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2� 1 ��4893 <br /> Payment uf Principal and Yn�erest; [l�h�r�h�rges.F�orrower sha��pramptly pay when due��e pr��cipa�of and <br /> in�ere��a�the debt owed under�h��on�ract and�a�e charges or�ny c��:her f�es and charges due under th�Cantract. <br /> Applic�ble L�w. As used in this Se�urity Instrume��, the ��er�m "Applicable La�v" shall mean al� con�roiling <br /> app�icable federa�, s�a�e and Iaca� sta�.u�es, regulati�ns, �rdinances and adm�nistrati�e r�a�es and orde�-s ��ha�ha�e <br /> �he effec�of lav��as we�l as a�l�ppl�cable f�na�,n�n-appealabl�:�ud�ci�al opinions. <br /> �harg�s; Lien�. Bo�-row�r sha�� pay al� �axes, assessments, �harges, f�nes and i�np�si��ans attributab�e ta the <br /> Property which may a�tain pr�ax��y aver�his Securi�� Yns�rum�:��, an� 1ea�eho�d payrnents or�round ren�s, if any. <br /> A�the reques�of Lender,Bo��ro�ver shall prompt��furnisl��o L�nder�rece�p�s ev�d�n��ng�he pa�nents. <br /> Borr�wer shaii pr�mptly disc�h�.rge any lien which has priorit}r o�er�h�s Security Instrument unless Ba��ra�rnrer: �a� <br /> agrees �n wri�in� to the payment of the ob7iga���n secux-ec� ��� the Iien �:r� a manner ac�epta�le �o Lender; �b� <br /> ��n�es�s in go�d fa��h �h� �ien by, or defends a.gainst enfarce�nen� ���he iien �n, �ega� pra�ee��ngs w��ich in �he <br /> Lender's �pini�n opera�� �to pr�ven� the enfor��ment of�he �ien; ar �c} secures fr��n �he halder �f��he ��en an <br /> agreemen�sa�isfa�tory to �ender subard�nating�he Iien�o �:hi�; Se�uri�y �nstrument. �f Lender determinPs that an� <br /> part of the Proper�y is subjec�t� a lien v�h�ch may attain prior�ty ��er thi� Se�ur��y �ns�ru�nen�, Lender may g��e <br /> Bo��ro�er a n��ice �dentif�ing t�� ���n. Barro�er shall sa��sfy �he �ien �r ta�e one ar m�re af�he actifln�s set for�h <br /> aba�e vvith�n 10�ays flf the giv�ng of na�ice. <br /> kiaLard or Pr�perty Insur�n�e. Borrawer-shal�keep the im��rovena.en�s n�w ex�s��n�or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property�nsured against l�ss by f�re,hazards�ncluded vvi��li�t�e�erm "ex�ended coverage" a�d any�th�r h�.zards, <br /> including floods �r fl�ading, ��r which Lender requires insuranc�. This �nsurance s�all be maintai�ed in �he <br /> amoun�s and for�he per�ods that Lender requ�res. The insuranc:e ca�-r�er providing�he��.surance shal��e chose�by <br /> B�rrQv�er subj�ct t� Len�er's a.pprova.� wlaich sha�� no� be ur�reasonably w��hhe�d. �f�3arravver fa��s to main�ain <br /> coWerage desc�-�bed abo�e, Le�der may, at Le��der's apt�on, �b�ai;n cfl��rage �o pro��c� Le�.der's ri�hts in �he <br /> Praper�,y in accordance v�ri�h sec�ion t����d�r�tec�i�n�f Lend��r�s��ghts�n th�Pr�per�y. <br /> A�� xnsurance pal�cies and renevvais shall be accep�table �o LE�nder and shall include a ��andard ma���.ge clause. <br /> Lend�r shall have�he r�ght�o hold�he p�licies a��d renewais. If Len�.er rec�uires, Borra�ver sha�l promptly gi�e�o <br /> Lender atl rece�p�s�f pa�d premiums and r�newal na�ices. �ri���e ��ent�f loss, Barrawer shal�aive prompt n��i�e <br /> to�he�r�surance car�-ier and Lende�.Lender may�-nake praof ai`��ss i�f n�t m�ade pramptly hy B��-rawer. <br /> Un�ess Lender and B��-ra�er ��herv�ise agree in �v�-iting, ins�ura�ce pr�c�eds sha�� be appl�e� �o res�:ora��on flr <br /> repair of the Properry dannaged, �f, �n Lendez-'s so�e d�scret�o�n, �he res��r�.t�on or repair is ecanomically feasib�e <br /> and Lender's s�curz�y �s not Iessened. �f, i� Lender's so�e discre�i�n, the res��ratian or repair is no� ecc�nomica�ly <br /> feas�ble�r Lender's securi�y v�ouid be�ess�ned,�he insurance��rocee�s sha�1 be appl�ed�o�he sums secured by th�s <br /> Security Ins�rum�n�, v�hether or not thet� du�, vtiritl� any ex��ess p�aid �co Borra�ver. �f Borra�er aba.ndans the <br /> Proper�y, or does�o�ansvv�r w��hin�he nurnber of days prescr�b�d by Applicable Law as set far�h in a n���ce fr�m <br /> Lender t� B�rrower�ha�the insu�ance �arr�er has �ffered�� settle a claim, �hen Lender may col�ect the insurance <br /> pr�c�eds. Lender may use �he �r�ceeds �o r�pair ar res�t�re t��e �ro�er�y �r ta pay su��ns secur�d by�his Secur��y <br /> �nstrument,whether or n���he�due.T�ae�aeriad�f�ime for Borrower to answer as se��fo��h xn���e notice vvi�l begin <br /> �vhen�he nQt�ce is given. � <br /> Un�ess Lender and B�rrower o�herwise agree in v��i��ng, any appl�c��i�n of pr�ceeds t�principa� shall not extend <br /> �r p�s�pone the due date of�he payments due under the Contr-ac�or chang� the amount of the payn-�ents. ��under <br /> �he sec��on tit�ed Acceler��ion; l�em���es, the Pr�perty is�acc�uired by Lellder, Borra�ver's righ��� a�y insurance <br /> pol��ies and pr�ceeds r�sul�ing fr��n damage to the Proper�y pri�r �a �he acquisition s�al� pa�s ta Lender �o �he <br /> exten�of�he sums se�ured b����is Security Instrument immedit��e�y pri�r�a the acquisi�ion. <br /> Preser�ation, Main�enance and 1'r�te�t�om af �he Praper�y; ��rrov��er's Laan �.pplicati�n; L�easeh��ds. <br /> B�rrovver s��ail not destroy, dar�age �r impa�r th�Proper�y, al�ow the Proper�y to deteri�ra�e, �r com�ni�was�e�n <br /> the Pra��rty. �orrawer sha��be�n default�f any forfei�ure ac����n ar pr�ceeding,whe�her ci�i 1 ar cr�min�l, is begun <br /> tha� in Lender's gaod fai�h judgm�n� could �-esult iri Forfeitur�� of�h� Property or other��se ma�er�al�y i�npair the <br /> �ien cr�ated by �his Securi�y �ns�rumen� or Lender's secur��� inter�st. B�orrawer may cure such a default and <br /> reii�s�a�e, as prov�d�d in secti�n����ed Borrower°'s Rig��� �o F�einst�te, by causing the ac�ion ❑r pr�ceeding to be <br /> d�smissed w�th a rulin��hat, �n��nder's g��d faith de�erm�na��on,pr��lude5 forfe�ture�f the Borrav�rer's in��rest in <br /> the Pr�pe�y or other ma�eria� impa�rmen� ❑f�he l�en crea��d by �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� or Lender's se�urxty <br /> interes�. Borr��ve�sl�a��also l�e in defaul��f B�rrovver,dur�ng�:h��oan appl�cat��n process,ga�e materialiy false or <br /> �naccura�e informat�an or statements �o Lend�r ��r failed ta pr��ide Ler�der with any mater�a� infor�na��on} in <br /> cannectian wi�h�the �aan e�idenced by the Can�ra�t. �f�his S�lcuri�.y Instrumen� �s �n a Ieaseh�ld, I��rrawer sha�i <br /> com�ly�vith a��the�rovisions of the �ease. �f B�rrovver acqu�res fee���le t�the Pr�pei-�y,�he le�s�hold�nd the fee <br /> ti�ie sha�l n��merge unless L�nder agrees�o�he��erger i�vvr��:�ng. <br /> �rate�ti�n of Lender's Rig��t� in �h� �r�per��. If$arrov��er fa�is �a �erfarm �the c��renan�s �.nd agre�ments <br /> contain�d in�h�s Securi�y Ins�rume���, �r���re �s a �ega�proce��din�tha�may sign�f can��y affec�Lender's ri�hts in <br /> ���e Property �such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, f��r conde�nnat��n or f�rfei�ure flr�o enfar�e �a�vs or <br /> regu�a���ns}, then Lender may do and pay fflr v�ha�e�rer is ��ecess��y t� protect the value of the Prope�-�y and <br /> Lender's r�ghts in�he Pr4pe�-�.y. Lender's ac�ions r�ay inc�ude paying any su�ns secured b�a Iien which has pr�ori�y <br /> o�er�his�ecurity��strument, a�pp�aring in cour�,pay�n�r�asona��e at�orn�ys'fees and en�ering on�he Praper�y t� <br /> make r�pairs.1-�l�hough Lender may take ac��on under this sect��n,Lender�oes n�t have to do so. <br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this s�ct�on shal� b�came addi�i�onal debt �f Borrow�er secured by this <br /> Security �nstrument. Unless Borr�wer and Len�er agree to o���er ��rms af payment, �hese am�u�ts sha�� bear <br /> C�20a�-2fl l 5 Compiiance Syste��s,Inc.8C54-7SC7-24I5,�1.3.I�98 <br /> Consurner Rea�Esiate-Security Instru���ent DL�436 Page 2 vf 5 www, <br />