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2� 1 ��522� <br /> �EED �F TRUST` <br /> ��orltinu�d3 Page � <br /> grants�a Lender a Unifarm Cammer�ial Code security interes�in the Personal Proper�y and Ren�s, <br /> TH1S DEED QF TRUST, INGLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT�]F RENTS AND THE SECURITY 1NTEREST�N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRC]PERTY, 1S CIVEN T� SEC�RE �A} �AYiVIENT�F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND {B} PERFC]RMANCE �]F <br /> EACH �F TRUST�R`S AGREEMENTS AND []BLIGATI�NS UNOER THE CREDIT AGREEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> ❑DGLJMENTS, AND TH1S DEED �F TRUST. TH1S DEEQ �F TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED QN THE FQLLQWING <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN D PERF�RMANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided in th is Deed af Trus�, Trus�flr sha[1 pay '�o Lender a!I <br /> amounts secur�d by �h�s D�ed of Trusf as they became due, and shall str�ctly and in a fimely manner pe�farm all of <br /> T�ustor`s obi�gations unde��he Credi�Agreement,this Deed of Trus�, and the Re�a#ed❑ocuments. <br /> P�SSESS�flN AND MAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees tha� Trus�or's possession and use o� �he <br /> Property shall b�governed by the foll�wing pro�isians: <br /> Possessian an�f Use. Until the occurrence o� an Event of Defau�t, Trus�or may �1} remain in pvssession and <br /> control o�th�Proper�y; �2} use, operate or mana�e the Proper�y; and �3} �ollect the Ren�s from the Property. <br /> Duty t� Maintain. Trus�or shaCi maintain �he Pr�pe�ty in good condit��n and prompt[y perForm a[1 repa�rs, <br /> repfacements, and ma�ntenance n�c�ssary ta presenr�its value. <br /> Comp�iance V'Vith En�ironmentaf Laws. Trustor represents and warran�s�o Lender that: �1} Dur�ng the period of <br /> Trustor's owne�ship af the Property, �here has heen no use, generat�on, manufacture, storage, treatment,d�sposal, <br /> release or fhr�atened release flf any Hazard�us Subs�ance by any person �n, und�r, about or��om �he P�operty; <br />. �2} Trustor has na kn�w�edge of, or r�ason to helie�e th���here has been, �xcept as prev�ous�y disclased t� and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} any breach or violat�on of any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b} any use, <br /> generation, manu�ac�ure, sto�age, treatment, disposal, rei�ase or threatened release o�any Hazardous Substance <br /> ❑n, under, about ar from �he Proper�y by any prior owners or �ccupants o��he P�operty, �r tc} any actual or <br /> threatened �itiga�ian ar claims ❑�any kind by any persan re�a�ing �o such ma�ters; and �3} Except as previously <br /> disclosed�a and acknowledged by Lender in writing, �a} neither Trustor nor any tenant, �ontra��o�, agent or oth�r <br /> au�h�r�zed user of the Prape�ty sh��l use, generate, manufacture, store, �rea�, dispose ❑f ar release any Haza�dvus <br /> Subs�ance on, under, about or fram�he Prope�ty; and [b} any such acti�i�y sha11 be conducted in compliance wi#h <br /> al1 applicable federaf, stat�, and Cocal laws, regulations and ordinances, inc[uding without fimitation all <br /> Enviranmen�al Laws. Trustor author�zes Lender and its agents to enter upon the Property ta make such <br /> �nspections and tes�s, a� Trus�or's expense, as Lender may deem appropriat� to determine comp�iance of the <br /> Praperty with �his sect�on of the D�ed o�Trust. Any inspe��ians or �es�s made by Lender shall be for Lend�r's <br /> purposes only and shall no��e cons��ued to crea�e any responsibility or liability on the par�o�Lender ta Trustor or <br /> to ar�y other person. The representations and warranties �antained h�r�in are based on Trustor's due diligen�e in <br /> inves�igating the Property for Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trustor h�reby ��) refeases and wa�ves any future claims <br /> against Lender for indemni�y or contribution in the e�en� Trustor becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under <br /> any such �aws; and (�} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lende�against any and al� cfaims, �a5S25, <br /> liabilities, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lender may direct�y a�indirectly sustain or suf�er resulting from <br /> a �reach of this secti�n o�the Deed ❑f Trus� or as a consequence of any use, generation, manufacture, starage, <br /> d�sposal, release or threaten�d re�ease accurring prior to Trustar's ownership or interes�in the Prope�ty,whether ar <br /> nat fhe same was or should have been known to Trustor. The provis�ons a�this sec�ion ❑f the Deed ❑f Trust, <br /> inc�uding the obfigatian to indemn�fy and defend,shal�survi�e the payment❑f the �ndebtedness and the satisfaction <br /> and rec�nv�yanc���the lien of�his ❑eed of Trust and shall not be affec�ed by Lender's acquisit�an of any in�e�est <br /> in�he Proper�y,whether by fa�eclosure ar othenn�ise. <br /> Nuisance, Waste. TrustQr sha�! not �ause, conduct or permit any nu�sance nor cammit, permit, or suffer any <br /> stripping o�or waste ❑n or�o the Property or any por��an ofi�he Proper�y. 11Vithou� limit�ng �h� generafity of the <br /> foregoing, Trustor wi[I not remove, or grant to any o�her par�y the right�o remo�e, any timber, minerals�including <br /> oif and gas}, cflaf, clay, scoria, soil, g�avel or rack products without Lender`s p�iar written consen�. <br /> Remo�al of Impro�emen�s. Trus�ar sha[1 no�demolish or remove any�mprovements from�he Real Property without <br /> Lend�r's priar written �onsent. As a�ondition�o the removal of any �mpro�emen�s, Lende�may r�quire Trus�or to <br /> make arrangements sat�sfactory fo Lender �o replace such Impro�ements with Impro�ements of a� least equa� <br /> va�ue. <br /> Lender's Right ta Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agents and representatives may enter upan the Rea[ Property a�al! <br /> �easanahie times to a��end to Lend�r`s interests and �a inspect �he Rea� Prope�y for purposes a� Trus�or's <br /> compliance with the t�rms and condit�ons of this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Campliance w��h Go�ernmenta� Requir�men�s. Trustor sha[1 promptly compfy with all �avus, ordinances, and <br /> r�gulations, now or herea�ker in effect, �f al[ governmen#a[ authorities appl�cable �o the use ❑r occupancy af the <br /> Property. Trus�ar may�ontest in g�od fa�th any such 1aw, ardinan�e, or regufation and withhold compliance during <br /> any praceeding, inc�uding appropria�e appea�s, so lon� as Trus�or has notified Lender in wri�ing prior �o doing so <br /> and sa long as, in Lender's sole opinion, L�nder's interests in the Property are nat jeopard�zed. Lender may require <br /> Trusto�to pos�adequate security❑r a surety bond, reasonabiy satisfactory ta Lender,��pro#ect Lender's�nterest. <br /> Duty to Pr�tec�. Trustar agrees nei�her to abandon or lea�e unat�ended the Praperty. Trustor shalf do all o�her <br /> acts, in addit�on to thase acts se�farkh a�ove in this section,which from�he character and use o�the Prape�ty are <br />