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<br /> made shall oe added to the principal sum owing an the above 10. That the Mortgagor wiU keep the bulldings upon said
<br /> note� ahaU be secured hereby.and sl►all bear lnterest at the rate premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br /> set fon?►in the uld note.until paid. upon said land, nor suffer the said premises to be used for any
<br /> unlawful purpose.
<br /> 7. That the Monga�or hereby assigna,transfers and sets over
<br /> to the Mort;a�a.to be applied toward the payment of the note 11. That if the premises,or any part thereof,be condemned
<br /> and all sums secnred hereby in case of a default in the perfor- under the power of eminent domain� or acquired for a public
<br /> ' mana of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the use,the d�unages Awarded.the proceeds for the takina of. or the
<br /> said ttate.all the rents, revenues and income to be derived from mnsideration for such acquisition,to the extent af the fhU
<br /> the mortYajed premises durin�such tirae as the mortgage in- amount of indebtedness upon this mort�age and the note which it
<br /> debtednea�a6aU remaln unpaid.and the Mortgagee shall have ls glvea to securc remaining unpaid,are hereby assip�ed by the
<br /> power to appoint any a�ent or a�ents it may desire for the pur- Mortgagor to the Mortgaga,and shall b�paid forthwith to said
<br /> pose of repairing sald premisea and of renting the same and m!- Mongagee to be applIed by the latter on accovnt of the next
<br /> . lectin�the rents, revenues and income. and it may pay out of maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br /> said inoomes all expensa of repalring said prrausa and neoasary
<br /> commisslons aad eacpeases lncurred in renting and managing the 12. The Mortgagor further xgras that shonld thls mortgage
<br /> same and of coAecting rentals therefrom;the balaaa remain9ng, and the aote sccwed hereby not be eligible for inswana under
<br /> • ii any, to be applied toward the dischazge of said mortgage the National Housing Act wlthin days
<br /> ' indebtedness. from the date hercof(written statement of any of�ar of the
<br /> 8. That the Mortgagor will kap the improvements now ex- ���ent of Housing and Urban Development or authorizecl
<br /> -- i�tlr.e�e��!'its'�t3 oa ilt�ttta;tgsg:,��S;aN..-r:3� :r,�urcd a; aaent of the Srcretary of Houcing and lJrl+an ikv�ingment dAted
<br /> may be required from time to time by the Mortgaga against loss subsequoat to the day�' tlme from the dste
<br /> by fire and otha hazards,casualdes and contiagencies in such of this mortgage, decllning to insure said note and this mortg�ge.
<br /> amounts and for suc6 pedods as may be required by the Mort- beinB damed conclusive proof of such lneligibility). the Mor-
<br /> �agee and wi11 psy promptly, when due,any premiums on such tgagee or.holder of the note may, at ics opt�on,declare aI!sums
<br /> iasurana provision for payment of which has not ban made socured hereby immedlately due and payabie. •
<br /> hereinbefore. All insurana.shall be carried in companies ap- �
<br /> proved by the Mortgagee and the policies and renewals thereaf 13. That if the Mortgagor fails to mtke any payments of �
<br /> sh�ll he haid bv the MortgAge�e a�d have attached thereto loss money when the same beoome due, or fails to waform to and � '
<br /> � payabk clauses in favor of and ia form acceptable to the Mor- ro�Ply with any of the conditions or agreecneats oontained in �
<br /> � •• ,---- !::'..;sr.^:i t �r ths aa:s s�h:th r s...,�^urw � �_�..t3r-..°:- i-;�-'
<br /> - 'sj�c'c. Iti cvcui vi �CrSS a.aCni�i�Gi w�gi�c a�unnciiYic�iviut oy � e�a . �i,.rti i„�..,. .,r,..,- � _
<br /> mail to the Mortgaga.who may make proof of loss if not made �P�sum and accrued interest shall at once beoome due and --
<br /> promptly by Mortgagor.and each lnsurance company concerned PaYabte,at the election of the Mortgagee; and this mortgsge may
<br /> � is hereby suthoNud and directed to make payment for such loss thorcupon be foreclosed immediatdy for the whole of sa9d �
<br /> direetjy to the Mortgaga instead of to the c�fortgagur and the money,inierest.monthly payments,costs.ground re�is,taxes ---_
<br /> Mortgaga jointly.and the insnrance procoeds. or any part and the cost of estending the absuact of title from the date of -
<br /> thereof, may be applied by the Mort�aga at its option e3ther to this loan to the tune of commencing such foreclosure suit,and a
<br /> the reduct3on of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the reasonable attomey's fa.all of which shall be included in the :
<br /> restor�tion or repair of the property damaged. In event of decree of forcelosure; and the conuact embodied in this mortg�e j—
<br /> forecbswe of tt�is mortgsge or other transfer of title to the mor- and the note secured hereby,shall ln all respects 6e govemed,
<br /> tgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebratka, where the same
<br /> hereby.ail right.title and interest of the Mortgagor in and to is made.
<br /> any insurance policies then in fora shall pass ta the purchaser or 7ne covtnants heresn wntained shall bind, aad the benefits +
<br /> ��t�• and advantages shall inure to,the respective heirs.eaecutors, ad-
<br /> . ministrators,succxssors, and assi�ns of We parties hereto.
<br /> 9. That as additional and colLteral soCyrity for the payment Whenever used, the singular number shall iaclude the plwal. the
<br /> , of the note described, and all suau.to bqo�e.¢u�under this .;;+,
<br /> monga�e.the Mortgagor hereby aqigns to�e Mq�t�a all Plural the siagular,and the use of any�ender shall inctude all _—
<br /> profiu. revenua, royaltie�,ri�hts u�d!�[ne#'it�acerwna to the S�nders. �;�,��
<br /> Mort�aQor under any and�11 oil and eas kaxa on aaid premises. The foregoing conditions,all and singulaz, beiag performed ac- •
<br /> with the ri�ht to reorive and receipt for the same and apply them �r�8 to th�ir natural and legal import� this conveyana shall �
<br /> to said indebtedness as weU before as after default in the condi- be void and said premises relwsed at the expense of the Mort- ; �
<br /> tions of this mortgage, and the Mortgagee may demand,sue for BaSor; otherwise to be and remain in full force and effect. • -
<br /> and recover any such paymenu when due and payabk, but shall
<br /> not be required so to do. This assignment is to terminaie and
<br /> bocome null and void upon release of tt�is mortgage.
<br /> In witaa��ri�ereot the Mortgagor(s)ha�e hereunto set theiT h (s)the�ay and yesr first above written.
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