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<br /> �
<br /> _ __. i �
<br /> ���.:�s � t����� iool3s
<br /> --_� _ `I4�t .xea� M. (�Srne�y, Suca�r Tiu.st�er unori $ Deed of Tn�st ITL'iC�L c3IK� Cl1tCL'EY� 111�U 071 ar a�x�uL T'�y
<br /> 15, 198�, by and kx�ttwaen Micheel D. Iandtwlm aix� 3ayce C. Laix�wlm, `I�Z�sr.oxe, arid Ticar Ti�le In�Curan�
<br /> r mt�any, �ln:stee, and �esiciaYy, SLpez�ior Mar�tc,�c�e, Inc., whi.ch E�s rocx�i�iefi as Duc.wr�t Nwrb�x g6-
<br /> I 102588 of the lK�rtgac,� Raoordg vf t1�e offic� af the Regi._�ter of F��ds of Fia�l Cxxut��, N�r�iska, herein
<br /> aeiJled the t�1NI�CR, in caonsic�aration of S62,QOA.00, and other valu�le aansid�+tion, receiv�d fran
<br /> ���r �'�`' ��° �: ��i n= r�i l� cx�v+aSr at�d oonf irnt urito Fl�de�l liQOe IOBD I�t�get�
<br /> Oa�pae�t3,m, herc�in aalled the (�ANIFE, the follaaing de.�erabed raal propeity in Hall Uauity, Nelaraska:
<br /> � Int 29, l�eaiood P��t Se000d S�divisiron� Ha]1 �u�y, IJe�[aslsa.
<br /> � Zb hav� strl to hoLd the above-descz�ibed prenises together with all tenanents, hereditanents a�d
<br /> epp�ut�asat�oss thereto belar�ging wzto to C�tAN1�, a�r�d to C�,NIEE'S suocessors a� assicg�s farever.
<br /> t�R does haz�eby aav�enant with the c�ANIFE a�l with the C�AN�'S suc�cessozs a�xi assigns:
<br /> (1) Zhat Michael D. La�n]m and Jayc�e E. Iar�olm, �ustors, failed to pay the Beriefici�zty payments
<br /> whi.ch were aaztractual.ly due, and the (�tANICR, at the request of the Beneficiaty, elected to declare the
<br /> ent,are unpaid Prin�'r ba2an�e. tog�tY�x with interest thereon, at onoe immediately due aund payable.
<br /> (2) 7�at a Notice of De�ault was filed by C�tANiCR oti Septat�ber 15, 1989 as Doc�arent N�mi�ez' 89-104929
<br /> o,f the Misoellaneous Reoanls in the o�fiae of the Reg.,Ct�r of Ueeds of Hall Oonuzty, N�aska. A oopy o�
<br /> the Nata.oe of De�ault was sexved upon Jv,yve E. Iaooc3�alm, 41?2 �fi�� nri�e, C�'�d Is1�nd, Ne�r�
<br /> 66803 by oe2tified mai.l, postage prep�i�d, an Septet�' 20, 1989.
<br /> �3) � ZYu,i�:s, hii�'�ael D. I�o]sn �..-r3 .:oy� E. L-u�olm, f�i.lecl tfl curs the c�efault re�'erer.�
<br /> in tl�e Notice of Def�lt within 30 clays after the service of the Notice of Default.
<br /> (�) '33�afc a �Tot.u;e of 'Tius-�'s Sale �,�as fila� �sjr � on G.�r 18, 198� �:.s �t I�*,ut� 89-
<br /> 105668 of the Mi.scellar�eaus Reao�ds af Hall Oounty, Ne�aska. A oopy of the Notioe of �ustee's Sale .
<br /> we,.a se��ed upoan Joy�oe $. I�d�o�lm, 4122 Dc3ftwood Drive, (�-�d Islaod, N�r'-� 68803 by c�ti£ied "
<br /> �;t► Postage F�epaid, on Oct.ober 24, 1989.
<br /> ��j c3<e�iv�at p�ir�iisiied ivocc,ioe vf i�us'teeSs Sale Lo i�e neid an Dec��ixc' o, I�o9, a� i�:a'� v'�lc,� � - -
<br /> � a.m., at C�anl Island, H�all G�iunty, Netaraska, which Not,ioe u�as published in"'(Ya�d Is].and I�ti d e{�e r�d e n t of , -
<br /> Gr�d Island, NeYs-�+ska, o�oe a week for fiv� (5) a�nsecutive weeks ���7 on W�ednesday, Oc�-�rr 25, ' _
<br /> �ci err3iT�g W�daY� Nov�at�bez• 22. The last publicati� of Natice �:as at least ten (10) days P�rior to �=
<br /> the �ustee's Sale, held on Deoerb�r 6, 1989, and said sale wes rrov lateac than thirty (30) days after �
<br /> trie last publica~,.ian of I3a�-ave. 4��
<br /> : �
<br /> .�
<br /> (6) C�i�Nit'�t ooa�icted the sale on the date a�i time and at the plaoe specified in the natice of
<br /> sale. (�1NICYt aocepted the }aid in ti� s�n of $69,547.92, as the hi�+es�t bi.d upon said real gL�opezty. �
<br /> (�NRR has caaaplied'with the of the above-�f�renced Deed of TLUSt an� the x�>;*��'�s af •
<br /> Ne2�aslsa Statutes, Sectian 76-1001 throuc� Section 76-1018, 1965, in the exes�rase of the sale of the ;..
<br /> real p�roperty described hesein. ` � •
<br /> , ,
<br /> . �� .
<br /> �i.s deed shall aperate to oonvey to the C-RA.'�E, witl��t ri.ght of red��tiom, the C�iANIf�R'S title
<br /> and all ric�t, title, interest and claim of the �.vstor, and its suocessars in int� and of all ���'.
<br /> P�g ��T�4 bY� �l or urider it, in a�r�d to the real graperty, includinq a11 '� .
<br /> such ric�t, title, interest arid c].aim in and to such P�p�tY a�qui�'ed bY th+e Tnis-tor or its suoaessors .
<br /> . in ��t svbsequ.ent to the �cution of the Deed af Tn�st. �
<br /> This Deed is subject to all easenents, z�estricti.ons or ooverr-ints of rec�ri which (3�ANIOR is not
<br /> ` enti.tled tA aonvey pursvant ro Nelxaska Statute, Section 2), R.R.S., 1965.
<br /> �: �iber � . 1989. /'�
<br /> /
<br /> M. �S�wc�es� TYUStee
<br /> /
<br /> SI3lt�: � I�4� � QXI�TI'Y Q� 9mIT5 �III�F' ss.
<br /> .
<br /> / ' • - ---
<br /> Gh this � day o� Deoa�ber, 1989, bef ine, a NotaLy Public, in ar�d for said oo�uYty, pe,��anall�
<br /> �pe�ared Ja�es M. Carney, Si;.caessor �vstee, pes�anally known to �e the idaitical nerson wYr�se name is
<br /> affixed ta the foregc�ir�g v�:�tnunern and acluyawledgad the execution thereof to be his -�oluntaiy act and
<br /> deed.
<br /> i�iF1PI� tny hand and �TC,tarial S�1 tY�:e and last �bove erritt�-�. ' '
<br /> L � �� ��
<br /> : �rrw�r�rwr . �.
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<br /> ���' (IVC7r.�iIl! $�fi'31 82'Yj CqTTT:1SS1A11 �1:'�S) . `
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