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<br /> 1�00 SUPF.�1��4 A TitFNUE,SUIT�a,��n
<br /> the real prvperty described being set forth as follows: ����v� DH'Ia 4�11�
<br /> �A-rlo�v��co��Nc
<br /> In considerati�n of the mutual pramises and agreements exchanged, the parties here�o a�ree as
<br /> fallvws�notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained tn the Note or S�curity InStrument};
<br /> 1. As of, MAY 1, 2�16 the amaunt payable under the Note and the Security �nstrument €�h� "Unpaid
<br /> Principal Balance"} is U.S. $95,52�.56, consisting of the amount�s} �oaned tn Borrower by Lender,
<br /> plus capitalized �nterest in the amaunt af U.S. �1,993.51 an� other amounts capitali�ed, which is
<br /> limited to escrows and any legal fees a,nd reiated forec�osure co�ts that may ha�e been accrued far
<br /> work completed.
<br /> 2. Borrow�r prarnises to pay the Unpaid Principal Balance, plus in#erest,ta the order of Lender In�erest
<br /> wi11 be charged on the Unpaid Principal Balanc� at the yearly rate af 3.5���%, frarn MAY 1,2U16.
<br /> Borrower promises t� make monthly payments of principal and interest of U.S. $ 428.93, beginning
<br /> on the 1 ST day of.IUNE,��1�,and continuing thereafter on th�same day of each su�ceeding month
<br /> until principal and interest are paid in full. The yearly rate of 3.5U��% will remain in effect until
<br /> princ�pal and interest are paid in fu11.If on MAY 1,ZU4G (the"Maturity Date"}, Borrower still owes
<br /> amoun#s under the Note and the Security Instrument, as amended by this Agreement, Barrower wi11
<br /> pay these amoun�s in full on the Maturity Date.
<br /> 3. If a�l or any part of the Property ar any interest in the Property is s�1d or transferred�or if Borrower is
<br /> not a natura�person and a beneficial interest in B�rrower is sold or transferred}without Lender's prior
<br /> written consent, L�nder may requ�re immediate payment in full of all sums s�cured by the Se�urity
<br /> Instrumen�.
<br /> If Lender exercises this op�ion, Lender shali gi�e Borrower notice of accelerativn. The notice shall
<br /> pro�ide a period of not�ess than 30 days from the date the notice is deli�ered or mailed within which
<br /> Borrower must pay all sums s�cured by the Security Instrument. If Borrower fa�ls to pay these sums
<br /> prior #o the expiration of#his period, Lender may in�flk� any remedies permit�ed by �h� Security
<br /> Ins�rument without further n�tice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> 4. Barrower alsa will camply with all ather covenants, agr�ements, and requirements of the Securi�y
<br /> Instrument, including without Iimitation,Borrower's co�enants and agreements to make ali payments
<br /> of�ax�s, insurance premiums, assessments, escrow items, impounds, and all o#her payrnents that
<br /> Borrower is abligated to make under the Security Instrument; howe�er, the following terms and
<br /> provisions are forever canceled,nu11 and�aid,as of the date specified in paragraph Na. 1 above:
<br /> �a} a11 terms and pro�isians of �he Note and Security Instrument tif any} pro�iding for,
<br /> implementing, �r relating ta, any change nr adjustment in th�ra�e of in#erest payabl� under the
<br /> Note, inc�uding, where appli�ab�e, the Timely Payment Rewards rate reduction, as described in
<br /> paragraph 1 of the Timely Payment Rewards Addendum ta N�te and paragraph A.�, of the
<br /> Timely Paymen� Rewa.rds Rider. By executing �his Agreement, Borr�wer wai�es any Timely
<br /> Payment Rewards rate reductinn to which Borrawer may have otherwise been entitled;and
<br /> HUD-HAMP 10452415 356 994Z4Z8008
<br /> Page 2
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