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2� 1 ��5179 <br /> 9 <br /> • <br /> Instrument. MERS is organized a1�d exi�ting und��•the Iaws of Delaware, �tnd 17as a��addr-�:s�ct17��L'1�p�1a17�i7U1�7�C1" <br /> of P.�. Box 2DZ6, F lint, MI 485�1-�Z�2G, tei. �$8S� 679-MERS. <br /> �F} "lvote"lneans tl�e prflmiss�ry nofe sigr-�ed by Barrower and dated AUGUST �, ��Z 5 , <br /> The Nate�tates�17a�BQrrower owes Lender S EVENTY--N INE �r�ious�v�� N I Nr �-iUNI�R��D N I NE`�.'Y �NI� <br /> �Q/1�D Dallars �tl.S. $ 79, 99�.�� } <br /> plus in�erest. Borrawer 1-�as promised 10 pay this debt in regular Periodic Payments and to pay th�debt i�-�full not lal�r <br />� than S E P`I'EMBER 1� 2 0 4 6 . <br /> �G� "Praperty"means�he pr��erty t��at is de��ribed belovv under�he headin�"�I��•ai�sf�r❑f lZigh�s in the�'raperty." <br /> [�-�} "Loan"means tl�e debt e�idenced by the N�te, plu� interest, latc�harg�s ciue u��der�I1e Natc, a��d all sG�ms d�re <br /> under t1��s Security Instrument, pius i��terest. <br /> �Y} "Riders"means all Ride�s�o this Secuz ity��-�str��mei7t that are executed by�3orr•ovver. "I�7e foll�w�ng�Ziders are <br /> to be execu�ed b�Bnrrower [checic b�x as appl�c�blc]: <br /> � Adjust�ble Rate Rider [� Pl�i�ned Unit De�elopmei�t Rider <br /> [] Condominiu�n Rider [] ather(s} [spe�ify� <br /> �J} "App�ieablc Law"meai7s all c�nt�-olling app��cable federal, state a��d I�cal sta���tc:s, i-�gulations, az-c�i��anccs a�a�� <br /> administrative rutes and orders �that have the effect aF Iaw} as �vell as aIl applicabl� ��nal, non--appealablc j��cii�;i��l <br /> opi��ions. <br /> �K� "�ommunity Asso�iation Y]ues, �ees, and Assessrnents"�nean�all du�s, fecs, assessmez�ts and other chargcs <br /> tha� are imp�sed on Baz rovv�z or the Praperty t�y a condomi�7iurn associatio�a, hameowl7ers association or similar <br /> organiza�ion. <br /> �L} "E�ectronic Fund�Transfer"means any transfer of fund�, other than a transac�ion originated by�hecl�, draft, <br /> ar similar paper instrum�nfi, which is ii�itia�ed�hrnugh an ele�tronic termii�al, te�e�honic instrume��t, co���pu�er, or <br /> magl�e�ic tape so as to �rder, instruc�, or authorize a financial institution to debit ar credi� an account. Such tc:rnl <br />� zncludes, but is no� limited ta, poin�-of-sale transfers, au�on�ated te�ler macl�i��e t�-ai�s�ction�, tra��sfer-s initiatcd by <br /> �eleplz�n�, wire tx�ansfers, and autama�ed clearin�house tr��nsfers. <br /> �M} "Es�row�tems"m�ans tl�ose iiems tllat are d��cribed ir� 5e�tian 3. <br /> (I��} "M�sce��ancous Procced5"means any ca���pensatia�7, se�tlei��cnt, awa2•d of dama�es, oz� pracec�ds p��id by ����y <br /> third par�y �other than �nsuraz7ce proceeds paid under the �o�erages des�ribcd in Sectian 5} for: �i} dai�7age to, or <br /> destru�tion of, the Property; �ii} c;anci�mnati�n or❑ther�al�ing of aII or any part af the Nroper�y; �iii} con�eyal�ce�n <br /> lieu of condemnation; �r ���} �nisrepresentatin��s �f, or omis�ions as to, tl�e value andlor cot�dition of the I'roper�y, <br /> (�} "Mortgage Insurance"means insurance prate�ting Len��ei-against the nonpay�nent of, or defau�t on, the Lnan. <br /> (P} "Fc�riodi� Paymer�t" means the regularly schec��ileci at��oL���!due for �i} prin�ipal �l�ci interest ui�d�;r t��� Note, <br /> plus�ii}an� amaunts under Section 3 0���l�is Security 7nstrument. <br /> �Q) "�tESPA" means the Real Estate 5ettlement Proced����es Act �12 U.S.C. �Z�Q 1 �t sec�.} ��n�l its implem�:��tin� <br /> �'egulation, IZegulatian�(12 �.F,R. Pat�t 1��4}, as thcy mi�;l�t ve am���ded fi•om ���7�� �a �i���e, �r a��y ac�diti�n�il a�� <br /> succ�ssor legi�iation or regulation that�over��s tl�e s���ne suUject matter. As u�Gd ii�lhi�S�cu�-ity Instru��-aG��t, "IZESN�" <br /> refers to ail r��uirements and restric�ions ti�at az•e imposed in regaz-d t�a"fe;dcrally relat�d inor��a�c:�aan" e��r�i��th� <br /> Loan does n�t qualify as a "federal�y reZated mortgage loan'" uildci RESPA. <br /> (R) "Secretary"means tl�e Se�retary af the United States Departmcnt of�-�ausing and Uz•ban De�elopment or his <br /> de�ignee. <br /> �S} "SuCccssor in �n�;eres�of�3arrower"mear�s any par�y that has tai�en titic �❑ the Proper�y, w��ether ar not tl�iat <br /> party has assumed Lorrower's obligatioi�s under tl�e Note az�dl��- this Secur�tiy�nstru�-��ent. <br /> NEBRASKA FHA DEED DF TRIJST - IUIF_RS £3ocm�grc�����ri�<� <br />: N E�QT�2.FHA �91�41�5 Pag e � of �3 tirvww.docrrragic.carrl <br />