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2� 1 ��488� <br /> A�1 �nsurance policies required��Lender an�. renewais of such policies sha�� b�subj�ct to Lender's r�ght�fl <br /> disappro�e such policies, shall �nc�ude a sta�dard mortgage clause, and sha��name L�nder as mor�gagee <br /> andlor as an addi�iona� Iass payee. I.�ender shal�hav���.�righ��o hold �he p��i�ies and renewal cer�if�ca�es. �f <br /> Ilender requires, Borrav�er�ha��prom�pt�y give�o Lend�r a1� r�ce�pts of pa�d pr�miums and renewa�na�ices, <br /> If Borr�wer ob�ains any form of insuranc�covera�e, not o�herw�se required�y Lender, for damage�a, or <br /> destruc�ian of, the Pr�perty, such palicy sha�� �nclude a standard mortgage c�ause and shal� name I.�nder as <br /> mor�gagee andl�r as an additianal Ioss payee. <br /> In the ev�n�nf�oss, Borro�ver shall give pr�mp�no�ice to �he�nsurance�arri�r and L�nder. Lender may <br /> rnake pro�f of�oss �f not made pramptly b� Borrflwer. t�n�ess Lender and Borrovver otherw�se agr�e in <br /> wr���ng, any xnsurance proceeds, vvhether flr na�the und�r��ring insurance was requ�red by Lend�r, sha�l be <br /> appl�ed�o restoration or repair of th�Pr�per�y, if the res��ra�ion or repair�s economically feasible and <br /> Lender's se�uri�y �s nat Iessened. Dur�r�g such repair and res�arat�on periad, Lender sha��have�he righ�to <br /> hald such insurance proceeds until Lender�as had an opportunx�y�o�nspect such Prapert�ta�nsure the <br /> work has been completed to Lender's satisfact�an, pro�ided tha�such inspecti�n sha�l be undertaken <br /> promp�l�. Lender rnay disburse proceeds for�h�repa�rs and res��ra�xon in a single payment ar in a ser�es of <br /> pr�gress payments as the work is comple�ed. Unless an agreen�ent is made in writ�ng�r App�icable Lav� <br /> requires interes�ta be pa�d on such�nsurance pro�eed�, Lender�ha11 not be required ta pay Borrower any <br /> xnteres�or earnings on such pro�eeds. Fees for publ�c adjustersy �r�ther third parties, re�ained by B�rrower <br /> s�ai� no�be paid out of�he�nsurance proceeds an.d shall be�he soie o��igation of Borrower. Zf�he restoration <br /> ar repa�r is no�econom�ca�ly feasib�e or Lender's securz�y would be lessened, the insurance praceeds sha�l be <br /> appl�ed to the sums seCured by�his 5�cur�ty �ns�rument, whe�her or nat�hen due, w�th the excess, �f an�, <br /> paid to Borrower. Such insuranc�praceeds sha11 be appl�ed in the arder provided for in S�ct�on 2. <br /> �f Borr�wer abandans the Proper�y, L.�nder may �le, n�go�iate and se�tle an� a�ai�a�le insurance cla�m and <br /> rela�ed matters. �f Borrower does not re5p�nd v�ith�n 3�da�rs ta a natice from Lend�r�hat�he insurance <br /> carrier has offered t� settle a c�aim, then Lender may nego�ia�e and settl��he�la�m. The 3�-day period w�l� <br /> begin�vhen�he nofice is ��Wen. �n either e��nt, or it'Lender acquires��ae�'roperty under Sec�ian 2�or <br /> o�herwise, Borrower h�reb�r ass�gns t� Lender�a}Barrower's r�ghts�o any insuranc�proceeds in an amaun� <br /> no��o ex�eed th�amounts unpaid under�h�Nti�e ar th�s Secur��y �nstrument, and ��} any ather of <br /> B�rrower's rights �other than�he right��an�r�fund of unearned premiums paid�y Borr�w�r}under a�l <br /> �nsurance pol�cies co�rering the Proper�y, �nsofar as such r�gh�s are applicab�e ta the co�erage af the <br /> Proper��. Lender may use�he�nsurance procee�.s eith�r�a repa�r ar restore�he Property or t�pay amoun�s <br /> unpaid under the No�e�r this Security �n��rumen�, whether or na�then due. <br /> fi. Uccupancy. Borro�nrer shaX�occup�, estabiish, and use the Property as Borrower's pr�ncipal residence <br /> w�thin 6�days after�he exe�ut�an of�h�s Security Ins�rumen�and sha�� cont�nue t�oc�upy the Pr��ert� as <br /> Borrower's princ�pal residenc�for at l�as�one y�ar af�er�he dat��f o�cupanc�, un�ess Lender otherv�r�se <br /> agrees in wi'it1l7g, which c�nsen�sha�l not be unreasonab���vithheld, or uniess extenua�ing circums�ances <br /> �xist vvhich are�eyond Borr�wer's control. <br /> 7. Preservat�on, Maintenance and Prvtection af the Property: rns�ectians. Borrower shall n�t des�roy, <br /> damage or xmpair�he Property, a��n�v the Pr�per�y tfl deter�ora�e ar c�mmit wast�an�he Proper�y. Whether <br /> vr not Borrower is resid�ng�n the Property, Borrovver sha��m.ainta�n the Property in ard�r to prevent�he <br /> Proper�� from deteriora��ng or decreasin� �n va�ue due�o its cond��xon. Un�ess i� �s de�ermxned pursuant�� <br /> Section 5 tha�repa�r or restara�ion is not econorn�ica�Iy feasible, Borrower shall promp�l�r repa�r�he Prop�rty <br /> if damaged�o avaxd fur�her de�er�arat�on or damag�. �f insurance ar candemnation pro�eeds are paid �n <br /> �anne��x�n w��h damage to, or�he�aking af, �he Pr�per�y, B�rrnwer sha�� b�responsib�e for repaxring ar <br /> res�oring the Proper�y only if Lend�r has re�eased proceeds for such purpases. L�nder may dis�urse proceeds <br /> N�BRASKA-Single Famtly-�anr�ie Mael�reddie Mac uN1��RM INSTRUMENT Farm 3428 114� <br /> VMP p VMPfi{NEy t7 3Q2} <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finar�ciafi 5�r�i�es Page 7 af 17 <br />