> provision oi (a) oi Para�raph 2 hereoi which the Le�der has not becomr. <br /> obllgated to pay to the Secreta�y oi Housing and Urban Oevelopment a�d" <br /> are deleted. <br /> 4. The fourth sente�ce o! Paragraph 3 ls amended by inse�tion o1 a pe�iod aiter <br /> " . . then remaining unpaid under sald Note" a�d deletion o! the �emainder <br /> � of the sentence. <br /> S. Paragraph 12 is amended by the addltio� oi the iollowing: <br /> "This option may not be exercised when the ineliRibility � <br /> for insura�ce unde� the National Housing Act ls due to � <br /> the Lende�'s failu�e to remit the mortga�e lnsurance <br /> premlum to the Department oi Housing and Urban i � <br /> _ ^�.�e:ap:�r:.i." - <br /> Assumption Clause � - <br /> The Mortgagee (T�ustee) shall, with the prior approval ot the Federal HousinR �,,,� <br /> Commissio�er, or his designee, declare all sums secured by this Mort�age (Deed o[ - � <br /> Trust) to be lmmedlately due and payable ii all or a part oi the property is sold or � <br /> othe�wlse transier�ed (othe� than by devlse, descent or operatlon oi law) by the <br /> Mortp,agor (Trusto�), pursuant to a contract oi sale executed not later than ]2 � <br /> months af ter the date oi executlon oi this mortgage or not late� than 12 ' <br /> months aiter the date oi prlor t�ansier of the property subject to th�s ortgage Dee � � . <br /> of Trust)� to a purchaser whose credlt has not been approved in accordance wjth the '� <br /> �equirements of the commissloner. <br /> .�: <br /> ; .�. <br /> IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, the borrower(s) has set his hand and seal the day and ' � <br /> year fi�st atoresald. <br /> � <br /> / ,�J i'�"`'� <br /> Dorrowe� ROBERT BRENTON <br /> � <br /> `-��iG� � ,�����z-� <br /> Borrower MA L. BRENTON <br /> State oi Nebraska ) <br /> -- HALL � S --,_«_ - <br /> County ot j <br /> The fore�oin� instrument was acknowled ed betore me this � �t h clay of <br /> _ .lanuarr , �g qp � �y ROBERI BREN�ON AN[S MARY I BRF.M'O1C-- � <br /> . 111 <br /> � Witness my hand �nd notarial seal at ��kANf) l�i �NI� �� <br /> , <br /> in said county, the d�te aforesaid. r• <br /> ; , �f <br /> � , • ��_! <br /> i < .� <br /> -��: [�K �or�mi�� expires: � � ._ <br /> l`( , <br /> , G( , .. t_� �� <br /> •�se�i: , . — <br /> ���; . , . . . NQ����� �PMw���:� � ,: <br /> /+A�t� .. .� . . ' . <br /> , <br /> R f,,•`, � <br /> 1 <br /> /. A 1 <br /> ft{ � <br /> -�a <br />