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2� 1 ��5244 <br /> E, "BURF�4WER'S RIGHT T�] REiNSTATE" DELETED. Sectivn 19 �s deleted. <br /> F. B�RR��IVER`S UCCUPANCY. Unl�ss Lender and Bvrrower otherwise agree in writing, <br /> Secti�n 6 �oncerning Barrower's accupancy of th� Property is deleted. <br /> G. AS��G�VME�VT DF LEASES. �Jpon Lende�'s request after defau�t, Borrower shalf assign <br /> to Lender a�� leases of the Property and all security depnsits made in connectian with �eases <br /> of the Property. Upon the assignment, Lender sha�� ha�e the ri�ht to modify, extend or <br /> terminat� the existing �eases and to execute new �eases, in Lender's so�e discretion. As used <br /> in this paragraph G, the word "�eas�" shal� mean "sublease" if the Security lnstrument is �n a <br /> leas�h��d. <br /> H. AS�IGNN�ENT �F RENTS; APPC]INTMENT UF RECE[VER; LENDER iN PDSS�SS�C7N. <br /> Borrowe� absv�utely and unconditiona��y assigns and transfers to Lender a�� the rents and <br /> re�enues 4"Rents"} af the Pr�perty, regardless af to w�om the Rents of the Pro�erty are <br /> payabl�. Barrowe� autharizes Lender or Lender's agents to collect the Rents, and agrees that <br /> each tenant �f th� P���erty shat� pay the Rents to Lender or Lender's agents. ��we�er, <br /> Borr�wer sha�� recei�e th� Rents until: 4i} Lende� has gi�en Bvrrower notice af defauit <br /> pursuant to S�Ct�QI� 2� of the Security Instrument, and {ii} Lender has gi�en not�ce to the <br /> t�nant�s� that th� R�nts are tv be pa�d t❑ Lend�r o� L�nder's agent. Th�s assignment of Rents <br /> constitutes an absa�ut� assi�nm�nt and nat an assignment f�r additi�nal security �nly. <br />� If Lender gi�es nvtic� of default to Bo�rawer: �i� a�� �ents recei�ed by Borrower sha�i �e <br /> he�d by Barrower as trustee for th� ben�fit of Lender vnly, to be app�ied ta tne sums secured <br /> by the Security �nstrument; �ii} Lender shali be entitled tn �ol�ect and re�e��� a!! of th� R�nts <br /> of the Prape�ty; �iii} Bor��we� agrees that each tenant nf the Prop�rty shal� pay all �ents due <br /> and unpaid to Lende� or Lender's agents upon Lender's written demand ta the tenant; ��v} <br /> un�ess app�iCab�e law pro��des othet-wise, a!� Rents c��lected by Lender ar Lender's agents <br /> sha�� b� applied fi�st ta the costs of taking c�ntra� af and manag�ng the Pr�pe�ty and <br /> c���ect�ng the Rents, �nc�uding, but not limited to, att�rney's fees, recei�er's fees, prem�ums <br /> on re�ei�er's b�nds, repair and ma�ntenance costs, insurance premiums, taxes, a5S�5Sm�t"1tS <br /> and othe� charges vn the Praperty, and then to the sums secured by the 5ecurity Inst�ument; <br /> ��� Lender, L�n�#er's agents or any �udicially appointed recei�er sha�� b� liab�e t� accaunt for <br /> on�y those R�nts actuaily recei�ed; and ���� Lend�r shall be entit�ed t� ha�e a �-ecei�er <br /> appa�nt�d t� take p�ssessi�n �f and manag� the Prope�ty and ca��ect the Rents and prafits <br /> der��ed from the P�operty without any sh�win� as to the inadequaGy �f the P��perty as <br /> s�curity. <br /> �f the Rents �f th� Property are n�t su�ficient ta ca�er the cvsts of taking contro� of and <br /> managing the P�aperty and af ca�lecting the F�ents any funds expended by Lender for such <br /> purp�ses shall become indebt�dness of B�rrowe� ta Lend�r s�cur�d by the Se�urity <br /> �nstrument pursuant ta Sect��n 9. <br /> Borrower rep�esents and warrants that B�rrower �as not ex�cuted any prior assignment <br /> of the Rents and has nat performed, and will not p�rf�rm, any act that would �re��nt Lender <br /> fram exercis�ng its rights under this paragraph. <br /> Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed rec�i�er, sha�� nnt be required to enter <br /> upan, take control of or maintain the Praperty b�fare �r after gi�in� n�tice of default to <br /> Borrow�r. �owe�er, Lender, or Lender's agents or a judicially appointed rec�i�er, may do so <br /> at any tim� when a default occurs. Any application of Rents shall not cure or wai�e any <br /> �efau�t a� in�alidate any other right or �emedy of Lender. Th�s as��gnment of Rents �f the <br /> Prope�ty sha�[ terminate when a�� the sums s�cured by the Secu��ty Instrument are paid in �ull. <br /> �. �RC]S�-DEFAULT PR�VIS��N. Barrower's defau�t or breach under any ��te or <br /> agreement in whicn Lender has an interest shall �e a breach under the Secu�ity Instrument <br /> and Lender may in�vk� any �f th� rem�dies permitted �y the Security Inst�ument. <br /> MULTlSTATE �- 4 FAN�ILY RIDER - Fannie MaelFredd�e Ma� UN1F�RtV� I�VSTFiUMENT <br /> VMP�-57R ��81 �� Pa�e 2 of 3 In�t�a�s�- �v�m �'17Q �Iq'I <br />