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2� 1 ��5212 <br /> Upon rece�pt of payment of the pri�e bid,Trust�e shal�deiiver t�the�urchaser Trustee's deed <br /> �an�eying�he Property.The re�ita�s in�he Trustee's deed shall be pr�ma faeie evidence of the truth <br /> �f tl�e sta�emen�s made therein,Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the fallawing order: <br /> �s}tQ al�c�sts and expens�s�f exerc�sing�he power Qf sale,and the sale,includ�ng the payment of <br /> the Trustee's fees a�tual�y incurred and reas�nable att�rneys'fees as permltted�y Appl�cable Law; <br /> �b}ta a�l sums se�ured by this�ecurity Instru�nent; and��}any excess to the persan vr p�rsans <br /> legally enti�led to i�. <br /> 23. Recon�eyan��.Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this Secu.rity Instrument, Lender shall request <br /> Trus�ee to reconv�y the Property and sha11 surrender this Security Instrument and all not�s evidencit�g <br /> debt secured by this Security Instrument to Trustee. Tru��e��ha11 re�onvey the Property without waxran.ty <br /> to the person or persons legally entitled to it. Such person or persons sha11 pay any recordatian costs. <br /> Lender may char�e such person or person�a fee for reconveying�he Pr�perty,but�nly if the fee is paid <br /> to a third party(such as the Trustee}for ser�ices r�ndere�an�i the char��ng of the fee is permitted under <br /> Applicable La�v. <br /> �4. Su bstitute Trust�e.Lender, at its option, may from tin�e to time rerr�ove'Truste�and appoint a <br /> success�r trus�ee�o any Trustee appc�inted hereunder by an instrument recorded in the caun�y�n�vhich <br /> th�s Security Instrument is recarded. i�L�ithout canveyanc�of the Froperty,the successor trustee shal� <br /> suc�eed to a11 the title,pa�ver and duties canferred upon Trustee herein and by Applicable Law. <br /> �S. Requestfor Noti�es.�ono�er requ�sts that c�pies of the notice of d�f�.u�t and sale be sent to <br /> Borrower's address whi�h is the Property Address. <br /> Z�. Wai�ers.Borrovver wai�es all right to ho�nestead exempt�on in the Property. <br /> Zl. Attorneys` Fees.A�used in thi� Securit�Instrument and the Note, attorn�ys' fees sha�l include tho�e <br /> awarded by an appellate court and a�y attorneys'fees incurred in a bankrup�cy proceeding. <br /> FHA deed o#Trus#With MERS-NE 9I3412414 <br /> Bar�kers Sys#ems� VMP C� VMP4IV�NE}4�5�fi}.�4 <br /> Woifers Kluwer Financial Services Page 45 of"i7 <br /> q�3359779584 �Z33 363 1517 <br />