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2� 1 ��5154 <br /> �EED �F `TRUST' <br /> �Conti n ued� �ag� z <br /> grants ta Lender a Unifarm Commercial Code secur�ty in�erest in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TH1S ❑EED �F TRUST, INCLUD�NG THE ASSIGN�iENT�F RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS4NAL PRCJPERTY, 1S �IVEN T�SECIJRE {A� PAYMENT QF THE 1NDEBTEDNESS AND �B} PERFQRMANCE flF <br /> EACH UF TRUST�R'S AGREEMENTS AND �BLlGAT1QNS �NDER THE �RED�T A�REEMENT, THE RELATED <br /> D�GU�VIENTS, AND TH�S DEED �F TRIJST. THIS DEED �F TRUST !S GIVEN AND ACCEPTED QN THE FQLL�WING <br /> TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AN❑ PERFnRMANCE. Except as o�henivise pro�id�d in th is Deed a�Trus�, Trustor shalf pay ta Lender alf <br /> amounts secured by this Deed af Trust as they becvme due, and shall s�ricfly and in a timely mann�r perform all of <br /> Trustor's obligations under the Cred�t Agreemen�,this De�d of Trust, and the Re�a�ed Documents. <br /> P�SSESSI�N AND �IA�NTENANCE aF THE PRQPER"!`Y. Trustar agrees that Trustor's possession and use of the <br /> Proper�y shal€ be governed by the fo[lowing provisions: <br /> Possessi�n artd llse, Until the occurrence o� an Even# of De�auf�, Trustor may �1} rema�n in possessian and <br /> contro[o��he Prape�ty; �2} use, opera�e or manage the Praperty; and �3} ca[lect the Rents from the Property. <br /> Du�y to Maintain. Trus�ar shall maintain �he Proper�y in go�d conditian and promptly pe�orm afl repairs, <br /> rep�a�emen�s, and maintenance necessary to presen�e its Wa(ue. <br /> Complian�e Vlrith Env�ranmentar Laws. T�ustor represents and warrants#o Lender that: �'�} During the period �� <br /> Trustor's o�rvn�rship o�F the Property, fhere has been no use, generation, manufacture, storage, �reatment, d�sposal, <br /> release ar�h�eatened release of any Hazardaus Subs�ance by any pe�son on, under, abaut or from the Property; <br /> �2} Trusfor has no knowledge of, or reason �o believe tha�there has �een, except as pre�iously disclased fo and <br /> acknow�edged by Lend�r in w�i#ing, �a} any brea�h or �iolation o� any En�ironmenta� Lavus, tb} any use, <br /> generatian, m�nu�acture, storage, tr�eatmenti disposa�, release ar threatened release of any Hazardous Substance <br /> an, under, abaut a�from the Prope�ty by any prior owne�s or �ccupan#s of the Prope�ty, or �c} any actual flr <br /> #hrea��ned [itigation ❑r cla�ms of any kind by any person re�ating fo such mat�ers; and �3) Except as pre�iously <br /> disc�osed to and acknowledged by Lender in wri#ing, (a} neither Trustor nor any tenant, contractor, agen�ar other <br /> authorized user af the Property shal� use, generate, manufac�ure, stare, treat, dispose af or re�ease any Hazardous <br /> Subs#anc�on, under, abau�or�rom �he P�operty; and �b} any su�h a��i�i�y shal� be conducted in compliance wi�h <br /> all applicahle �ederal, s�ate, and laca� faws, regulations and o�dinan�es, in�luding withou� lim�tation a11 <br /> Envi�-onmental Laws. Trustor authorizes Lende� and its agen�s to enter upon the Property �o make such <br /> . inspections and tests, at Trustor's expense, as Lender may deem appropria�e to de�ermine compliance of the <br /> Property wi�h �his se�tion of�he Deed af Trust. Any inspe�t�ons or tesfs made by Lender shafl he �ar Lender`s <br /> pu�poses on�y and sha�l not be construed to create any respansibi�i�y or fiabili#y an the par�of Lender to Trus#or or <br /> to any o�her persan. The representations and warran��es contained herein are based on Trustor's due di�igence in <br /> in�est�gating the Proper�y for Hazardaus Subs�ances. Trustor h�reby �1} releases and wai�es any future claims <br /> aga�ns� Lender for indemni�y or contribu�ion in the e�en�Trustar becomes liable for cleanup or other costs under <br /> any�uch faws; and �2} agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Lende�against any and all claims, I�S5�5, . <br /> liab�lities, damages, pena�ti�s, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly or indirectfy sustain or suffer resu�ting�rom <br /> a breach of�his section of�he Deed af Trust or as a consequence a�any use, generati�n, manufacture, s�orage, <br /> disposa(, release or th�eatened release occurring priar�a Trus�or's awnersh�p or interest in the Praper�y,whether or <br /> not �he same was ar shoufd ha�e been known to Trustor. The provfsions of this section ❑f the Deed o�Trust, <br /> �ncluding the obli�ation ta �n�emnify and defend, sha�l survive the paym�nt fl�the Indebtedness and the satisfa��ion <br /> and reconveyance❑��he lien o�this Deed o�Trus�and shal� not be a�fected by Lender's acquisition o�any interest <br /> in�he Property,whe�her by�orecf�sure ar oth�n�vise. <br /> Nuisan�e, Waste. Trustor shall n�t cause, conduc� �r permit any nuisance nor commit, permi�, or su�fier any <br /> stripping �f or was�e on �r�o the Property ❑r any portion �f the Proper�y. �]Vithou� limi��ng the generafity af the <br /> for�going, Trus�or wif� nat remo�e, ar gran�to any other party the r�ght to rema�e, any t�mber, minerafs�including <br /> ail and gas}, coal, c�ay, scoria, soi[, gra�el or rack pr�ducts without Lender`s prior written consent. <br /> Remo�al of�mprorrements. Trustor shal! not demolish or remo�e any Imp�o��ments from the Reaf Praper�y wifhout <br /> Lender's priar written consent. As a�ondition �o the removal of any lmpro�ements, Lender may require Trusta�to <br /> make arrang�ments sa#isfactary to Lender �o replace such lmprovements wi�h lmprovements of at feast equal <br /> �alue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agen#s and repr�sentatives may enter upon the Real PrQperty at all <br /> reasanable times to att�nd �a Lender's �nter�sts and to inspect �he Real Property for purposes of Tru��or's <br /> compiiance with the terms and�onditions of th�s Deed of Trus�. <br /> Compliance with Gvvernmentaf Requ��ements. Trustor shall pramptly comply with �ff laws, ordinances, and <br /> �egula�ions, n�w or hereafter in effec�, of all go�ernmental author�ties applicabfe tfl the use ar occupancy �f the <br /> Property. Trustor may contest in gaod faith any such law, ard�nance,or regula�ion and withhafd comp�iance during <br /> any proceeding, including appr�opr�ate appeais, so �ong as Trusto� has notified Lender in writing prior �o daing so <br /> and so[on� as, �n Lender's sole opin�an, Lender's interests in the Properky are not jeapardized. Lende�may require <br /> Trus�or�o post adequate securi�y or a sure�y bond, reasonably satisfactory ta Lender,�❑protect Lender`s interest. <br /> ❑uty to Pratec�. T�ustor agrees neifher ta ahandon or lea�e u nattend�d the Praper�y. Trusto�shall do all ather <br /> ac�s, in additian ta�hose ac�s se�fo�th above in this section,which �rom the character and use of the Property are <br />