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2� 1 ��53�3 <br /> Pa�m�n�of Pr�ncipal a�� Int�rest; �th����a�-ges.Borrow�r shall�romptly pay�rh��due the princi�a�af and <br /> in�erest an the debt owed under the Cont,ra��t�nd lafe charges��any��her f�es and�harges due under�he�an�rac�. <br /> App�icable Law�. A� used in this Secur�t� �nstru��.en�, the �erm "Applicab�e Law" sha�l mean al� cantralling <br /> app�icable federaX, s�a�e and l��a� statufies, regula�ians, ordina�ces a�d adn�inistrati�e rules and orders �that ha�e <br /> �he effe�t af Iaw�as vv��li as a�1 applicable final,non-appea]able�ud���a��pimions. <br /> Charges; Lien�. Borr�v��r shall pay a�I �ax�s, assess�nents, charg�s, fn�us and �mpQsit�ons at�r�buta��e �o �he <br /> Pro����y which may a�tain pr�arity o�er this S�curity �ns�rument, a�c� �e�.se:hald paymen�s ar gr�aund rer��s, �f any. <br /> A�the r�quest❑f Lender,�orrovsrer sha11 pr�mp�ly furnish�a L�nder r�c�ipt���idencing�he payments. <br /> Borro�ver sha�l promp�l�dxscharge any lien v�l�ich has priori�y over this Secur��Znstrument unl�ss Barrower: �a} <br /> agrees in wr��ing �� the payment of�he abliga�ion secured �� �he l�er� ��� a manner ac�ep�a�le t� L�nd�r; �b� <br /> c�ntests �n good fai�h the lien by, or defe�ds against �nforce�nen� �f�he �ien in, legal proceedings �vhich �n the <br /> Lender's op�nion operate �a prevent �he enfor�ement of�he Iien; or �c} secures from �h� h�l�er �f the �ien an <br /> agreement satis�actory ta Lend�r subordinating�h� I�en�o th�s Security Ins�trument. �f L�nder dLtermines tlaa� any <br /> par� of�he Proper� is sub�ect�o a l�en wh�ch may a�tain pr�ari�y �v�r this Secur��:y .�nstrument, Lender m�.y giv� <br /> B�rr�wer a not�ce �den��fying�he lien. Borrower shall sa�isf��he �i�� or�alke one �r m�re of�he ac�ions se� for�h <br /> abo�e w�thin 1�days af th�g��xng of notice. <br /> Hazard or Prvperty Insurance. Borr�v�er sha�l keep�he impro�ements n=aw e��s��ng or hereafter�r�cted on the <br /> Pr�per�y insured aga�nst lass by f re,ha�ards inc�uded within�he term"ex�erid�d ca�erage" and any a�her ha�ards, <br /> �ncluding floods or fload�ng, f�r which Lender requires insurance. Th�s insurance shal� be mair��a�ned �� �he . <br /> am�un�s and for�he periods tha�Lender requir�s. The �nsuranc�carr��r�roTviding the�nsurance�hal�be ch�sen b� <br /> B�rrovver sub�ec� to Lender's approval v�h�ch shal� na� be u���r �ri�hheld. �f B�rrower fails to maintain <br /> coverage d�scr�bed a�bo�e, Lender may, �t Ler�der's op�ion, �bta�� co�erage �a pro�ec� Lender's r�ghts in the <br /> Pr�perty in accordance�ith sec�ian tit�ed Pr�t�c�ion af Lender'�Rig�ts�ri the Pr�per�y. <br /> A�l insurance policies and renev�a�s shal� be accep�able to Lender and shall include a s�candard mar�gage �lause. <br /> Lender shall have�he righ��o ho�d the pol��ies a�d renev�a�s. �f Lender re�u�res, Borrower shall promp�ly gi�e�a <br /> Lender a1�receip�s flf pa�d premiums and renewa�notices. �n the e��n�of�,ass, B�rr�vver shal�gi�e prornp�notice <br /> �a�he insurance�arrier and Lender.Lender nr�ay make prt��f of loss if no�made prompt�y by Borr�w�r. <br /> Unless Lender and Borro�er otherwise agree ��� wri�ing, insuranc� p�r�ce:�ds shall be applied ta res��ra�ion flr <br /> repair of the Proper�y damaged, �f, �.n Lender's sole discre�ion, �he �-estoration ar repair is ec�nom�ca��y feasib�e <br /> and Lender's securi�y is not Iessened. �f, �� Le��er's sa�e discre�i�n, the res�ara�ion ar repair �s no� econ��nica�ly <br /> feasib�e or Lender's securi�y wauZd be�essened,�l�e insurance proceeds shall be appl�ed t�the sums secure�.by�h�s <br /> S�cur��y �nstrument, whether or n�t �hen du�, vWith any �xcess paid �o Barrower. �f B�rrower abandans �he <br /> Proper�, or�aes n��ansv�er vvi��in the nu�nber�f days prescribed by App�icab�e Law as set fo�th in a no�ice frorn <br /> Lender�o Borrov�er�ha�the insurance �arrier has offer�d�a s�tt�e a�lairri, th�n Lender may callect the �nsurance <br /> pr�ceeds. Lender nnay use �he pr�ceeds t� repair or restore the Proper�y or �a pay sums secured by�h�s S�curity <br /> Ins�ru�nent,whe�her or n���hen due.The per�ad of��me far Ba�r�vr�er��answer as se��for�h in�hv notice�v���beg�n <br /> when�he no�ice is gi�en. <br /> Un�ess Lender and BQr�ovver o�he��r�se agree ��vvriting, any app�ica�i�n o�^proceeds t�pr�ncipa� shall not extend <br /> �r pastpane the due date of�he payments due under�he �on�ract or �hang���h� amount�f�he payme��s. If under <br /> the sect��n���led Ac�elera�ian; l��med�es, the Pr�per�y �s acquir�d b�Lender, Borrow�r's righ�to any insurance <br /> pal�c�es and pr�ceeds resul��ng fro�n dam�ge t� �he Prope��y prior�� the a�quisi���n sha�1 pass t� Lender t� the <br /> e�ten�of�he su�ns secured by�his Security�nstru�nen�immedia��ly pr�or���the acqu�s��ion. <br /> Pres�rva��on, Maint�nance and Pratec#i�n �f the Fr��e�-ty; ��rro��er's Lvan Application; L�as�holds. <br /> Borravver sha�i nat des�roy, damage or�mp�ir th�Proper�y, al�ow th�Pr�p�r�y�o de�er�ara�e, or comm��wvas�e on <br /> the Pr�perCy. Borr�wer shail be�n defau�t if any fflrf���ure act�on�r pracee�ling,vv�� civil or crir�ina�,is begun <br /> that �n Lender's go�d faith judgm�nt cauld resu�t in forfeiture o�th� Pr�p�rty or atherwise ma�eria�ly impai��he <br /> �ien crea��d by th�s Secur�ty �nstrumen� or Lender's security i�teres�. Bt�rrower �nay cure such a d�fauxt and <br /> reinstate, as provided�n sec��on ti�led Borruw�r's Right ta I�eins��te, by causing�h� action or pr��eedinb�a be <br /> dismissed with a ruling�ha�,in Le��der's g�od fa��h determina�i�n,prec�ude�,forfe�ture of the B�rr�wer's interest xn <br /> the Praper� or other ma�eria� im.pairmen� of the �ien created by th�s Secur�ty Ynstrument or Lenderps s�curity <br /> �n�erest. Borro�er sha��alsa be in default if�c�rrorn�er,during�l�e��a�applica��on process,ga�e mat�r�a�ly false ar <br /> inaccurate �nforma�ion or statemen�s to Lende� �or fa��ed �o provide Lender wi�h any ma�er�al infar�nat�an} �n <br /> cQnnec��on with �he laan e�ridenced by�he �ontrac�. �f�his Security �ns�ru�men�is �n a leasehflld, Borr�vv�r shall <br /> �ornply wi�h a���he pro��si�ns�f�he lease. �f B��r�we�-a�guir�s fee ti��e to the Praperty,the�easeh��d and�he fee <br /> �itle sha�l nat m�rge un�ess Lender agrees t��h�merger�n�urit�ng. <br /> Pr��e�tion of L�nder's R�ghts �n the Pr�per�y. �f Barr�v�er fa��s t� perform the co�enanys and agreemen�s <br /> canta�n�d in�his Secur�ty Instrument, or ther� �s a�egal proceed�ng�hat�na��y signif�antly affe��Lenderps r�gh�s �n <br /> �he Proper�y �such as a proceeding �n �anl�rup�cy, proba�e, far ���de�nnation or forfe�ture ar ta enfor�e lav�s or <br /> regula�ians�, th�n Lender may da and pay for �rhate�ver �s necessar� �a pro�e�t the valu� of the Proper�r and <br /> Lender's rights in the Pr�per�y. Lender's ac���ns ma�include pay�ng�ny su�ns secured.b�a lien whic�has priori�.y <br /> o�rer�h�s Secur�ty�nstrum�nt, appearing�n���r�,pay�ng reas�nab�e at��rneys'fe�s and enter�ng a�the Proper�y�o <br /> make repairs.Alt�flugh Lender may take acti�n under�his sec��on,Lender does n��ha�e tv�.o so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed b� Lender under �h�s sectiflr� sha11 beco�ne additi��na� deb� of Borrovver s�cured by �h�s <br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrawer anr� L�nder agree ta oth�r �erms of payment, these amounts shal� hear <br /> C�2QD4-2�15 Compl€ance Systems,Inc.CBE$-579D-2015.12.2.1112 <br /> �ons�mer Real Es#ate-Sectirity Instrument DL2Q3d Pa;e 2 of 5 <br />