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2� 1 ��5149 <br /> B�R�C��VVER��VENANTS that B�rro�ver�s lawfully seised af the�sta�e hereby conve�ed and has the r�gh�to <br /> grant an�.�on�ey the P�oper�y and that the Proper�y is un�ncum��red, ex�ept far encumbrances�f recQrd. <br /> Borraw�r warrants and wi�I defend genera��y the title�o th� Pr�per�y aga�nst a�� c�a��ms and demands, subject to <br /> any encurnbran�es of record. <br /> TH�S SE�UR�TY�NSTRUM�NT�am�ines un�form c��enants f�r natiana�use and n�nWun�farn�c�venan�s wi�h <br /> ��m�ted�ariations by�ur�sdiction�o const��u�e a un�farm secur�t� zns�rumen�cawering rea�pr�per�y. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrawer and L�nder covenant and agree as f����v�rs: <br /> 1. Payment of Princ�pai. �nterest, �scrvw �tems, Prepayment �harges, a�d Late �harges. Borro�v�r <br /> sha��pay when du��he pr�ncip���f, and inter�s�on, the deb�ev�d�nced b��he No��and any prepayment <br /> �harges and la�e c�.arges due und�r�he Nn�e. B�rrov�er sha�� a�sa pay funds far�scrow Items pursuant to <br /> Sec��an 3. Paymen�s due under�he Note and�h�s Secu r�ty �nstrument sha�1 be made�n U.�. curren�y. <br /> However, if any che�k or��her xns�rument r���i�ed by Ler��er as payme��under the N�te or th�s�ecuri�y <br /> Zns�rument is returned to Lend�r unpazd, L�nder may requir�tha�any ar all subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> �h�No�e and this Secur�t�r�nstrunlen�be made in one ar mare of�h�f���ov��ng form�, as se�ected by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} money order; �c} certi�ed�heck, bank che�k, treasurer's Check or cashier's check, provided any <br /> such ch�ck is drawn up�n an inst�tu�ion whose deposx�s ar�xn�ur�d by a f�dera� agency, instrumen�ality, or <br /> en��t�; or�d} Exe�tr�nic Funds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ments are deemed r�cei�ed by L�n�.�r when r�ceived a� the�ocat�on designated in th�I�ot�or a�such <br /> �ther Iocatian a�may be designat�d by. L�nder in a�cordance w�th the notice pro�is��ns �n S��t��n ��. <br /> Lend�r ma�return any pa�m�n�or pa.r�ial paymen�if the payment or partial paymen�s are�nsuf��ient�o <br /> bring�he Lnan current. Lender may accept any payment a�par�ial payment�nsuf���ent t�bring�he L�an <br /> �urrent, w�thout wa�ver af any rights hereunder ar prej ud��� to ��s r�ghts �fl refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> paym�nts �n�he fu�ure, but Lender is not obligated ra apply su�h payments at �he time such payments are <br /> accepte�. If each Periodic Payment is applied as of its s�heduled due date, then Lender n�ed not pa� �n�eres� <br /> �n unapp�ied funds. Lender ma�r hold such unappli�d funds unt�1 Barrow�r makes payments to bring�he <br /> Loan curren�. If Barrower does no�do s��vi�hin a reasonable per�od of time, Lender sha��either app�y such <br /> funds or return th�m to B�rrower. �f no�app��ed earl�er, such funds wi�� be appiied to �he autstanding <br /> prinGipal ba�anc�under�he Note immediately pr�or�a fareclosure. No offse�or c�axm which Borrower might <br /> have naw ar�n�he future aga�ns�Lend�r sha�l rel��ve Barrovver fram making paym�nts dut under�he Na�e <br /> and this Se�urity �nstrumen�or perf�rming the c��enants and agreements secured by this Securi�y <br /> �ns�rument. <br /> �. Appli�ati�n vf Payments or Pra�eeds. E�cept as a�hervvise descri�ed in this �ection�, a��pa�ments <br /> acc�pted and app��ed by Lend�r sha�l be app�i�d in the ffll�owzng order af pr�ority: �a} interes�du�und�r the <br /> Note; ���principal due under th�N�te; �c} amounts due under Sectian 3. Such paym�r�ts sha11 be app�x�d to <br /> eaCh Peri�dic Paymen�in the arder�n which �t became due. Any remainirig am�unts sha�� be app�ied firs� to <br /> late charges, sec�nd�o any ather amnun�s due under th�s Security Instrument, and th�n t� r�duce th� <br /> princxpa� �alanc�of�he Note. <br /> If Lender recex�es a payment from Barrower far a detinquent Per�odic Payment which �nc�udes a suffic�er�t <br /> amaunt to pay any�at�charg�due, th�payment may be appl�ed�o the de��nquent paym�nt and the�a�e <br /> �harge. �f mor�than one P�ri�dzc Paymen��s au�standing, Lend�r may app�y any pa�rmen� recezv�d from <br /> Barrav�ver to the repayment of�he P�riodic Paym�n�s if, and�o the extent tha�, each paymen�can b�pa�d in <br /> full. To�he�xtent that any excess exists af�er�he paymen� is app�ied�o the fu��pa�rmen�of one or more <br /> Per�od�c Pa�ments, such excess may��app�ied ta any lat�charg�s due. Voluntary prepaymen�s sha�� be <br /> app�ied first�o any prepayment�harg�s and then as descri�ed in the Nore. <br /> NESRASICA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFQRM INSTRtJM�NT �Qrm 3428 11�� <br /> VMP(� VMP6tN�y�13�Zy <br /> Wott�rs fCtuwer�inanciat 5�r�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />
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