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2� 1 ��4921 <br /> Tra�nsfer�f th�P'r�perty �r a ��nef�ciai IntQr�st�n �orrar�ver.rf a�l or any par�of�he Proper�y ar a�ny in�e�est <br /> in it �s so�d or transferred (or if a benef���al in�erest in Bor��ov�er is sold ar transf�rred and Borro�vEr is not a <br /> natura� pers�n� withau� Lender°s prior wr�tten consen�, Lender �nay, at its opt�an, re9uire imrr�edia�e ��ayr�ent xn <br /> fu�l of aIl sums se�ured by th�s Secur��y Instrument. Hawe���r, �hi� opt��n shal� not �be exercised by Lender if <br /> e�ercise�s prahib��ed by federa�Iav�as�f�he dat�of.�his Securi�y�nst�u.mem�. <br /> �f Lender e�ercises this opt�a�., Lender shal� give Borrower notice of a�ceierat�on. The not��e shall pro�id� a <br /> period of not �ess �han �he minimum number �f da�s established �� Appl��a��e Law f�om the da�e th�e no��ce is <br /> deli�ered or mai�ed �ithin wh�ch Borr�wer mus� pay a�1 su�r�s secur�d b}��his Security �nstrumen�. If'B�rro�er <br /> fa�ls �o pay these suxns prio��o �he expiration of this per�od, Ler�der may �nvake an�remed�es permit�ted by �h�s <br /> Securi��nstrumen�withou�furl:her no��ce�r dema���n Barrower. <br /> �3orr��ver'� laight to Re��S�a�te. �f B�rr��er meets cer�ain cond��ions, �orr�wer sha1� have the rig�h� to have <br /> enfa��ement o��h�s Security Instrumen� c��sc�n�inued a� any�i:me�rior t��he earl�er af: �a} 5 days �or such�ther <br /> period as Applicable Law may specify for reins�a�emen�}befo;�e sa�e of the Properry pursuant�a any p�raver�f sa�e <br /> con�ained �n th�s Secur��y ��s�ru�nent; or �b} entry of a j u dg�n�rnt enf�rcing �his�Securi�y �nstrum�nt. Thflse <br /> c�ndi�i�ns are �hat Borrotn�er: �a� pays Lender all sums v�hic��th�n wou�d be due und�r�his �ecurYty :Instrumen� <br /> and�he�flntract as acce�eration had occurr�d;�b}cures�.ny defaul�of any other covenan�s or agreements;�c� <br /> pays all expenses incurred in ernfor�ing this Secu�i�y�nstruiner.Et, incl�d�ng,but no��imited to,reasonable attorneys' <br /> fees ta the ea�en�permxt�ed by Ia�nr; and�d}�akes such a��ion as Lender n�ay reasonably requ�re�o assure tha�the <br /> lien of�h�s Securi�y�nstrurnent,Lender`s righ�s i�n the Pr�per�r and�3orr�wer's obligat��n to pa��he �ums secured <br /> by�his Security Ins�rument �antinue uncha��ged. Upo�� �-e�nsta�emen�by �orrowe�-, �his �ecur�ty Instrument <br /> and�he obligations secured he�•eby shall remain fu�ly effec�ive as if�� acc�lera�ion ha� accurred. Ha�Ne�er, this <br /> r�gh�t to reinstate shall n�t app�y�r��he case of acce�eration unc�er�he se���an titled Transfer nf the Property ar a <br /> Beneficial Int�rest in�orr�w3er. <br /> Hazardou�Subs�anc�s. Barrower shal�not cause or permit t��e pre�ence, use, disposal, s��rage, or release of any <br /> Hazard�us Substances on or�n�he Property.B�rrav�er sha��riz��do,r�or al�aw anyane else�o d�,any�h�n.g affecting <br /> �he PraperCy �hat is in �io�atio�z �f any En�ir��men�al Law. 'T�e precedir�g �wo sen�er�ces sh�1� not a�ply �o the <br /> presen�ey use,�r storage on the Praper�y of sma1�quantit�es of�Hazardous �ubstances that are generally�recogn�zec� <br /> to be appra�r�ate t�normal reside��:ial uses and�o maintenanc��af�h�Prop�r�. <br /> B�rr�wer shal�prompt�y gi�e L.ender wr��ten no�i�e of any�nves�i�al���n,c�aim, demand, Iawsuit or o�her action by <br /> any g��ernmen�at �r regula�or� agenc� �r priva�e parfiy inva!v���g the Pr�per�y and an� Hazardous SL�bs�ance or <br /> En�ironmen�al Lavv vf �vhich B�rr��ver has actua� knaw�edge. �f Borro�ver learns, or i� no�ifi�d by any <br /> ga�ernmer�tal�r regu�a�ory aut�hor�ty,that any re�noval ar oth��r rem�dia�i�n of any Hazardous Subs�an�e affec��ng <br /> the Prop�r�y is necessary, Barrower sha�l pr�mptly take ���� nec�ssary remedial actions �n accor��ance wi�h <br /> En�ironmental Law. <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "H[azardous Substanc�s" are those subs�ances defned as to�Xc or�.azardous substances <br /> by En�ironmen�al La�v and th�e fo���wing subs�ances: gasal ine, k�rosene, ather ��ammable �r �ox�c pe�roleum <br /> products, �ox�c pes�icides and herbicides, v��a��1e salven�s, �:-na�er�a�s c�nta�ning asbe���s or formald�ehyde, and <br /> radioa����e m�.terials..�s us�d�n�his paragraph, "Enviranmenta�La�v"means federal �a�s and�av�s�f�the s�a�e af <br /> Nebraska tha�rela�e�o hea�th, safety or env�ronrr�en�al pro� <br /> Acc��eration; l��medies. Lender sh�il gi�e nvtic� �o �arr���r prior ta acce�erat�nn foll�w�ng ��orrower's <br /> breach of an�cv�enant�r agreem�nt ir� this�ecur�t�r�nst�,-ume�t�r the Cflntract under vvhi�h a�ce�eration <br /> is perrnitted �but na� pr�o�~t� a�celera���n und�r t��sect��an t�t��d 'Tr�rnsfer of�he Pr�p�rty❑r a Benef��ial <br /> In�erest in B�rrower, un�ess App���abie Lar� prvvides at��errvi��e�. Th� n�ti�e 5hall �pecify: �a� the defau�t; <br /> �b� the act�on req�ired �o �ure the defau��; tc} a dat�:, not l�ss than �he rr�i�imum nun�aber �f days <br /> esta�l�she� b�App�icable La� from �he date�he notice is gi��n to �3o�-rower, by which the defau��must be <br /> cured; an� (d} that failure �v ��re the defaul� on or b�f��r� th� dat� speci�ed iri the notice �ay �-�sult in <br /> a�ceieration �f th� sums s�cured by this ��curi�� Instr�m�n� �nd �ai� of th� l�raperty. 'T'o �he extent <br /> permi�ted �y �aw, tl�Q notAc�sh�ll fur�h�r �nform �orro�v�r of the right�a reins�ate after acc�le�ration and <br /> �he r�ght t❑�Sring a c�ur�ac��on to assert�h�nnn-existenc���f a��fau���r any ofiher def�nse of Bnrrovver ta <br /> acce�erati�n a�d sale. If th�default is n�t�u�ed ar� ar bei�are th�e da�� spec�f�ed in �he nati�e, Lend�r at its <br /> opti�� ma� r�quire imm�di�te payr��nt �n ful� of �.1� su�ms se�u�-e� by this See�ri�y In�trurr��nt vvi�hout <br /> fu�th�r demand and may inun�e the pa�ver �f sale and a�y o��er remedies perm�tted b�r .App���:a�ie Lav�. <br /> "Ta �h� extent p�rmitt�d by �av�, Le�c��r sha�l b� �n�i��ed to �a��ec� all expenses �ncurred in pursuing the <br /> remedies pr�vided �n �h�� Sec�ion, inciuding, �ut no�1�mit�� �o, r�as�nabte a���rn�ys� f�es a�d casts vf tit�e <br /> e�ide�ce. <br /> If�he pawer�f sale is i�vok�d, Trustee shal� recvrd a not�ice �f d�fau�� in each caunty in which an�part of <br /> the Proper�y �s �ocated ar�d s�ha�l mail c�p�es af such notic�� in t��manner prescri�ed by�ppli�ab�e Law to <br /> �3arrower and to t�e o�her ��r�ons pre�cr�bed �y �pp�ic.�ble L�v�v. .�fter �he tirn� requ�red by a4pp��cable <br /> Law, Tru�tee sha�� gi�e pu��ic n�tice of sale to th� perst�n� �nd in t�e manner pre5�r�bed by Appl�cal�le <br /> Lav�. Trustee,without demand on �arrovWer, �hal�se�i th�:P'rop�rty at pub�ic auction �o the hi�hest bidder <br /> a�th�tim�and piace and under the�err�s desagnated in t��e��t����f�a�e�n ane or rnore parc�ls��.nd in any <br /> ��-der Trus�ee det�rmines. �'rus�ee r�.ay po��po�e sale +�f a�� �r a�y parc�l of the Praper�ty by pu�l�c <br /> announce�nen��t�he t�m�and place of any�re�iously sched��ed �ale.L�nder or��s designee ma��p�rchase <br /> the I'rvp�rty at any 5aleo <br /> Upon rec�ipt af payment �f�he price ��d, �C`rustee shall dei�ver to t�� purchaser Trust��'s d�ed co�veying <br /> the Prnperty. The r��ital� in th�Truste��s de�c� s�a�ll be prir�a �a�ie e�idence vf the t�ut� af the��ta�emen�s <br /> �Z044-�015 Cvmpliance Systen�s,Inc.8C54-D526-2�15.1 I.3.1�98 <br /> C�nsumer Real Estate-Security Instrumen�DL2�3b Page 4 af 5 www.conip�iancesys�ems.cor� <br />