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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> B. Prop�rty Insuranc�. So long as the Uwners Associativn mainta�ns, with a genera�ly <br /> accepted insu�ance carr�er, a "mast�r" or "b�anket" policy �nsuring the Pr�perty wh�ch is <br /> satisfactory to Lende� and which pra�id�s �nsurance co�erage in the amounts tincluding <br /> deductible le�els}, for th� periods, and against iass by fir�, hazards �ncluded within th� term <br /> "extended co�erage,"� and any other ha�ards, inc�uding, but n�t limit�d to, earthquakes and <br /> f�oods, for which Lender requires insurance, then: t�� L�nder wai�es the pro�isi�n in Section 3 <br /> far the Periodic Payment tv Lender of the yearly premium insta��ments f�� prop�rty insu�anc� <br /> �n the Pr�perty; and 4�i� Borrflw�r's �bligation under Sectian 5 to maintain property �nsuranc� <br /> c�Werage vn the Praperty �s deemed sat�sfied to the extent that the r�quired c��erage is <br /> . pro�ided by the Dwners Associat�an po��cy. <br /> What Ler�der requi�es aS a cvnditian vf this wa��er can change during tne t�rm af the <br /> �van. <br /> Borrawer shall gi�� Lender p�ompt not�ce of any lapse in required prvperty insurance <br /> ca�erage pro�id�d by the mast�r �r b�ank�t palicy. <br /> In the e�ent of a distribut�on of prvp��ty insu�ance p�ac�eds �n lieu of �estoration or <br /> repair following a loss to the Praperty, or ta comm�n �r�as and faci��t�es of the PUD, any <br /> proceeds payab�e ta Bor�awer a�e hereby assigned and s�all be paid ta ��nder. Lend�r shall <br /> app�y the proceeds t� the sums secur�ed by the S�curity �nstrum�nt, whether a� not th�n due, <br /> with the excess, if any, paid ta Bor�-ower. <br /> C. Pub��c L�ah��ity Insu�ance. Borrowe� shall take such actions as may b� reasonable t� <br /> insure that the �wners Asso�iat�on ma�ntains a pub�ic liabi��ty insurance p�licy a�c�ptab�e in <br /> form, amount, and extent of co��rage to Lender, <br /> D. Cvndemnation. The proceeds of any award �r c(aim for damages, direct or <br /> consequential, payab�e t� Borrower in connecti�n with any condemnation or other taking af ail <br /> or any pa�t �f the Property or th� common areas and facilities of the PUD, o� for any <br /> con��yance in lieu ❑f cand�mnation, are herehy assign�d and sha�! be paid to Lender. Such <br /> proc�eds shaii be appli�d by Lend�r t� the sums secur�d �ay the �ecurity �nstrument as <br /> pro�ided �n Sectian `1 �. <br /> E. Lender's P��or ��ns�nt. Ba�r�w�r shall not, �xcept afte� not�ce t� Lender and with <br /> Lender's prior wr�tten c�nsent, either partit�on ar subdi�ide the Pr�perty a� cvnsent t�: 4i� th� <br /> abandonment or te�mination of the PUD, except for abandanm�nt a� terminatic�n required by <br /> �aw �n the case of substant�al destructian by fi�e ar ather casua�ty or in the case �f a taking <br /> �y condemnation or eminent domain; �ii3 any amendment to any prv�isian �f the "�onstitu�nt <br /> Do�uments" if the pra�isi�n is for the express b�nefit of Lender; ����3 term�natian of <br /> pro�essiona� management and assumpti�n of self-management of the �wn�rs Associat�on; or <br /> ti�� any actian which would ha�e the effect af rende��ng the pub�ic �ia�ility insurance co�erage <br /> maintained by th� �wners Associati�n unaccepta��e to Lender. <br /> F. Remedies. �f Bor�ow�r d�es nat pay PUD dues and assessrnents when due, then <br /> L�n��r ��� ��y th�mz �n� �mQ�n�� ��s��.����� �y ��r���� ��n��r t�i� ;��,r��r��� � ����� ������ <br /> additianal d�bt of Borrow�r secur�d k�y the Security �nstrum�nt. Un�ess E3arrower and Lender <br /> agree ta other terms �f payment, th�ss amounts shall bea� interest f��m the date �f <br /> disbursement at the Note �ate and shall be payab�e, with inter�st, up�n n�t�G� from Lender ta <br /> Borrower requesting payment, <br /> MULTISTATE PUD RiDER - ��n�ie Family W Fannie MaelFreddie Mac U��F�]R1Vi �NSTFiUMENT <br /> VMPo-7R �D8��} Page � of 3 I nitials: ' �.�Form 3'i 5D �!0'1 <br /> � � � <br />