2� 1 ��5154
<br /> �EED �F TF�UST'
<br /> �Co�tinued} Page 4
<br /> LENDER`S EXPENDITURES. I� Trustar fails �A} ta keep the Praperty �ree o� all taxes, liens, se�uri�y interests,
<br /> encumbrances, and other claims, �B� to p�a�ide any requEred insurance an fhe Property, �C} �o make repairs to the
<br /> Praper�y ar �o compiy with any obligation to maintain Existing �ndebtedness in gaod standing as requi�ed below, �hen
<br /> Lender may do sa. If any actian ar proceed�ng is cammen�ed that wau�d materiafly affect Lender's �nt��ests in �he
<br /> Property, �hen Lender an Trustor's behalf may, but is not �equired to, take any act�on that Lender belie��s to be
<br /> apprap�iate �o p�otect Lender's int�r�sts. Af! expenses incur�-ed or paid by Lend�r for such purposes wil[ then �ear
<br /> interest a� #he rate charged under �he �red�t Agreement �rom the date incurred ❑r paid by Lender to the da#e a�
<br /> repayment by Trustflr. All such expenses wi�l b�come a part af�he Indebtedn�ss and, at Lender's aption, wi�! {A} �e
<br /> payable on demand; �B} �e added ta the baiance ❑f the Cred�t Agreement and be appor�ioned among and be payable
<br /> with any insta[lment payments t���com� due during either {1} the�erm of any applicable insurance policy; ar �23 the
<br /> rema�ning term of th� Credit Agreement; or �C} �e treated as a balloon payment whi�h wiil be due and payable at the
<br /> Credit Ag�eement's maturity. The Deed o�Trust a�sa w�ll secure payment of these amounts. The rights pr�vided fo�in
<br /> this paragraph shall be in additian �a any oth�r righ�s or any remedies t❑ which Lender may be entitfed on acc�unt of
<br /> any de�ault. Any such actian by Lender shall not be c�nstrued as curing �h� defau�t sa as to �a� Lender f�om any
<br /> remedy that i�otherwise would ha�e had.
<br /> INARRANTY; DEFENSE UF TlTLE. The foflowing proWisi�ns rela�ing fo ownership o'��he Prap��ty are a pa�k of th�s Deed
<br /> of Trust:
<br /> Ti�le. Trustor warran�s that: �a} Trustor holds good and marketable ti�le o�record to the Property in fee simpfe,
<br /> free and clear of a1f fiens and encumbrances other than those se� fo�h in the Real Praper�y descrip��on or in the
<br /> Exis�ing �ndebtedness section befaw or in any�it�e insurance palicy, title repor�, �r�ina1 title opinian �ssued in favar
<br /> of, and accepted by, Lender in connection with �his Deed of Trus�, and �b} Trustor has th� ful� right, power, and
<br /> auth�rity�o execute and deli�er this Deed of Tr�st t❑Lender.
<br /> Defense of Ti�le. Subject to the �xcep��on in the paragraph abo�e, Trustar wa�ran�s and will �ore�er de�end �he
<br /> tit�e to#he Property against the iawfui claims flf a�f persons. In�h�event any action or proceeding is commenced
<br /> that questions Trustor`s fitle a�the interes�of Trustee or Lender under this Deed a�Trust, T�ustor shall defend the
<br /> ac�ion at Trustor's expens�. Trustor may be the naminal parky in such proceeding, but Lender shall be enti�led to
<br /> par�'tcipate in the praceeding and to be represented in �he proceeding by counsel of Lender's own choice, and
<br /> Trustar will deli�er, or cause to be del�ve�ed, t❑ Lender such �ns�ruments as Lender may reques#from time to time
<br /> to permi�such partic�pati�n.
<br /> Campl�an�e Vllith Laws. Trusto�warrants �hat �he Prope�ty and Trust�r's use Qf the Property comp�ies with a�l
<br /> existing applicab[e laws, ardinances, and regufations o�governmenta�authori�ies.
<br /> Su�v��al �f Promise�. AI� pram�ses, agreemen#s, and s�atements Trustor has made �n this ❑�ed o� Trust shall
<br /> survi�e the exe�utian and deli�ery of this Deed of Trust, shal! be can�inuing in natur� and shal( remain in full farce
<br /> and ef�ect unti�such �ime as Trusto�'s Indebtedness is paid in ful�.
<br /> EXiSTING lNDEBTE�NESS. The fol�owing provisinns concerning Existing lndebtedness are a par�of�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Existing Lien. The lien of #his Deed a� Trust sec�ring �he indebtedness may b� secondary and inferior to an
<br /> existing �ien. Trustor expressfy covenants and agrees ta pay, or see to �he paymen�of, the Exis#�ng �nd�b��dness
<br /> and�o pre�ent any default an su�h ind�btedness, any defaul�under the�nstrument�e�id�ncing such indebtedness,
<br /> or any default under any secur�ty documents for su�h indebtedness.
<br /> Nv IVlvd�fication. Trustor sha�l nof enter in�o any agreement with the ho�der of any morkgage, deed o�t�ust, or
<br /> ather secur�ty agreement which has priarity over this Deed of Trus� by which �hat agreement is modified,
<br /> am�nd�d, extended, or renewed wifhou� the prior wri��en cons�nt o�F Lender. Trustar shall nei�her �equest nor
<br /> accept any future advances under any such�ecurity agreement withou�the prior written c�nsent of Lender.
<br /> C�NDEMNATI�N. The foffow�ng proWisions rela�ing�o condemnation pr�c�edings are a part of this Deed��Trust:
<br /> Pro�eedings. �� any proceeding in condemna#ian is filed, Trustar shal� promptly notify �ender �n wri�ing, and
<br /> Trus#or shalf promptly�ake such steps as may be ne�essary �o defend the act�on and obtain the award. Trustor
<br /> may be�he nomina!party in such proceeding, bu�Lender shall be entitled to pa�ticipate in�he proceeding and�o be
<br /> represented in the proceed�ng by counsel �f its own choi�e, and Trust�r will del�ver or �ause �o b� delivered �o
<br /> Lender su�h instruments and documentatEon as may be requested by Lender from time to t�me fio permit such
<br /> part�c�pation.
<br /> Applicatian v�Net Proceed�. If af[ or any part of the Pr�perty is condemned by�minent damain proceedings or by
<br /> any proceeding or purchase in fieu of condemnation, Lender may a�its ele�tion require tha�afl or any portion o�the
<br />� net proceeds of the award be applied �o �he lndeb�edness or �he repair or restara�ion o�the Praperty. The ne�
<br /> proceeds of the avuard shal� mean�he award af�er paymen�o�a1f reasonabie�osts, expenses, and attorneys' fees
<br /> incurred �y Trus�ee or Lender in conne�tion wi�h�he condemnation.
<br />� IiIrIP�S1TI�N �F TA�CES, FEES AND CHARGES BY C�VERNl�IJ�ENTAL AVTH�RITlES. The foflawing pro�isions relating
<br /> t❑governmen#al taxes, fees and charges are a part of this Deed❑'�Trus�:
<br /> Cur�en� Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon reques� by Lender, Trus�or sha�l execu#e such documents in add�tian �o
<br /> th�s Deed❑fi Trust and take whatever other action is requested by Lender to pe�f�ct and con�inue Lender's �ien on
<br /> �he Real Proper�y. Trus�or shal� reimburse Lende� �ar alf taxes, as described be�ow, togethe� wi�h all expenses
<br />