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2� 1 ��5215 <br /> satisfaction, provided tha� such inspection shal� be under�aken promptly, Lend�r may pay for the repa�rs <br /> and restaration in a s�ng��d�sbursem�nt�r�n a ser�es of pragress pa�men�s as the work�s c�mp�eted. <br /> Un�ess an agreem�nt�s made �n wr�t�ng �r App���ab�e Law requir�s �nterest ta be paid on such <br /> M�sce��an�ous Proceeds, Lender shal� not be r�qu�red to pay Borrower any int�r�st ar earr��ngs fln such <br /> M�scel�an�ous Proceeds. �f the res�orat�on flr r�pa��is no��c�nomically feasib�e or Lender's se�ur���wou�d <br /> be Iess�ned, the M�sc�llan�ous Proceed� sha��be app��ed tn �he sums secured by thi� Securi�� �ns�rumen�, <br /> whether or not�hen due, ��th the excess, �f any, paid �o B�rrow�r, Such M�sCeiianeous Prac�eds shal� b� <br /> applied in the order provided for�n Sectian�. <br /> In�h����nt of a�o�al taking, d�struction, or l�ss �n va�ue of th�Proper�y, �he Misceliane�us Pr�ceeds shall <br /> be appli�d�� th�sums secured by this Security Instrument, whe�h�r ar not then due, w�th�he excess, if any, <br /> pa�d ta Barrower. <br /> �n the event of a par��a� �ak�ng, destru���on, or��ss �n valu�af�he Property in wh�ch�he fair nzarket value of <br /> �he Property immediately befor�the partia� �ak�ng, C��S��LIC��Q�7, or loss in�a�ue is equal ta or grea�er than the <br /> amaunt of the�ums ��cured�y thi� Security �nstrum�nt �mmed�a�e�y befor��he par�ial taking, destruction, ar <br /> lass in value, unless Borrawer and Lender oth�rwise a�ree in wr���ng, the sums secured�y this S�curity <br /> �ns�rumen�shai��e reduced by the amoun��f th�Miscellaneous Pro�eeds muit�p���d by the following <br /> frac�z�n: �a} the to�al amount of the sums secured zmm�diatel� b�fore the par�iai takzng, destruct�an, or loss <br /> �n�a�ue divided by �b} �he fa�r market va�ue af the Prop�rty �mmediately bef�re th�partza� taking, <br /> d�struction, or loss�n va�u�. Any balance shail be paid�o Barrower. <br /> In th�event�f a partial �aking, ��struction, ar�ass in va�ue of the Proper�y zn which th�fa�r mar�e�valu�of <br /> the Praperty immediately before th�par�ial taking, destruct�on, or�oss �n�aiue�s�ess thar�th�amaunt�f the <br /> �ums s�cur�d immediateiy before the par�ial �aking, destruction, or loss in vaiue, unl�ss Borrow�r and <br /> Lender oth�rti�is� agree �n wr��ing, the��sce��ane�us Proc�eds shall b�applied ta the sums secured by this <br /> Secur��y �nstrum�n�whether ar not t�e sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Praperty is abanda�.ed hy Borrawer, or if, a�ter noti�e b�r Lender to Barrou��r that the apposin� Par�y <br /> �as defined in th�n�xt sentence} ofFers ta mak�an a�vard t� set��e a�laim for dama�es, Borrativer fails to <br /> r�spond ta Lend�r�vithin 3�days af�er�he da���h�not�c��s �iven, Lender �s authari�ed to Loliect and app�y <br /> the M�scellan�aus Pr�ceeds either t� rest�ration or repair of the Property or to the sums s�cured by �his <br /> Secur��� �nstrument, whether or not then due. "Dppasing Par�y" rr��ans th�third party that flW�s Borrower <br /> N�isce��aneous Proceeds or the par�y aga�nst ti�rhom Barrawer has a right af action in r�bard to Mis��l�aneous <br /> Pr�c�eds. <br /> B�rrav�er shall be �n defau�t �f any action or pro�e�d�ng, whether civi� flr criminal, is��gun�hat, in Lender's <br /> judgment, c�uld resu�t in forfei�ure af the Property or other mater�a� impa�rment of Lender's in�erest in the <br /> Propert� or rz�hts under this Secur�ty �ns�rum�nt. Borra�er can cure such a defau�t and, �f acce�era�i�n has <br /> occurred, r��nstate as prov�ded �n S�c�zon �9, by �aus�ng the act�on�r proce�ding to be dism�ssed�v�th a <br /> ruling that, �n Lender's�udgmen�, pre��ud�s forf��ture of the Proper�y or other materia� �mpa�rment of <br /> L�nder's interest in�he Property or rights under th�s 5e�ur�ty �nstrument. Th�pr�ceeds of any award or <br /> claim for damages that ar�a�tributable to the impairment of Lender'� in�erest�n the Pr�perty are hereby <br /> assigned and sha�l be paid to Lender. <br /> A�� M�sce�lane�us Prnc�eds tha� are n�t app��ed�o res�aratior�or repair of�h�Pr�perty shal��e applie� in�he <br /> order provided f�r�n Se�t�on 2. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single FamiEy-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF�RM 1NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�Z8 11�� <br /> VMP Q VMPSfNEy(13D2� <br /> Walters Kluwer�inancial Ser�ices Page'��of 7 7 <br />