2� 1 ��529�
<br /> Trans�er of th�Pr�per�y or a ��nef�cial Int�r�st i�I3arrv�ver. �f a���r any par�of�he Property�r a�y�n�erest
<br /> in �� �s sold �r transferre� �or if a benef�c�a1 iriteres� in Borro�e�r �� s��d �r tran�ferred and Borr�v��r is no� a
<br /> na�ural person� w��h�u� Lend�r's pr��r v�ri�ten consen�, Lender may, at ��s aptifln, requ�re immediate paymen� in
<br /> fuli of a�I sums secured by th�s Security �nstrumen�. Hov�ever, thxs �p���n si�all no� be exercised by Lender if
<br /> exercise is pr�hibited by federa��aw as of�he da��of this Securi�y�ns�rurne���.
<br /> Cf Lender e�erc�ses �l��s opti�n, Lender sha�i gi�e B�rr�wer n��ic� of accelera�ion. The not�ce s�a�l pr��ide a
<br /> perifld ��xn�� less than t��e minimum �umber of days estab�ished �y App�:�cab�e Lav� from the da�e �h� no�i�e is
<br /> deli�ered or �naiied vv��h�n �nrhich B�rrower mus� pay a�� su�s �ecured by� �his Security Instrumen�. If Barrower
<br /> faz�s �� pay these sums pr��r to �he expira���n of���is peri�d, Lender �r�ay ��Wok� any �remedies permit�ed �y th�s
<br /> Security Ins�rur�ent�vith�u�fur�her n����e ar��mand an B�rr�v�er. � �
<br /> Borrvwer'� Right to l�eins�cate. �f B�rr�v�e�� meets certa�n candi���ns, �3orrower shali ha�e �he r�ght to have
<br /> enf�rcemen�of this Security Xnsirument disc�n�i��ued a� an��ime pr�or��the earlier of �a} 5 �ays �or such o�her
<br /> period as App�icab�e Law may specif}�for re�n�t��ement}bef��-e sale of��e Properry pursuant�a any power of sa�e
<br /> con�ained in th�s Secur��y Ins�-umen�; or �b} en�ry of a judg��n�n� en.fo:rcing this Secur��,y �nstru�nen�. Those
<br /> cond�tions are �:hat Borrawer: �a� pays Lend�r all sums �nrh�ch �hen ��uld ve due under�h�s Secur��y �nst�ument
<br /> and�he�or�trac�as if no a�ce�era�ion had fl�curred;�b}cures any defaul�❑f an�other covenants or agreeme�a�s;{c}
<br /> pays al�expens�s incurred in enforcing�his Secu�-i�y Ins�rumen�, incl�.�din�,�bu�no�limited�o,reasonab��att�rne�s'
<br /> fee�to �he e�t�n�perm�t�ed by law; and�d��akes such acfi�on as Le�d�r may reasonably re�uir�to ass�re�hat the
<br /> li�n of this Security�nstrument,Lender's rights �n�he Prope�-ty and Borr�wer's obl�gation to pa��he surns secured
<br /> by this Se�uri�ty �ns�rument sha�� con�inue unchanged. �Jpon rein�tatemen�t by Borr�wer, this Se�urity �nst�urnen�
<br /> and �he o�iigations secured hereby shal� r�main fully effect�ve as �f no acs�e]erati�n had accur�ed. Ho�ever, �his
<br /> righ�to reins�a��shal�n�t apply in the case�f ac�e�erat�on under���e s�c�i�;n titied Transfer of the�rop�r�y ar a
<br /> Benef�cial�nterest�n �orr���v�r.
<br /> Hazardou��u�stances. B�r��v�er sha�l nc��cause or�ermi�the prese�ce,�ase, disposa�, s�orage, ar release af any
<br /> �a�ardous Substances�n�r in�he Praperty.F��rro�er s�ha�l no��a,nar a��c��v anyone else�o do�any�h�ng a�`fect�ng
<br /> the Proper� tha� �s in v��lati�n �f any En�iro�nmental Lav�. The �r�ceding �wa sentences sha�� no� apply �o �he
<br /> presence,use,or s�orage on the Prape�.y�f s�r�al�quan��ties of�azardaus Sr�hs�ances tha�are g�nera.11y rec�gn�zed
<br /> to be appropriate�o norm�l res�dent�a�uses and t�main�enance af the�'rapf�rty.
<br /> Bflrrower shai�pramptly g��e Lender wri�ten�otice of an�in�estiga�i�n,claim.,dema��d, �awsuit or o�he�act�on by
<br /> any g��ernmenfa� �r regu�a�t�ry agen�y or pr�va�e pa�y in��lv�ng t�e Pr�perty and any Hazardous Subs��.nce or
<br /> En�iror�mental Law of which Borr�wer has �c�uai kn�wledge. If Bo�rr�v�er learns, �r x� no��fied by any
<br /> g�vernmental�r regulator�au���ority,that any remova�or��her re��ed�at�on of any Ha�ardous Subs�ance affec��ng
<br /> �he Pr�perty is ne�essar�, Borrflwer �shal� pro�np�iy take aIl necessary remed�a� a�t�ons ir� ac��rc�ance v��th
<br /> En�ir�nmental ]L��v.
<br /> As used in th�s paragraph, "HazardoUs Substanc�s" are th�se subs�ances d�fined as toxic or ha�ardaus substances
<br /> by En�ir�nmen�al Lavv and �he fa�lawing s�b��an�es. gasoline, �erosene, other flammable or �ox�� petroleum
<br /> produc�s, t��ic pest�c�des a��d herbicides, v��at��e so�ven�s, materials �an�ain�ng asbes�os �r fo�-ma�d�hyde, and
<br /> radioa�tx�e ma�er�a�s.As used �n�his paragr�p�, "Enviranmenta� La�v"me�ns federal�a�rs and la�rs of the sta�e�f
<br /> Nebraska�ha�relate to heal�h,saf�ty�r en�ironn�ental pro�ec�tion.
<br /> Acc�leratiar�; R.emed�e�. Lender �ha�i g��� �a���e to I3�rr�wer �ri�r ��o accelera#�on fol�owir�g �or�-ovver's
<br /> breach af a�y�o�enant o��.gr��men��n �hi��ec�r�ty�ns�rur�ent�r t�a�Cantra�t under wh�ch �cce��ration
<br /> i� perrrni��ed ��ufi no� prio�-�o �cc�lera�ion �n��r the �ec��vn ���l�c� Tra�nsfer �f the Praperty �r a �3��e�ciai
<br /> l���r�s� ��a Bo�rrower, u�less A�pl�c�bi� �►�� pra��des a�her�is�}b '�"h�: na�ice �h�a�� �pecif�: �a} �he defau��;
<br /> �b� the ac�iar� required �o cure �he d�fa�l�:; �c� � da�e, �o� l�ss than the minimum number �f days
<br /> e�tablishec� by Applicable I�aw f�-om the da�e th�n��i�e is gi�en �o �3o�•row�r, by which t�e defaul�must be
<br /> cur��; �nc� �d� that f�.i�ure t❑ cure the def�u�t �n or bef�re t��e date sp�cified �n the n��ice ma�r r�su�t in
<br /> acc�lera�io� Qf �he sums secured by th�� �ecuri�y Instrun�emt ��d s�t� �f the Property. To �he e�ten�
<br /> perm���ed �y �aw, the no��c� s��al� fur�h�r inf�rm �arrow�r af�h� rig:ht tti reins�a�e after accelerati�n and
<br /> ��e r�gh��a br�ng a cour��ctian ta asser��he nor�-existe�nc�of�defau��t ar any ather defer�5e�f�Burr�wer tv
<br /> acc�i�ra�ion and sa�e. �f�he d��ault �s no� �ured ❑n or �befnr� th�c�a�� spec�f�ed in �he no�ice, ]Ler�d�r at its
<br /> aptian m�y� r�quire ir�xmed�ate payment �� fu�i �f a�l sums s��ured !b� this Security In�trument v�v�thvut
<br /> further de��and and r�ay ���al�e �he p�vWer �f sa�e ar�d an� o�h�r re�medies permitted b�� App��cabl� I.1aw.
<br /> rTo the ea��en� perm���ed by �avv, Le�der �ha�l be entitl�d t� �����ct al� expen��s �ncurre�d in pu�-�uing the
<br /> r�med�es �rv��de� in this ��c�i�n, includ�ng, l�ut ��t limit�d t�, reasor.�able attorneys' fees an� ca5ts af ti��e
<br /> ev�d�nc�.
<br /> If�h� pow��-af�ale �s �nv�ked,Trustee shal� �ec�rd a �o��ce o�defaul�t in each caunty in which any �ar�af
<br /> �he�rtip�rty �s loca�ed and�hal�mai��opi��af��ch �x���c��m �lh� m�nner pr�scribed by App��cab�e Law to
<br /> l�orr�v�er and to �he other ��r���s pr�sc�-�k�ed by Applicab�� I.e��e A.f�er th� �im� requ�red hy Applicable
<br /> Law, Trustee sha�l giv� �u�iic not�ce v�sa�� to the pers�ns and in tl�� manner prescribed �y .�ppl�cab�e
<br /> L�vv. Trus�ee,v�vith�ut de�nand an Barr�vve�r, shal��e�l ���e Prop�er�y a� pub��c ar�ction tu the h�ghest bidder
<br /> ��th��im���d p�ace�nd under�he�erm�d�s�gnat�d �n the noti��of s�a���n one or more parcels and in any
<br /> �rder T`rus�ee de�ermi�e�. TrusteQ may p►v��pane sa�e of a�� ��- �n;y parce� of the �r�p�r�y by public
<br /> an�aor��c�men��t�he tir�e and p�ace af an�p�eW�o����y sc��edul�c��ale. Lender or its designee rnay purcha�e
<br /> �he�rap��-ty�t any sa�e.
<br /> Upor� r�ceipt �f pay��nt u�th� price b�d, �'rus�ee sha�� deli�er �o the pur�haser '�'ru�tQe's d�ed con�eying
<br /> the Prap�rty. 'I'he �ecatals in �he Trus�e�'��e�ci �h��l be p�-�ma f���e e�id�nce�f th�tru�h �f�h���a��ments
<br /> C�20ti4-2a i 5 CompIiance 5ystems,Inc.CSE8-CBOA-2015.I2.2,I 1�2
<br /> Cansun�er Reai Estate-Security Instrument DL2036 Pa�e 4 af 5 '4VWW.CdI31�}�I�11C�5�5��Ii7S.COI71
<br />