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-_ <br /> � <br /> _�� _ <br /> �� <br /> — i � <br /> o Emlaenl Ocm�In.�cnue��s�ereby ass�9necf ;ui cumpE•nsa��on awa�as ddmaqt�s ancf pine�p,�yments or r�v��t�hn«�nat;E�r a�,,;eeqs � �n�pnnect�on�nun <br /> cpntl�mn�tion or other Wk�ng pf�np P�pperly or p�rt Ih�rcot ur lur con�eyance m hau e1 co�clemnii,�n �pndei shall bc�enidlod al ds opt�un IO�amm�nrn appe ar m and <br /> prosecute m ds awn namc�any ati�an i�r VrUC�'ComgS dnp Shall a15O�C Cnldlc�0 to m�kc��ny cnmprpm�aN o�Stillement w Connc cppn Witlt 4uCh 1lking Or AamanO 1n ihC <br /> ovenl nny po�hon ot the PrOperty�s so takon or Uimagcd L ender snau�dve�no opUOn �n ns soi�ana absohde a�sc�euon to app�y au sucn Procre•ds afler deduct�ng <br /> Iherelroma11co5lsanOf�xponsesmcurretlby�linconneCt�anwilnsuc�procead5 upOndnYintlebtaAnesssecuu�Aherehyan�lmsuehortler�SL�nctermaytletermm2orto <br /> �apply Au such ProteeQS alter such tlecluct�onq �q�hC restorat�on ot Ihp ProDerty upon such cond�t�ons as LpnQRr m�y dOte�mmo Any;�pplic�Uon of Proceeds to <br /> A'mdeDtodno53 Sh�ll nOt e�tond or pOStpone thg tluC A�te ol any payments undor Iho Note Or CurP�ny dpldult inP�OUndQr pt hE+rPUnAM <br /> ��l <br /> � t P�f10frt1inC�pyLf�d�RlnlheOreNOtBorrowersf�durp�ppp�Ip�manyol►heCOVenOntS�eremormakpanypaymenlSrequvCdffereby or�fany�ctistakonor <br /> �IegalprocooGing�pmmpnteCWhiC�matermllyafleclsl�nA�ry�nMragtin�heProperly Lenderm3ymHSO�vnd�screhOn,butwdhOUtOhh9aUOnlotloso anUwdhoulnut�cF <br /> � � �tOOrtlomanduponBorrOwOrandw�Ihoutreleasing�orrowerlromanyobligit�On.tlodnyiCtw��chlhoBorrpwerhagAgreedbufta�IStpdoantfm�yalgpCloilnyOtheractit <br /> O Oevms necessary to p�ptfct t�o^.8cunty hereof 9orrower shail�mmeAkitety upon demand Iheretor by Lender p.9y ro Lcnder�H ccsis an0 expenses m�urrep antl sum5 <br /> OapBnQBd by lBI1dQ�ifl COf1nQCliO(1 wAh fh00�C'r�i50 by Lentl@r 01Ihp tor@40�nq naht9.tOgCthCt wilA�ntereSt thOfCOn dt th0 rdSQ prOV�tlE�d�n tho NOtQ.whtCh Sh011 bB�dtlf d 10 <br /> �Ihe indebt6dnes9 seCUred here0y Lender shall not mCUr any personal I�ability Oecause o1 anything i1 may do or om�t to du hereunder <br /> � S EtiT.1ti 01 OitiulL The tuiluwiuy al�alf�vnsbl�te an avem of tlatawt unaer tni9 Ueeu ut T rust. <br /> � (a) Fa�luretopayanyinstatlmentotpr�nc�paiorinlerestoranyothersum5ecuredherebywhendue.orla�lu�atopaywhendueanyplharindeDtetlnessot <br /> �� 8orrowa/to Lentler; <br /> (0) A breac�01 pr deTault under any provision containeC in ihe Noto. t�is poed o1 Trust,dny tlocument wh�ch secures ihe Note,and any ether <br /> encumbra�Ce upon the Property. <br /> (c) Awnlotaxecutionorattachmentoranysim�larprocessshallbeenleredagainsl8orrowe�whiChShallbecomealienonlhePropertyoranyportion <br /> � the►eolorintere9ttherem; <br /> (d) There 9na11 be I�led by or agams! Borrower an action unaer any present or tuture}eclerai,state o�other statute,law or regulation relatmg to <br /> nanwruplcy.�nsotvency or other re��ef fo►debta�s.or tnere sna il be appointeG a�.�;...,;ae.,o�arver or I�qu�dato�01 Borrower or ot al i or any part o1 the Proparty.or <br /> t�e rent9.�39ues or prof�ts ihere0f,or 80rrower shall make any g@nera)a9s�gnment for tlfe Oenet�t oi creditOrs <br /> (e) The sale,trans(er,assignment,conveyance or turther encumbrance o1 all or any part pf pr any interest in the Property,e�ther voluntanly pr <br /> mvolunlarUy,wd�oul iha express wrdten tonsent o1 Lender <br /> 111 If�orrower is not an ind�v�dua�,the sale,transter.ass�gnment conveydnce or encumbrance o1 more than _._percent o1(�t a corporationl�ts <br /> �ssued and outstandmg stock or pf a Oahnership) _—_percent o1 partnorsh�p mteresta <br /> 9. R�nIWN�;ACC�Nqtion Upon O�fault.ln the event of any Event ot Defaull Lentler may deClare all�nCebtedness securetl hereby to be due and paya0le antl the <br /> • same shall thereupon become due and payaDle without a�y presentment.demantl,protesf or not�co of any k�nd Therealter Lontler may <br /> , (a) OemandthatTrusteeaxercisethePOWEROFSALEgrantedherein.andTrusteeshallt�ereatlercauseBorrower'sinterest�nthePropertytoCesold <br /> and ing prOCeeCa to Ce d�sinbuted.all in the manner prov�tletl in the Neb�aska Trust Deetls Act. <br /> (b) Either m perso�or by agent,w�th or w�thout bnng�ng any act�on or proceed�ng,or by a rece�ver aDDO��ted by a court ana w�thout regard to the <br /> adequacy of its setunty,enter upon and take possess�on of the Prope�ty.o�any pdrt tnereol,�n�ts p�vn name or m tne name ot the Trustee,and do any ac1S whicA <br /> �t deems necessary or tlesirable to preserve the value.marketab�l�ty or rentab�l�ty ol t�e Property.or pah thereol or�nterest there�n.mcrease t�e�ncoma <br /> � th0t91tOR1 Of p►OtBCt ihe SBCUrify hC�90t and.w�lA ar wdhout ta k�ng pOSSession Ol The ProDeity.suB f Or Or OlflBrwiS@ c0I lect th8 rents.ISSU09 and prOf its ther601. . <br /> including those past due and un paid,antl apply the same,ies4 cOSts antl ex penses o1 operal�on and c ollection mcluA�ng attorneys'tees.upon any indebtedness <br /> secured�ereGy,all m suCh order as lender mav determ�ne The enrannn��.,�.+�.+.±�3k.Rg ap�,���:�z�!t•�pr3,�Er�,i=�e i.Jfitn,i��n vi auch rnniy,i�sutls ano <br /> prolits 8nd tAg aDO���tion thereol as atoresa�d,shali not cure or wa�ve any tletault or not iCe ot defau It hereunder or�nval�date any act done in respanse to suc� <br /> default or pursuant to such noUCe pt Cefault and,notwithstandmg the contmuanco m possession ot the Property or tho cotiect�on,receipt and apR��Cation o1 <br /> rents,issue9 or prot�ts.T►ustee or�,¢nder shaU be enutletl to e:erc�se every nght p�onAed for�n any ot the loan Instruments or by law upon occurence of any <br /> evaM o1 detault.�nclutlmg tne nght to exerase tne powe►of saie.antl <br /> (c) Commente an act�on to toreclose th�s Qeetl of Trust as a mortgage.appomt a rece�ver,or spec�t�caily enforce any of the covenants hereof: � ' <br /> No remedy�ere�nconterreG upon or rese�vetl toTru9tee or Lentler is�ntendetl to be e■clusive of any pther remedy here�n or by�aw prov�detl or perm�tteO,but each shall De � <br /> cumulative,s�all be in adGition t0 ev0ry other remedy g�ven hereunder or now or herea�ter ex�st�ng at law or�n equity or by statute.and may�e erercised cor.currently, � <br /> � intlepenGently Or succes5wely. i ;-. <br /> 10. TroslM.The TrustaE±m�y res�gn 3!any!�me vr�thout cause.antl Lenfler may at�ny t�me an�w�tRO�t cause appo�nt a succe3sor ur subst�tuta Trustee Tr�stc'� <br /> shall not be I�able for any loss or damage unless tlue to act�onable negl�gen�a or wiuful m�sconduct.antl shall nof be requ�retl to take any attwn m connect�on wrth the i___`_,'c <br /> ; azle:r^,szan:a:l::;s G,;,�af T:u;;u,-,tnss.nue�nniP�ed.�n wnimg,for ai�cosrs,compensat�on or expenses wh�cn may be assac�ated therewdh In add�tion.Trustee may <br /> � becamaBpurChBlerat8ny9aleoltheProDertYflud�c�alorunCerthepowerat5ategrantetl�ereml.DOStponethesaieofalloranyporUOnollheproPerty.asOrov�dedbytaw. • <br /> or sell the Property as a whole.or m separate parcets or to�s <br /> 11 Futuro Advaneea.Upon request o1 Borrower.Lenaei may,at�ts opt�on.make atld�tionai ane tuture advances and readvances to 8orrower Sucn advances and <br /> readvances,w�th�ntereSt thereon,shall be secured by th�s Deetl ol Trus� At�o t�mp snan�n?pn�c�p�i»mount of the��debtedness sec�red by th�s peetl ot Trust.not�n- • <br /> i.� <br /> etudmgsumsadvantedtOproteClthesecuntyolth�sOeedolTrust.exceetltneong�naipnnc�paiamoun�stateAherem or5 �5���fl.O�____._ .whichCVB►iS — <br /> greater. � :-_ <br /> . -s� <br /> 12. Mbe�Haneou�Prorlslons. • <br /> �= <br /> � (a) Borrowa Not R�Nased.Exte�s�on o1 the t�me tor payment or mod�ficat�on o1 amort�iat�on ot the sums securea by tnis Deed o1 Trust grantetl by — <br /> ; LenCer toany successor in mterest of Borrower snau not operate to release.m any manner,the hab�hty o1 me ong�nai Borrower antl 8orrower's successo�s m <br /> , �nterest.Lender shall not be requrted to commence proceetl�ngs agamst suc h successor or ref use to extenC hme tor payment or otherwise modify amort�zatian <br /> o11ha sums secured by this Deed ot Trust by�eason o�any demantls made by the o��g�nal 8orrower and Borrower's successors m�nterest <br /> �b) Lender'sPow�rs.W�thoutai}ectmgthehabu�tyofanyotherpersonhaDietorthepaymentolanyobl�gahonhere�nmentioned.antlw�tnoutaftect�ng ' <br /> the lien orcharge o1 this OBBd ot Trust upon any port�on o1 the PropCrty not then or theretolore release0 as secunty for tne full amount of all unpaitl o0ligation5. <br /> L8nC0r may,from tim0 t0 time 8ntl w�thout nottee(i)re�ea5e any person so I�able.(��1 extenC the matur�ty or alter any of the term5 01 any such obl�gat�ons.(���) <br /> , grantother�ndulgences.�iv)releaseorreconvey.orcausetobereieasetlorreconveye0atanyt�meatLendersopt�onsanyparcel.port�onorauottheYroperty. . � <br /> , (v)take or release any other or adAit�onal secunty 1or any obl�gat�on nere�n ment�onea.o��v�)make compos�hons or other a�rangements w�tn debtors�n relation � <br /> th0ret0. <br /> tc) FOrbe�rane�by LtnMr Nof a Walv�r.A�y tOrbearance by Lender�n exerws�ng any nght or remetly nereunAer,or otherw�se allorded by aDD��cable ���� <br /> 18w,311a11nOtb0dw8ivQrOfOfpfetlutletheexerC�seOtanySUChrightorremedy TheprOCU�ementotinSUranCeorlhepaymentOtlOxeSOlotherl�ensorchdrg@S � . <br /> by Lender shatl not be a wa�ver of Lenaer s nght to acceierate tne matunty ot tne��tlebtetlness secured by fh�s Oeed o}Trust � <br /> (d) SueeKSOn and Asslpns Bound;JoIM snd Sevepl Llabiltty;C�ptionf.Tne covenants an0 agreements herein contained Shal�b�nG.and tne r�ghts <br /> hereuntler shall inure to,the respect�ve successors and ass�gns ol LenGer and Borrowe�,SuD�ect to the prons�ons ot paragra0h 8(el hereol All covenantsand <br /> agreementsotBorrowershallbe�o�ntandseverat Th9C0�+t�onsandhead�ng5otlheDaragrephsolth�sDeedotTrustareforconvemenceonlyandaranottobe <br /> ' use0 to�nterpret or d91�ne tne prons�ons hereof <br /> (e) RpwsltorNotiC�s.Thepartiesherebyrequesllhatacopyotanynot�ceotdefaunhereunde�andacopyofanynot�ceolsalenereunderbema�Ietlto <br /> eachpartytoth�sDeetlofTruslattheadtlressset}orinaDOVe�nthemannerprescnbeabyappi�cabie�aw Ezceptloranyotnernot�cerequ�redunde►appl�cable <br /> law to be given�n another manner,any not�ce prov�ded lor�n this Deetl ot Trust snall be g�ven by ma�l�ng such not�ce by cert�l�ed ma�l addressetl to the other <br /> parti@s,at the dddresS Set 1ortA abOvA. <br /> Any not�ce proviCeO tor in th�s Deed of Trust shall be deemeA to�ave Oeen g�ven to Borrower or Lender wnen g�ven�n fhe manner cles�gnated here�n <br /> (t) In�p�eHOn.Lendermaymakeorcausetobemadereasonabieentr�esuponantlmspect�onsoltheProperty.prov�tledthatLendershaug�veBorrower <br /> not�ce pnOr to any Such�nspection spec+fymg rea5onable cause therefOt refated to Lender s�nterest m the Property <br /> � (g) ii1COf1Y�y��C�.Uponpaymentolallsumssecuredbyth�sDeedofTrust.LentlershallrequestTrusteeforetonveylhePropertyandshatlsurrender <br /> thi9 Deed o1 Trust and 811 notes eriee�ung intlebtetlness securetl by tn�s Oeetl o�Trust to T�ustee Trustee sha1�reconvoy the Property w�thout warranty and <br /> w�thout charge to the person or persons legaily ent�tled tnereto Such person or persons sndli pay at�costs ot recordation.�f any <br /> � (h) PersonslPropt�ty,S�curNyAyreem�nl.ASadd�t�onaisecu��tyforthepaymentotlheNoteallf�xiures.equ�pmenl.antlo!herpe�sonalprope�tyused <br /> �n connection w�tn tne real estate nr�mprovements tocated thereon,a nd not otherw�se der.lared o�deemed to De a part of tne real estate sec ured hereby.shali be <br /> Subjetl to a sec Wity intBreSt m 1avOt o11ho Lender undPr the N8b�a5ka Um}orm Commerc�al Code ThiS inslrumqnt shall be Construed as a Secunty Agreemenl � '--— <br /> unCBr saitl Catle,and the lender shall have all tAe r�ght9 and remedie9 of a secu�ed oarty untler 5a�0 COde�n atltl�t�o�to tlie nghts and remed�es createA unoar ' <br /> anA accorAed tne Lender pursuant to th�s Deed o1 Trust <br /> i <br /> (�i ��tiWNty.Intheeventthatanyprov�s�onoltn�sOeeAOlT�uslcoMifctwrt�appi�cabielawaarededa�ed�nvahtloiotherw�seunentor�eabie.such <br /> coMl�ct o�inval�ddy shall not a}fect the other prov�s�onsol th�s Deed of T�ust or the Note whith can be g�vene�fed w�thout�he confhct�ng prows�on.antl to�h�s � <br /> end tha prov�s�ons of the Deed o�Trust And tne Note are declared to be severaDle � <br /> � <br /> Bo�rower has ezecuted t��s bead o!T rust the date wi�tten aDOVe � �� <br /> ,/ �! / � <br /> � ( `�ee M�"1��� �-�.r1 �L�. C C� ..�. � <br /> ,�lwin� «owt� ¢ <br /> � L,�� i;�-�,- ��t _. �.. <br /> -, L^..""-� ta <br /> �j�, �.� @S �. Goodwin) �o��owe•� , 1t" <br /> . �. <br /> '� �> . <br /> ��� <br /> _ .��`!� � <br /> r�,��. <br /> ��� <br /> F'�'i.. <br /> �, � ;, <br /> .ft,;:°c. <br /> ` <br /> �. <br /> ,.`- .� <br />