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2� 1 ��5214 <br /> B�RRC�W�R��VENANTS that Borr�v��r is Iau�fully seised of�he es�ate hereby canveyed and has the right to <br /> gran� and c�nv�y the Pr�per�y and�i�at�he Praper�� is unen�um��red, ex�ep�for encumbranc�s af record. <br /> Borrower warrants and w��� defend gen�ral�y th�tit�e to the Pr�p�rty aga�nst a�� c�az�ms and denlands, sub�ect t� <br /> a.ny encumbranc�s�f r�cord. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY �NSTRUMEN'T�ombines un�f�rm co�enants f�r nat�onal use and non-un�form cnve�ants wi�h <br /> 1�mited�ax�at��ns by�urisdict��n��Consti�ute a unif�rm secur��y �ns�rumen�c�v�r�ng rea�praper�y. <br /> Unif�rm Co�enants. Barrawer and Lend�r cov�nant and agr�e as fa��aws: <br /> �. Payment vf Pr�ncipal, Interest, Escr�w Items, Prepaym��nt �harges, and Late Charges. Borr�vver <br /> sY�all pay when due the princ�pa� af, a�ad �nt�r�s�on, �he d�b�e�i�enc��by the N�te and any prepaym�n� <br /> �harges and�a�e charges due under�he Note. B�rrower shall a�s�pay funds for Escrnv��tems pursuan.�to <br /> Sec��nn�. Pa�rmen�s due under the Note and�h�s S�curity�n��rumen�shal�b�rnad��n U.S, curren�y. <br /> �3owever, if any che�k or o�her instrumen�rece�ved by Lender as paym�nt under the Note�r�his Security <br /> �ns�rument is re�urned�o Lender unpaid, Lender may r�qu�re�hat any nr a�� subs�quent paymen�s due under <br /> the Note an�this Secur��y �nstrum�nt be made in one ar more�f the fal�owing forms, as se�ected b�r Lender: <br /> �a�cash; �b} mon�y ord�r; �c} cer�i�ed check, bar�k�heck, �reasurer's check ar�ashier's check, pro�ided any <br /> such check�s drav�n upon an inst��uti�n wh�se deposi�s are insur�d b� a federal ag�ncy, instrum�ntali�y, or <br /> �ntity; ar�d} ����t�`�i�i� �u��.s T��s�e�. <br /> Paym�n�s are deemed received by Lender�hen re�eived at the location des�gnat�d in the Note ar at such <br /> other locati�n as may be designa�ed by Lender zn accordanc��vith the no�ice prnw�s�ons �n Se��xon �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment or par�ial paymen�xf the payment or part�a�pa�ments are�nsuffici�n��a <br /> bring Che Loan curren�. Lend�r ma� accept an�paymen�or par�ia�payment xnsuf�cient t�bring the L�an <br /> �urrent, vc��th�ut wa�ver of any righ�s h�reunder or prejudice to �ts rxghts ta refuse such payment�r par��a� <br /> pa�ments �n�he future, but Lender is not��ligated to apply �uch payments at the time such payments are <br /> accep�ed. �f each Periadic Pa�rment is app�ied a� af its schedu��d due da�e, then Lender n��d nn�pa� in�erest <br /> on unapplied funds, L�nder may ho�d such unapplied funds unti� Barrovver makes payments���ring �he <br /> L�an curr�nt. If Borr�w�r does no�d� so wi�hin a reason�bie period of time, Lender sh��l either app�y such <br /> funds�r r�turn them��Borrower, �f not applied ear��er, such fiznd� �vitl be applied to the outs�and�ng <br /> przn�ipa�,balanc�under the N�te immediat�ly prior ta foreclosure. No offset ar c�aim wh�ch Borrow�r might <br /> ha�e nav� or in th�fu�ure aga�nst Lend�r shall r�l��ve Borrow�r from m.ak�ng pa�men�s due under the Na�e <br /> and this Secur��� In��rumen��r perforrn.�ng th�covenants and agr�ements secured b�this Securi�� <br /> Instrum�nt. <br /> �. App�icat�an �f Paymsnts vr Proceeds. Excep�as��herwise described in this Sectian�, a��paymen�s <br /> a�cepted and app�ied by Lender shall be app�ied in�he fot�ow�ng flrder of prior��y: �a} �nt�rest due under�he <br /> No��; �b�principal due under the Nate; �c} amounts du�under Sect�on 3. Such payments shall b�applied to <br /> ea�h Per�odxc Paymen� in�he arder�n whxch xt be�am�du�. Any rema�ning amaunts sha�� be applied fxrst ta <br /> Iate charges, second t� any o�her amounts due und�r this Security �nstrumerit, and then to r�duc�the <br /> principa� balanc�nf the Nate. <br /> �f L�nder recei�e�a payment from Borrower for a delinquen� Periodic Paymen�which inciudes a suf���ent <br /> arn�unt to pay any la�e charge du�, th�paym�nt may be appiied to th�d�linquent pa�ment and�he�a�e <br /> charge. �f more than�ne Periad�c Paym�nt is ou�standing, Lender may app�y an�payment received from <br /> Borrower t�the repayment of the P�riodi� Paymen�s �f, and to the ex�en�that, each payrnent can be pazd �n <br /> fu11. To�he ex�ent tha�any e�c�ss exists after th�paymen� is applied to the ful�payment�f nn�or more <br /> P�r�odic Paymen�s, such excess may be applied tn any late charges du�. Voluntary prepayments shall be <br /> applied first to any pr�pa�ment charges and th�n as descri�ed in�he Note. <br /> N�BRASKA-Single�amify-Fannie Ma�IFreddi�Mac UNiFORM iNSTRUMENT �orm 3028 11�� <br /> VMP� VMPfitN���13q2] <br /> Wolt�rs K luwer�inar�cia!Ser�i��5 Page 4 of 17 <br />