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2� 1 ��5214 <br /> ��. Borrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance By Lender Nat a V�lairrer. Ex�ensian of�he t�me for paym.ent or <br /> mod�f�cat�on of am�r���at�on af�he sums secured by �his Security�ns�rumen�grant�d by Lender�a Borrower <br /> or an�r 5uccessar in�n�eres�of Borrower shal� not aperate to rel�as�the I�a�i�i�y of Borrower or any <br /> Successars in�nterest of BQrr�w�r. Lender sha�� not�e required���omm�nc�pro�e�d�ngs aga�ns�any <br /> Success�r�n In�er�s�of Barrow�r or�� refuse ta ex�end �im�for payment or o�herwise modify aamor�i�a�ion <br /> af t�e sums secured by�his Se�uri���ns�rumer��by reason�f an�d�mand made by�he original Barrower or <br /> any Successors in�n�eres�of Borrow�r. Any f�rbearance by Lender in exercising any rxgh��r remedy <br /> including, v�►���hout iimitat��n, I.�nder's acceptanc�of pa�m�nts from th�rd persons, entz��es ar Successors �n <br /> �nteres�of B�rrower or in amaunts less than�he amount th�n due, sha�� na�b�a�v�raiver�f ar preciude �he <br /> e�erc�se of any righ�or remedy. <br /> '�3. Joint and Severai Liability; Cowsigners; Successvrs and Assigns B�und. Borrov�er�ovenan�s and <br /> agrees that��rrawer's ab�igati�ns a.n.d�iab��it� sha��be j�int and se�r�ral. However, any Borrawer who <br /> co-s�gns�his Se�urity�ns�rument but doe�no�execu�e the Note�a "co-signer"}: �a} is co�sign�ng th�s <br /> Securzt�r�nstrument only�o xnar�gage, grant and convey�he co-sign�r's �n��res��n�he Proper�y under�he <br /> terms of th.�s Securit��ns�run�.en�; �h} �s not personally ob�igated t�pa�the sums se�ured by this Security <br /> �nst�u�n.ent; and�c} agrees tha�Lender and any o�her Borrower can agree�a e��end, m�dif�, forb�ar or make <br /> any accflmmoda��ans w�th regard to�he terms�f this 5ecurity Znstrumen�or�he No�e wi�hou�the�oµsigner's <br /> cansen�. <br /> Sub�ect��the p�o��s�ons of Sectian �8, an�Successor in In�erest of Borrovver who assumes Borrflwer'� <br /> obl�gatxons under�h�s Securx�� Instrument in wri�ing, and is appr�ved by Lender, shal�ab�a�n a1I of <br /> Barro�rer's r�ghts and benefi�s under this S�curi���nstrumen�. Barrawer sha�l no�be reieased frnm <br /> B�rrau�er's ob�igations and liabilit�under t.h�s Se�urity Instrument unless L.�nder agre�s to such re�ease in <br /> wri�xng. The covenants and agr�ements flf this S�curity �ns�rument shall bind �except as pr�vided �n Sec��on <br /> �Q} and�enefit th�successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 'i 4. Loan Charges. Lender ma� charge B�rrovWer fees for service�perfarmed in conne�tian w�th Borrov�er's <br /> d�faul�, f�r the purpose of pratec�xng Lender's �n�eres�in the Praper�y and rights under�his Security <br /> Instrumen�, including, bu�not�imited to, attorneys' fees, property inspec�ion and valua�ian fees. In re�ard�o <br /> any o�her fe�s, �he abs�nce�f�xpr�ss authorit� in this Secur��y Instrument t�charge a specif�c fee to <br /> Borrower sha�l n�t be�onstrued as a proh�bitian on the charging of such fee. Lender may na�charge fees <br /> �ha�are expressly prohibited by th�s Securit� Instrument or by Applicable Law. <br /> If th� I.oan is subjec��a a�aw v�hich�ets maximum Xoan charges, and�hat la�v is finally interpreted so �hat <br /> the in�eres�ar other l�an charges calle��ed or to be caliected in connec�ion with the Loan exc�ed the <br /> permitted Iim�its, then: �a} any such loan charge sha��be reduced hy the amount necessary to reduce the <br /> charg��o the perm�itted 1im�f; and �b} any sums alrcady callec�ed from Borrower whxch exce�ded p�rmitted <br /> l�mits vWil�be refunded to Borrov�r�r. Lender may choose�o make�h�s refund by reduc�ng�he principa� owed <br /> under the Note ar by making a direc�pa�ment�a Borrower. �f a refund reduces pr�ncipal, the reduc�ian w��l <br /> be trea�ed as a par�ial prepaym�nt w��haut any prepaymen��harge�whether ar not a prepayment charge is <br /> prov�ded for under�he No��}. Borrov�rer's acceptanc�of any such refund made by d�r�ct paynaent to <br /> Borr�we�r wil� consti�ute a vWaiver of any right�f action Barrawer might have arising au��f such overcharge. <br /> �5. �Vot�ces. A�1 notic�s gi�ren by B�rrower or L.�nder in c�nn�cti�n wi�h this Security Instrument mu��be�n <br /> vvri��ng. Any na�ice to Borr��v�r in conneGtian with�his Securit� Ins�rumen�sha���e deem�d�o ha�e be�n <br /> g�v�n��$orrower when mai�ed by f�rst c�as� mail or�vh�n actua��y del�Wered ta Barrower's notzce address if <br /> sent by other means. Notice to any one Barrower sha�l cons�i�ute natice to a�� Borro�v�rers unless App�icable <br /> Lavw expr�ss�� requ�res o�herv�ri�e. Th�notice address sha�l �e the Praperty Address uniess Borro�er has <br /> NEBRASKA-5ir�gle Famify-Fannie MaetFreddie Mac llN1��RM�NSTRUMENT Fvrm 3�28 110i <br /> VMP� VMP��N�}{13Q2y <br /> Wolters�Cluwer�ir�ancial 5er�ices Pag��1 of 17 <br />