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it in good faith and reasonably believed by it to be authorized or within the discretion or rights of powers <br />conferred upon it by this Trust Deed or state law. <br />12. The integrity and responsibility of Trustor(s) constitutes a part of the consideration for the obligations <br />secured hereby. Should Trustor(s) sell, transfer, or convey the property described herein, without prior <br />written consent of Beneficiary, Beneficiary, at its option, may declare the entire indebtedness immediately <br />due and payable and may proceed in the enforcement of its rights as on any other default. <br />13. That Trustor(s) is, and shall continue to be, duly organized, validly existing and /or legally qualified to <br />do business under the laws of the states in which Trustor(s) operates, in compliance with federal, state <br />and local laws or regulations, and has legal authority in such states to conduct Trustor(s) business <br />operations and to own agricultural real esate. No change has been made in the name, ownership <br />control, relationship, IegaT status or organizational and /or formation documents of any undersigned <br />T since the time any such information was last provided to Beneficiary. <br />14. That if Trustor(s), or anyone signing this Trust Deed, is a limited liability company, that those signing <br />on behalf of said limited liability company constitute a majority of the managers or members thereof, and <br />that the execution of this Trust Deed is in the ordinary course of the limited liability company's business <br />and has been authorized by its members. <br />15. Assignment of Rents including Proceeds of Mineral Leases. Trustor(s) hereby assigns, transfers, <br />and conveys to Beneficiary all rents, royalties, bonuses, and delay moneys or other proceeds that may <br />from time to time become due and payable under any real estate lease or under any oil, gas, gravel, rock, <br />or other mineral lease of any kind including geothermal resources now existing or that may hereafter <br />come into existence, covering the property or any part thereof. All such sums so received by Beneficiary <br />will be applied to the indebtedness secured hereby; or Beneficiary, at its option, may turn over and deliver <br />to Trustor(s) or their successors in interest, any or all of such sums without prejudice to any of <br />Beneficiary's rights to take and retain future sums, and without prejudice to any of its other rights under <br />this Trust Deed. This assignment will be construed to be a provision for the payment or reduction of the <br />debt, subject to the Beneficiary's option as hereinbefore provided, independent of the lien on the property. <br />Upon payment in full of the debt and the reconveyance of this Trust Deed of record, this assignment will <br />become inoperative and of no further force and effect. <br />16. This Trust Deed constitutes a Security Agreement with respect to all the property described herein. <br />17. The covenants contained in this Trust Deed will be deemed to be severable; in the event that any <br />portion of this Trust Deed is determined to be void or unenforceable, that determination will not affect the <br />validity of the remaining portions of the Trust Deed. <br />Hatchery Holdings, LLC <br />a Delaware limited liability company <br />By: <br />Jeffry L. H ning, Manger <br />STATE OF & 4 ) <br />COUNTY OF pi--c ) <br />s s <br />2 41665354 <br />On this /✓ of �2016, before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared Jeffry L. Henning to me known <br />to be the person(s) named in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who did say that he /she is the manager of <br />Hatchery Holdings, LLC, a limited liability company; that the instrument was signed on behalf of the limited liability <br />company by authority of its members and the manager acknowledged the execution of the i strument to be voluntary <br />act and deed of the limited liability company by it and by him/her volu arily executed. <br />My commission expires 1 - -2_0 1 t <br />ti) <br />o ary's Na !' <br />Not ublic in and for said County and State <br />
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