2� 1 ��53�5
<br /> TranSfer of�he Property or a Beneficia�Inter�st in Borr�r�er, �f a��ar��.n�part Qf�he Property�r any��terest
<br /> i� i� is so�d �r �ransferred �or if a benef c�a� interes� in Borrawer �s s�ld or transferred and Borrower is n�t a
<br /> na�tural person} withnut Lender's prior wri�en �onsent, Lender may, at ��s �p�ion, require imm�diate payx�ent in
<br /> full of aIl su�ns secured hy this Secur��y �nstrumer��. Hawe�er, this op��o�n shall not be e�er�ised by Lender �f
<br /> exerc�se�s pr�hib���d by federal�aw as�f the�a���f th�s Secu.ri�y znstrume���.
<br /> If Lender e�ercises �hxs op�ion, Lender sha�l bive Borr�wer natice of ac�celera�ian. The n��ice sha�l pr�v�de a
<br /> perio� af not �ess than �he minimum number �f days estab��s�ed b� Appl�ca��e Lavv from �he da�e �he n��ice is
<br /> de�ivered or mai��d v�ithin v�hi�h Bon awer must pay all sums secured �y �his Secur��r �nstrumen�. �f B�rro�er
<br /> fails �o pay these sums prior r� th� e�pira��an af�h�s periad, Lende� �nay invake any remedies perm�tted �y�his
<br /> Secur��y�nstrument�v��hout fur�her nti�ice or d�rnand on Bor�rower.
<br /> �orr�wer's Right to l�.e�ns�ate, �f Borrowe� rnee�s certain c��nd��i�ns, �3�rrower sha�1 ha�e �he right �� have
<br /> enf�rcemen�of�his Securi�y �nstrumerit d�scontinued at a�y�ime pri�r t� �he earlier af: �a� 5 da�rs ��r such o�her
<br /> peri�d as Appli�able Lav�ma�specify far re�ns�atement}before sale of�he Praperty pursuan�ta any pavver of sale
<br /> �on�ain�d �n t1�is Security �nstrument; or �b� en�ry af a judgmen� enfo��c�ng �his Se�ur��y �ns�rum�nt. T�ose
<br /> conditians are that B�rr�wer: �a} pays Lend�r all sums v��z�h �hen w�u�d be due under�h�s Se�ur��r �nstrument
<br /> and�he Contract as if n�a�celera��on had o�curr�d;�b}cures any defaul�af any other co�renants or agreemen�s;�c�
<br /> pays a�l expens�s in�urred in enfflrc�ng�h�s Se�ur�ty�nstrumen�,�ncluding,�ut not limited�o,reas�nab�e a�torneys'
<br /> fees t��he exte�t perm�t�ed�y Iaw;.and�d��a�es such actian as Len.d�r may reasonably require ta assure�hat the
<br /> �ien of�his S�cur�ty�nstrument,Lender's righ�s in the Proper�y and B�rrovver's ob�iga�ian to pa��he sums secured
<br /> �y this Securi�y �nstrume�t shal� continue un�hanged. Upon re�ns�a��m�ent by Borra�rer, this S��urity �nst�-ument
<br /> and the �bl�gat�ons secured hereby shall rerr�ain ful��r effecti�v� as �f na acre��ration had occurFed. Howev�r, �his
<br /> r�ght t�reins�ate sha�I n��app�y in�he case of a��e�era#:��n under�he section����ed Transfer�f the�roperty or a
<br /> Benef��al In�erest in�arrower. .
<br /> Ha�ardaus Su�bstance�. Barr�wer sha�l n�t�ause or perm��the presence,��se, dispo�a�, s�orage, ar release of any
<br /> Hazard�us Sub�tances on or�n the Property.B�r�awer shall not do,rnor al��w anyone else�a d�,anythin�affec�ing
<br /> �he Pr�per�y �h�t is in �i�la��on �f any Env�ranrnex�tal Lavv. The pre�ed�ng �wo sentences shal� no� apply to �he
<br /> p�esence,use,�r storage on the Proper�y❑f srnall quan����es�f�3a�ardous Subs�ances that are general�y r�cognized
<br /> �o be appropr�a�e to n�rma�residen�ial uses a�d�a maintena��.ce of the Praperty.
<br /> Borrower sha�1 promp�ly give Lender wri�t�n no��ce af any in��s��ga�ian,cl�im,demand,lawsui�or o�he�a����n by
<br /> any go�ernmenta� �r regu�a��ry agen�y or p�ivate par�y �n��iving t�e Prfl�perty and any Ha2ardous Substance or
<br /> En��r�nmentaX Law flf vvhich Barrower has �.ctual knorn���dge. �f �3oj�rower �earns, or is n��ifi�d by any
<br /> go�ernmen�al or regulat�ry au�hvrity,tha�any r�n�.��va��r ather remediatio��of any Hazardous Subs�ance a�fec��ng
<br /> the Praperty is necessar�, Barrav�er shal� promptly take a 11 nec�ssary remed�a� ac��ans �n ac�ardance vv��h
<br /> Envir�nmen�ai Law. � �
<br /> As used in�his paragraph, "Hazardous Subs�a�c�s" are those substances d�f�ned as t�xic ar ha�ar���.s su�stances
<br /> b� Env�ranmental Lav�r a�d the f�l�owing substa�ces: gasol�ne, ker�sene, other flamrnable �r tax�c pe�ro�eum
<br /> pradu�ts, toxic pesticides and herb�c�des, �r�1a��1e sa��en�s, materials containing asb�s�os or forrr�a�dehyde, and
<br /> radi�act��re materials. As used in�his paragraph, "Env�ronmental Lav�r'"meaGns federal�a�s and�aws flf fhe state of
<br /> Nebraska that r�la�e�o he���h,safety�r envir��.nr�enta�protec�ion.
<br /> Ac�elera�ian; �temedies. �Lender sha�l giv� no�ie� to Borr�tiver �prior �ta accelerat��n fvl�owing Borrov�er's
<br /> breach of any c��enant or agreement in this Securi��Ins�rumen��r th��on�ract under vWhich ac�e��ration
<br /> is p�r�n�tted �but not pri�r�o acce�erat�an un�er th�section ti��e�rTransfer of the Praperty or a Bene�c�a�
<br /> Interest in Bo�rawer, u��ess Appl�cab�e Lav� pr��id�s atherwis�)a 'Th� n�tice sha�� specif�: (�} t�� defau��;
<br /> �b� the acti�n r�quirec� ta �ure the d�fa���; �c} a dat�, not �ess t'han the min�mum num�e�- o� days
<br /> e�t�h�ished by Applicable Lavr�frorn the da�e the no�ice is gi�en t��orrawer, by wh�ch the def�.u��must be
<br /> cured; and �d� that faiiure to cure the d�fault �n vr �efare �h� da�e s�ec�f�ed �n �he no�ice may resuit in
<br /> acc�l�ration vf the sum� secur�d by thi� ��curity Ins�rument and ;���e �f the �'r�per#y. Tv �he e�tent
<br /> permitted �y l�w, the natice shall furth�r �nf�rm 13orrow�r nf th� rig�ht�o reins�ate after accelerat��n. and
<br /> th�right ta bring a caur��ction to asser�the��an�ex�stence of a def�u�1:ar any a�her defense of��rr�wer to
<br /> acc�leration amd sa�e. If t�e default �s n�t �ur°ed ❑n or �efore th�date specif�ed �n the no��ce, Lend��-at its
<br /> optio� may require immediate paym�n� ir� fu�1 of all sums secured. �by this Secur�ty �ns�rume�t wi�h�ut
<br /> further de�namd and ma� in�ake th� po��� �f�a�e and any oth�r �-�m�d�es �ermitted by Applicabl� I1aw.
<br /> T� th� extent permi�ted by law, L��der s��ali be entitled to co�iec� all expenses incurre� in pu�-suing the
<br /> r�medie� pro��ded in this Sect��n, inclu�ing, but not limit�d to, �-easan�abi�at�orn�ys' fees and�osts of�it�e
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the povver of sale �s �nv�ked,Trustee sha�� ��curd a no�i�e of defau�lr in each coun�y in wh�ch any �art of
<br /> the Property i� lQcated and shal�ma�� cop�es�f 5��h not�ce�n the mann�r pr�scr�bed by Appli�able Law ta
<br /> �orrow�r and t� �he �thQr pers�ns prescribed �y Applfcab�e Lavv. Afte� the time required �y �pp�icabl�
<br /> Law, Trus�ee sha�l gzve pub�ic notice of sa�e to the persons an� �n ���� manner prescrih�ed by �ppli�ab�e
<br /> Law.Tru�tee,without demand on B�r�av�er, shall sell the prop�rty a#:pubi�c auct�on to the high�st bidd�r
<br /> at thQ t�me and place�nd und�r the�erms d�signa�ed in th�no�i�e�f s�ale in one or more parc�is and in any
<br /> order Trus�e� determines. Tr�stee nnay ���tp�ne sale af all �r an:y parcel of �he Prvperty by publ�c
<br /> an�ouncemen�at�he time and place nf any pr�ti•ious�y sch�du��d �a��.Lender or it�designee rnay purchase
<br /> the Property�t any sa�e.
<br /> Upon rece�pt vf payment �f�he priee b�d, Trust�e shali d�li�rer to the �urchaser'Trustee�s deed con�e�ing
<br /> the Prnperty. The recita�s in the Truste�'�deed shall be prima facie err�dence af�he tru�h�f th���at�ments
<br /> C�3 2444-2Q15 Compliance Systems,Inc.8C54-1DbB-2D15.I I.3.1098
<br /> Consumer Real Es#a�e-S�curity Instr�ment DL2036 Pa;e 4 of 5 www.cornplian�esystenns.corrt
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