<br /> 2� 1 ��4923
<br /> r
<br /> � y
<br /> the real property described�s laca��d in HALL C[)UNTY,NEBRASI�A ar�d being set forth as fotlows:
<br /> In consideration af the mutuai promises and agre�ments �xChanged, the parties hereta ag�ee as f�liows
<br /> �not�vithstanding anything to th�cantrar�r cantained in the Nv�e or Security instrum�nt}:
<br /> 1. As of,MAY 1,2�15 the amount payabie under the Note and the Security Instrum�nt��he"Unpaid Principal
<br /> Ba�ance"} is L].�. $88,541.83, consisting of the a.m�unt�s} loaned �o Borrower by Lender, plus �apitaii�ed
<br /> interest in �he amount of U.S. $11,184.7� and a�her amaunts capitali2ed, which is timited t� escr�ws and
<br /> any legal fees and related forec�osure c�sts that may have been accrued far work cvmpleted.
<br /> Z. �orrower promises to pay �he Unpaid Princi�al Balanc�, plus interest,to�he arder of L�nder, Interest will
<br /> be charged on the Unpaid Pr�ncipal Balance at the yearly rate �f 4.UflU�°/o, fr�m MAY 1, Zfllb. The
<br /> Barrower r�mises to make�nonthly payments of principal and �nterest of U.�. �4Z2.71„beginning on the
<br /> P
<br /> 1 ST day of JiJNEy �Q 1 G, and continuing thereai�er on the same day �f each su�cEeding m�nth untii
<br /> rinci al and interest are paid in full. If on MAY 1, 2U4G �the "Maturity Iaa�e"�, the Borrower still owes
<br /> P p
<br /> amounts under the Note and th� Security Ins�rument, as amend�d by th�s Agre�rnent, Barrs�wer wili pay
<br /> these amounts in full on the Ma�urity Date.
<br /> 3. If al1 or an part�f th�Proper�y or an�r interest in it is sold or transferred (or if a benefcial interest in the
<br /> Y
<br /> Barrower is said or transferred a�+d the Barrower�s not a natural per5�n}wi�h�ut�he Lender's priar written
<br /> consent,the Lender may requ�re immediate paymen�in full af all sums secur�d by this Security�ns�rument.
<br /> If the Lender exercises �his op�ian, �he Lender shaii gi�e the Borrower notice af acce�eration. Th� n�tice
<br /> shall r�vide a period ❑f not less than 3� days from the date the notice is deliver�d ar mailed within�vhich
<br /> P
<br /> �he Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Security�n�trument.If the Borrower fails ta pay thes�sums ;
<br /> rior ta the �x iration of this periad, the Lender may in�roke any rernedi�s permitted by this Security
<br /> p p
<br /> In�trument without further natice flr demand on the Borrower.
<br /> 4. The Borrower als4 will comply with aIl other cavenants, agreem�nts, and requirernent� �f the Securi�y
<br /> Instrument, inctudin�without limitation,the Borrower's cauenants and agr��ments to make a11 payment5 af
<br /> tax�s, insurance pr�miums,assessm�nts,escraw items, impounds, and all other payment5 that the B�rrower
<br /> li ated to make under the Security In�trument;hovvever,the foll�wir�g terms and pravisions are f�rever
<br /> ts ab g
<br /> cancell��,null and Woid,as�f th�date spec�fied in Paragraph 1'��. 1 abo�e:
<br /> all terrns and rovisi�ns of the I�1ote and Se�ur�ty�nstrument�if any}pr��iding for, implementing,or
<br /> �a} �
<br /> relating to,any c�a�g�or adju�tment in the rate af inte�est payabie under the Nate;and
<br /> b a�I terms and prvvis��n� of any adjustab�e rate rider,�r�ther in�trument ar d�cument that is aff�xed
<br /> � �
<br /> ta, wholly or partially incorporated inta, or is par� af, the Note or Security Ins�rument and that
<br /> contains any such��rms and provisions as�hose referred to in�a}abQ�e.
<br /> 5. If the Borrower has,sinCe�n�eption af this Ioan but prinr to this Agreement,recei�ed a discharge in a
<br /> Cha ter 7 bankru te , and there hav�ng been no �al}d reaffirmation �f the underlying deht, by
<br /> p p Y
<br /> enterin int� this Agreement, the Lender is not attempting to �r�-�s�abli�h any perso�nai liability far
<br /> �
<br /> the underlying debt.
<br /> HUD Modification Agreement�6�92016 45 99Q2421846
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