2� 1 ��53�3
<br /> Transfer of�h�Proper�y�r a Beneficial I���r�s�ir� Borr�v�er. �f all or��.ny par�of�he Proper�y or aY�y i�.�erest
<br /> �� it i� so�d or �rans�ferred �ar if a 1�en�fi�ial �n�eres� in Borrower is s��d ar transferred and �3orrawer �s n�� a
<br /> natural person} w��hout .Lender's prior writ�en �ons�n�, Le�der may, at ��s op���n, require immed�a�e payr�ent xn
<br /> ful� �f al1 sums secured by this Security �ns�rume��. Howe�er, th�s op���n sha�� not be exer�ised by Lender if
<br /> exerc�se is prah�bited by federa�law as af��e date�f t��is�ecux ity�n�trumer��.
<br /> If Lender e�ercises �h�s option, Lender sha�l bive Borrower n�ti�e �f a���e�era��an. The no�i�e shall pr���de a
<br /> period �f nat Iess �han �h� �n�ni�num number �f da�s es�ablis��d by Appl�cable Law fr�m �he date �h� no�ice �s
<br /> delivered or mai�ed vvithii� which .Sorr�wer must pay all sums secu�ed by �h�s Security �nstrumen�. �f B�rrov�er
<br /> fa��s �a pay �:hese sums prior�o �he exp�rat�an �f�l��s period, �Le�de� �n�y inv�ke any re�nedi�� perm�t�ed�� this
<br /> Security�ns�rument vt���h�ut fu��th�r no�ice or d�man�.on Bt�rr�wer.
<br /> B�rrower's Right ta l�e�ns�ate. �f Borr�wer mee�s cer�ain c�nditi�ns, �orro�er shall ha�e the r�gh� tv ha�e
<br /> enfarcemen��f th�s Secur��y Ins�rurn��n�discontinued a�any time pr��r���he earlier of: �a� 5 days �ar such other
<br /> period as App�i�ab�e Law ma�specify for re�nsta�emen��before sa�e�f th�Propert}�pursuant�o any power of sale
<br /> cantained in �h�s Securi�y �nstrumen�; or �b� entry flf a judg�ment enforcing �his=Security �nstrumen�. Those
<br /> concl�ti�ns are that Borr�vver: (a} pays Lender a�� sums r�h��h then vvou�d b� due under�h�s Securi�y �nstrument
<br /> and�he��ntrac�as if na acce��rati�n had occux-red;�b}cures any defau��af any other ca�enan�s or agreemen�s;��}
<br /> pays ail expens�s incurred�n enforcing�his Securi�.y�ns�rument, inc�uding,�au�not limited�o,reason�.b�e at�arneys'
<br /> fees to the e��e�t perm��.ted by�avv; and�d��akes such ac�i�n�as Lender may reas�nably require to �ssure that�he
<br /> iie�of�h�s Securi�y�ns��um�nt, Lender's righ�s �n�he Pr�perty and�arrower's��l�ga�ion to pay�h� sums secured
<br /> by �h�s Security Instrumen� sha�l con�inue unchanged. Upon reir�statem�nt by B�rro�uer, th�s S�curity �nstrument
<br /> and the ob�iga�ions s�cured hereby sha�� remain fu��y effec�iv� as �f na accaeleration had oc�urred. Ho�ve��r, �h�s
<br /> rigi���a reins�at� sha�l no�apply in���e case�f�.c�el�ration under�h� secti���titled Tran�fer�f the 1'rnperty or a
<br /> Benefic�al Interes���a. ��rr��v�r.
<br /> �Ia�a�dous Su�b�t���es. Borrower shal�not�ause or per�ni�the pres�nce, use, d�sposa�, storagE, or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n�r in the Pra�e�.y. �3ar�-ovver shail n��do,r��r al�aw anyone else��do,anyth�n�affecting
<br /> �he Proper�y �ha� is �n ��olation �f any En�ironme�ta� Lav�. The preceding �:wo sen�en�es shal� n�t a�p�y �a �he
<br /> presence,use,�r storag�an�he P�operty of smal�quan�i�ies af Hazardaus Substances�:ha�are g�nerally recogni�ed
<br /> ��be appropria�e ta nor�nal r�siden�ia�uses and�o r��a�tenai�ce of the Prop�;r�y.
<br /> Barrawer sha�1 promptly gi�e Lender wr�t�en not�ce of any�n��stiga�i�n,c�a�m, demand, Iav�su�t or other ac�ion by
<br /> any go�ernmen�al or regu�atary agen�� or pri�a�e party �nvo�v�ng �he Pro�pe�-fiy and any Ha2ardous Subst�.nce or
<br /> En�iran�nen�al Law of v�hich Barrower has actual 1{now��dge. �f B���rower learns, or is noti�'ied by any
<br /> go�ernmental ar regula��r�authori�y,�ha�any rexnaval�r a�her remediat�a���f any Hazard�us Subs�ance affect�ng
<br /> the Proper� is necessary, Borr�wer shall p�-omp�ly �ake a�l nec�ssary remedial ac�ians ir� accordance with
<br /> Envir�nmenta�Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazard�us Substa�ces" are th�se substances d�fin�d as�axic or ha�ardous subs�ances
<br /> by En�iranmen�al Lavv and �he follo��ng su�s�ances: gasoline, ker�sen�, ather flammab�e �r t���c petraleum
<br /> produc�s, toxic pes�icides and he�bicides, va�ati�e solven�s, mater��ls c�nta�ning as�bes�as ar f�rmaldehyde, and
<br /> rad�oactiWe ma�eria�s. As used�n th�s�aragraph, "En��ronmen�a�Law"mea.ns federa��aws and�a�s of the s�ate of
<br /> Nebraska�hat r�iate to heal�h,safety or enviror�men�a�pro�ec�i�n.
<br /> A�ce�era�ion; l�emedies. �ender sha�l gi�re n�tic� �o �3orr�wer Pri�r �:o accelerati�n fallowing B�rr�av�ver's
<br /> br�ach vf any�ovenant�r agre�men�in �hi�Securi�y Ins�rumen�ar the Can�ract under v�•hich ac�e�er�.t�on
<br /> is permitted �b��t not pri�r tv a�celerati�n under th�s��tion �i�l�d Tra�sfer�f the Property or a Beneficia�
<br /> �n�erest in Sorrawer, u��ess Applicable La� pr�o�ides otherwis��. 'T'h� nof�ce sh�all spec�f�: ��} �he d.�faul�;
<br /> �b� �h� �ction requir�d �o cure th� de�a�xl�; ��) a da��, n�t �ess �Ihan the minimum nurn�e�- o� days
<br /> estabiished �y App��cab�� I�a�v from the da���he no�i�e �s���en �o�orrav�er, by wh�ch �h�defaullt must be
<br /> cured; and (d� �ha� fa�lure to cur� �h� defau�� on or �efore the da�e s�ec�f�ed �n �he nv�ice may r�sult in
<br /> a�ceieration ❑f the 5um5 se�ured by ti��� Sec�.rit� I�s�rument and :a�e of �he I'raper�y. 'T� the e�tent
<br /> p�rmatted by �aw, �he ��t�ce sha�l furth�r i�fornr� �arrower af t��e r�gl�� ta re�nsta�e after ac�e�erati�n and
<br /> the righ�to br��g a cour�action �❑asser�th�r�or�-�e���tenc��f a defa�l��r any ather defer�se of Barrow�r to
<br /> accelera��on a�d sale. If��e default is not cured o� or bef�re th� date spe��f�ed �n th� no�icQ, Lende� at its
<br /> o��io� may require im�nediate payraner� in f��l of all sums secu��d by th�� Secur��y In�trume�t wi�hout
<br /> furth�r demand and may inva�e �he po�v�r �f sa�e �nd �ny ath��r x-erriedies perm�t�ed by Ap�lic�ble Law.
<br /> To the extent p�rmi�ted by la�, Le��der �h�ll he er��it�ed �o �a�ie�t �ll� expe�ses incurred in pursu�ng the
<br /> r�medies pro��ded i� this Section, in��uding, �ut no�li�i�ed ta, �rea�a�able a��orneyst fee�and costs�f�itle
<br /> ewide�ce.
<br /> �f�he po�ver af sa�e is �n�oked,Trus�ee�ha�� rec�rd a na���e of defau��:in �ac� county�n wvhi�h am� �art of
<br /> t�e Property is l�c�ted and sha�l mai� c�p�es ��such natice �� th� man�ner pres�r�b�d by Jr�►.pplic���e�aw to
<br /> B�r�avver and to the �ther persons �res�ribed �y Applica�i� I��v�. A��`ter #he �ime requ�red by �p�li�ab�e
<br /> Lav�, 'I'rustee sha�� gi�e publi� notice of�ale �❑ the �ersons and ir� t�:ie manner prescribed by �pp�icab�e
<br /> Law. Trustee,�i�hout d�mand o�n Barrowe�, shal�sel�the pra��rty at publ�c auct�vn�o t�e h�gh�st bidder
<br /> a�the t�me and place and under the��rms d�signated in�he noti�e vf sa�e in one�r more�arc��s and in any
<br /> arde�- Trustee det�rrnine�. 'Trustee ma� postp�n� sa�e vf a�� �or any parce� of the Property by puhlic
<br /> announcemen��t�he���e and p�ac�of any �r�r��aus�y�cheduled��a�e.I..�er�e��r or its designee may purchase
<br /> the�rnperty a�a��y sale.
<br /> �Jpon receip� �f paymen� af the pric� �id, Tru�st�� sha�l d�liver �a �he pur�has�r Trus�ee's deed +convey�ng
<br /> �he Proper��. 'The reci�a�s i� the'Y'rusteels deed shali be �rima f�c�e e��dence of the truth of�he�ta��ments
<br /> C�]20�4-2�15 Coznpliance Systems,Inc.CBEB-57gll-2015.12.2.11�2
<br /> Consun�er Real Estate-Security Instrurrient DL2�35 Pa�e�of S www.comp�iancesystems.cQm
<br />