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2� 1 ��4893 <br /> Transfer of th�Property or� B�n��cia�In��r��t xn �orra�ver. �f aI�ar a�y part�f the Pr�p�rty or a�y interes� <br /> in i� �s soid or transferred ��r if a benefcial in�erest �n B��-����ver �s s�ld ar transferr�d and Barr�vver is n�t a <br /> ��a�ura� persa�} w��h�u� Le�der�s pri�r vvri�ten consen�, Lender ma�, a� i�s o�t�on, require �mmediate �ayment in <br /> full af all sums secured by ����s �ecuri�y Ins�rum�n�. Ho�vevt�r, ��1�� flptia�� shall n�� be exer�is�d by Lender if <br /> e�ercis�is prohibited by federa��a�v as�f the da���f this Secu�rity Ins�rumemt. <br /> �f. Lender e�erc�ses �his �ption, Lender sha�l gi�e Borrawer notice �f a�celeration. Th� na��ce shall pravxde a <br /> peri�d of not �ess �han �he rr��nimum number af days es�abl�s�ed b� Appl�cab�e Lav� from �he da�e th� no�ice is <br /> deli�er�d or rnail�d within which Borrawer must pay a�i su�r�s secLYred by th�s Secur�ty Zns�r�men�. If'B�rr�wer <br /> fai�s �� pay �hese sums pr�or ta �he expira�ian ���his perioc�, Ler�der�nay �n�a�e any remedies per�it��ed by �his <br /> Secur��y Instru�ent w�thau�fur�her notice�r demand an Bflrrower. <br /> �arraw�r's R�gh� to Fte�ns�a�e. �f Borrower n�ee�s cer�ai�� c�ndi��ons, ]Borravsrer �h�.�i have �he r�g�� t� ha�e <br /> erifarce�nent af�his Security Instrumen� discon�i�ued at any time prY�r�o the earlier of (a} 5 days �or such other <br /> period as Appli�able Law may specify far reins�atement�befo��e sale of�he Pr�-�e�-�y pursuan�tc�any po�Ner of sal� <br /> con�ained in th�s Securi� Instrumen�; �r �b� en�ry �f a juE�gmen� enf��rcing th�s Secur��ty Znstrument. Th�se <br /> co��d��ions are �hat �arrower: �a} pays Lender a�i sums vvhi��r theri wou�d be due under�l�is Security �nstrumen� <br /> and�he�ontra�t as if no a�ce�e�a��on had o�curr�d;�b}cures any default of any other ca�enan�s or agreemeni:s;�c� <br /> pays ail expenses�nc�-red in enforcing�his Securi�:y�ns�rumen.�, includ�ng, but n��limi�ed ta,re�.s�nable at��rneys' <br /> fees t�the ex�en�permi�ted by�aW; and �d3�takes such aci:ion as Lender may reasonab�y re�ui��to assure tha�:the <br /> Iien�f this Security�ns�rument, L�nder's righ�s ���he Prope�-���.nd B�rrower's ob�iga�ion to�a�the su�ns secured <br /> by �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen� shall c�����nue unchanged. Upon r�eins�a�eme��by Borrower, this �ecur��y �Ins�rumen� <br /> a�d �he obl�ga���ns secured hereby shall rema�n ful�y effec�i�e as if no acr�elera�ian had occu�-red. ��we�er, this <br /> righ��o reinsta�e sha�I no�apply �n�he case�f a���leration un��e�•�he sectior�ti��ed Transfer�f the Pro�er�y or a <br /> Ber����ial I�t�res��n ��rravv�r. <br /> �Iazardau� Suh�tances. BarrQwer sha��not cause or permit t��e pres�nce,use, disposa�, storage, �r release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances�n�r�n the Proper�y. Borrav�er sha�l n���:d€�,n�r allow any�ne�ls��o do. an�thing affec�ing <br /> �he P�operty that is in �i��a�iom of any En�i��nmen�al Lav�r. 'I'he preceding tvt�a sen�ences shal� not app�� �� the <br /> �resence, use,�r s�orage an�he Pr�per�y af small quan�i�ies of Ha�ard�us�ubstances�hat are general�y r�cognize� <br /> t�be appr�pria�e�o norm�.T residen�ial uses and���naintenanc��of th�Prop�r�y. <br /> B�rrower shall pramp��y give Lender wri�ten n���ce af any inv�s�igat�on,c�aim, de�nand, lawsu���r�the�r action by <br /> any governmenta� �r regulatary agency �r pr�va�e par�y in�o��ing the Proper�y and an� Hazardous�ance or <br /> Env�ronmenta� Law of whi�h �arrower llas actual kn��ledge. Zf Borrower learns, �r i� na�ifi�d by any <br /> go�ernmen�al�r�eguiatary au�hor�fi�,�ha�any remflva�ar�th�.r rem�d�ati��flf an�Hazardaus Substance affe��ing <br /> the Pr�perty is ne��ssary, Barrower sha�� prorrip#:ly �ake nec�ssar� remedia� �acti�ns in a�c�rc�ance v��th <br /> En�rirann�enta�Lav�r. <br /> As used in�h�s paragraph, "Ha�ardous Subs�anc�s" are�hose subs�ances d�fined as taxic �r ha�ard�us subs�ances <br /> by En�rir�nmen�al La�nr a�d the fn�iov�rit�g subs�ances: gaso��i��e, k�rosene, other f�aminable �r tox�� petroleum <br /> produc�s, �Qxic pes�icides and he�bicides, v�la��l� S�IV�ri�S, �nater�als �ar�ta�ning asbest�s or f�rmald�hyde, and <br /> rad��active ma�erxals. As used in this paragraph, "En�irflnmen�a�Lawv" me�.ns f�deral la�vs and�aws of the state of <br /> Nebraska that�elate�o heal�h, safety ar en�ironmen�ai pro�ecti�n. <br /> Acce�eratian; �em�dies. Lende�- sha�� give r�otice to ��rrawe�- pr-�ar ��o accelerativn fa�lvw�ng ��rrower's <br /> brea�h�f any co�enan�or�.greement in thi��e�urity Inst�•urnen��r the�antr�ct under�vh�ch�cce�era�ion <br /> is �ermi#t�d {but r�o� pr�or�o accelera�ian u��der t�e s�cti4�n �i���� 'I�'ra�nsfer of the�'roper�y a�a BeY�efi�ia� <br /> �nterest in ��rro�+ver, u�n��ss Applicahl� La�v pra��des otherw�s��. Th�: ��tfce sh�l� specif�: �a� th�e default; <br /> �b� �he actior� requi�•�d �o cure the d�fau��; �c� a dat�, ���t �ess �han the minimum number of days <br /> established by App�icable�►a�v fr��n �he�a�e�he notice is�i�ven t� �nrrowe�y by which the def�uit�ust be <br /> cured; and �d� �ha� fa�lure ta cu�-e �he defa�l� �n flr befo�re �h� date specif�ed in the nvtice ma�j r�su�� in <br /> acce���•a�i�n af the sums �ecured by �h�s S�curi�y Instr�urr��mt �nd s��� �f ��e �rfl�erty. Ta �he extent <br /> perm�tt�d by law, ���e notice �ha�� fur�her� in�`�rm Borrow��r of the right to r��ns�ate after acc�ierati�n and <br /> the right�a br�ng a�orur�ac�iun to asser�th��on--exis�enc�y vf a d�fau��:or any ather defense�f�orr�vv�r tv <br /> acce��ra�ion a�d s�.le. �f th� �efau�� is no� cured o� �r bef�r� �he dat�specified in the no�ice, Lender a� i�s <br /> op�ion may r�quire immediate paynne�� i�� fu�l �f al� su��s se�ured lby th�s �ecuri�y In�trume�� vvfthout <br /> �'ur�h�r dema��� ar�d r�ay in��ke ���� p��ver �f�ale an� ���y �th�r r���edies permi��ed hy Applicabl� Law. <br /> 'Ta the e�tent per�mitt�d �y �a►�v, Lend�r sl�ail be �nti���d t� co�i�ct a�l expe��ses i�t�urre� �n �u�rsuing the <br /> r�me€�i�s prv��ded in this ��ctia�a, �n�iud�ng, ��t r�ot iimit�vd ��, reas�r�able at��rney�� fe�s and cns#s of ti�le <br /> �vidence. � <br /> �f the �o!�ver of sa�e �s inv�ked,Trustee sh��� r�c�rd a ��ati���f d�fau��t in �ach cvunt�in which any part of <br /> the Pr��ert��s laca�ed and sha�l ma��c�p��s�f such no�i��, i� �he manner prescribed by�pplicable�aw�� <br /> Borrower a��d t❑ �he �ther ��rso��s p�e�cribed b� Ap��ic��ble Lavv. .�fter the tiane re�ui�-ed by Appl�cable <br /> Law, rI`rus�ee shai� gi�e publ�c noti�e ��sa�� �o �he perso�ns �n�d im t��e �anner prescr��ed by �pp��cab�e <br /> Law. 'Trustee, v�i�hout d�mar�d �n Bnrro�ver, s�a��se�l�he Pr�p���y at pub�i�auction ta�he high�e5� ��dder <br /> at the tim�a�c� plac��n� und�r the terms�es�gna�ed in the��ot���of s�ie in one or more parcel��nd in any <br /> order Trus�ee d�t�rmin�s. 'T'rus�ee m�y p���p���e sal� c�f al� a�- �n� p�rc�l ❑f the Propert� by publ�c <br /> annauncem�n�a�th��ime�Yxd pl�Ce of�ny�re��au�s�y se�t�e�ul��l �a��. Lender or its desig�e�na�y purchas� <br /> t�e Property at a��y sa��. <br /> Upa�� receapt of paynr��nt of the pr�c� bid, '�'ru���e sha�� d���iw�r �� �h� purcl�aser '�'rus�ee's dee� cnn�eying <br /> the P�rup�rty. The recita�s �� �he'T`rus�ee's de�d sh��� b� ����ma fa��e e�ridenc�of�he truth uf�h��tat�ments <br /> Q 2Qd4-24]5 Can�pliance Systems,In�.8C54-75C7-2�I5.l 1.3,1095 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-Sec��rity Instz-unlent DL2036 Pa�e 4 of 5 www.campliancesysterns.�orn <br />