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690121 -1 <br />Parcel 23 <br />The North Fifty -four (54) feet of Lot Twenty -two (22), in Block One (1), in Koehler Place, an Addition <br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, and also a certain part of Lot Twenty -two (22) in <br />Block One (1), Koehler Place, as originally platted, more particularly described as Beginning at a point <br />on the West line of said Lot, such point being 65.3 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot; <br />running thence North along the West line of said Lot, 11.3 feet; running thence East, parallel to the North <br />line of said Lot, 54.8 feet, to the Easterly line of said Lot; running thence Southwesterly along the <br />Southeasterly line of said Lot, 32.2 feet, to a point 10.0 feet Northeasterly from, as measured at Right <br />Angles to, the concrete curb now located; running thence Northwesterly on a line concentric with, and <br />parallel to, the concrete curb as now located, 36.8 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Parcel 24 <br />20169496 <br />Part of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE1 /4NWI /4) of Section Twenty-two (22) <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., lull County, Nebraska, described <br />as follows; Beginning at a point 445 1/2 feet West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter <br />(NWI/4) of Section 22, Township 11 North, Range 9 West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska, <br />running thence West, along the North line of the aforesaid NWl /4 of said Section 22, a distance of 100 <br />feet, thence south on a line, parallel with the center line of Section 22, a distance of 435 1/2 feet, running <br />thence East on a line parallel with the North line of said Section 22, it distance of 100 feet, thence North <br />on a line parallel with the center line of said Section 22, a distance of 435 1/2 feet to the place of <br />beginning, together with a tract 435.5 Peet long and 0.7 feet wide at the south line and lying at the north <br />end of the east side of Claussen Country View Addition, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot One (1), Block Six (6), in said Claussen Country View Addition; <br />thence running north on the east line of Vine Street and on the east line of Lot One (1), Block One (1), <br />Claussen Country View Addition, and the north prolongation of said Lot One • (1), Block One (1), <br />Claussen Country View Addition, to the north line of said Claussen Country View Addition; thence <br />running southerly on a line to it point 0.7 feet east from the northwest corner and on the north line of <br />Lot One (1), Block Six (6), in said Claussen Country View Addition; thence running west on the north <br />line of said Lot One (1), Block Six (6), Claussen County View Addition, for a distance of 0.7 feet to the <br />point of beginning excepting a tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed recorded as <br />Document No. 77-005104. <br />A-4 <br />