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2� 1 ��5398 <br /> Upon receipt af payment of th�price bxd,Trustee shall deii�er ta the purchaser Trustee`s deec� <br /> conveying th�Property.The recit�ls in the Trustee's dee�shall be pr�rna facie evidence vf the truth <br /> of the statements made therein. Trus�ee shall apply the praceeds of the sale in the following order; <br /> �a�ta all costs anrl expenses of exereising the power of sale,and the sale,including the payment of <br /> �he Trustee's fees actually in�urred an�reasanabie attvrneys'fees as permitte�d by App�icable Law; <br /> �b}to all sums secured by this Security In�trument; and��}any exce5s to the person ar persans <br /> legally entitled to�t. <br /> 23. Recon�eyance.Upon payment of ali sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender sha11 requ�st <br /> Trustee ta reconvey the�roperty and sha11 surrender this Security Instrument and all no�es ev�dencing <br /> d�bt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Trustee sha1�reconvey the Property without�varranty <br /> to the person�r persons legally entitled to it. Such persQn or persons shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> Lender may charge such person or persans a fee for recanveying the Property,but an�y if the fee is paid <br /> to a third party(such as the Trustee) for s�r�ices rendered and the charging of the fee is perm�tted under <br /> Applicable Law. <br /> 24. Subst�tute Trustee.Lender, at its option, may from time to time remo�e firustee and appoint a <br /> successor trus�ee to any Trustee appainted hereunder by an instrument reco�'ded in the county in�vhich <br /> this Security Instrument is recorded. Without conveyance of�he Property,the successor tru.stee sha�l <br /> succeed to a11 the title,power and duties conferred upon Trus�ee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> 25. Reque�tfor Notiees.Borrower requests that copies of the notice of default and sale be�ent ta <br /> Borrower's address which is the Propert�Ad�dress. <br /> �C. Vllaivers.Borrower waives a11 right to homest�ad exemption in the Property. <br /> Z7. Attorneys' Fees.As used in this Security Instrument and the Note, attorneys' fees sha11 inc�ude those <br /> a�rarded by an appellate court and an}�at�orneys'fees incurred in a barikruptcy proceeding. <br /> FHA Deed af Trust With MERS-NE 9/30/2414 <br /> Bankers SystemsTM VMP� VMP4N(NE}(154fi}.44 <br /> Wolters K�uwer Finar�cial Services Page 15 of 1? <br /> q�3359��31�3 ��33 419 1517 <br />