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2� 1 ��488� <br /> B�RR�WER ��VENANTS �ha� B�rrawer is lawfully se�sed of the estate hereby conv�yed and has �h�right to <br /> grant and con�ey the Praper�� and tha��he Property �s unencumb�r�d, �xcep�for encum�ranc�s af recflrd. <br /> Borrawer warrants and ��x�� defend generally the title t� �he Property aga�ns� all claims and demands, subj�ct�o <br /> any encum�rances of record. <br /> T��S SECUR�TY�NSTRUMENT combines un�forxn�Qvenants for na�iona�use and non-unifa�rn coW�nants with <br /> lzmi.�ed varia�iflns by jur�sdic�ion to can���tute a un�form security in��rumen�c�ver�ng real praper�y. <br /> Uniform �ovenants. B�rr�wer and L�nder covenant and agree as fo���vvs: <br /> �. Payment af Princ�pal, Interest, Es�r�w Items, Prepayment �harg�s, and Late �harges, B�rrower <br /> sha�i pau vvhen due the pr�ncipal of, and �nteres�on, �he debt ev�denced�y th�Note and any prepaymen� <br /> charges and�ate charges due under the Note. B�rro�ver sha�l a�so pay funds far Es�row ��ems pursuant�n <br /> Sect�on 3. Paymen�s due under the No�e and th�s �ecur�ty �nstrument shall be made�n U.S. currency. <br /> Howe�er, if any check or ather�ns�rument rece���d by Lend�r as payment under the Note or th�s Securzty <br /> ��s�rument is returned to Lend�r unpa�d, Lend�r may require tha�any or a�� subsequent payments due und�r <br /> th�N�te and�his Securi�y �nstrument be made in ane ar more of the f���o�ing forms, as selected by Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b} mane� arder; �c}c�r��f��d check, bank ch�ck, tr�asurer's�he�k or cashier's check, provided any. <br /> su�h check�s drawn upon an ins�i�utzon whase depos��s are insured by a federal agency, instrumen�ality, or <br /> �ntzt�r; or�d} E�ectrani� Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed rece�Wed by Lender when r��eiv�d a�the l�ca�inn des�gnated �n the Note nr a�such <br /> o�h�r�ocat�an as ma�be designaCed by Lender in acc�rdance vvith the n��ice pr�viszans �n Sect�on �5. <br /> Lend�r ma�re�urn any paymen�ar partia� payment�f the payment flr partia�payments are insuffic�ent t� <br /> bring th�Loan curren�. Lender may ac�ep�any pa�ment or partial payment �nsuf�cient to bring �he Loan <br /> current, wi�hou�waiver of any rights hereunder or prejudice�� i�s righ�s to refuse such payment or partia� <br /> pa�ments in th�future, bu�Lender is not o���gated to app�y such paymen�s a�the t�me such paym�n�s are <br /> accept�d. �f each Feriodic Payment�s appli�d as of�ts schedu�ed du�date, �hen Lend�r need no�pa� in�erest <br /> �n unapplied funds. Lend�r ma�r ho�d such unapp��ed funds un��l Borrower makes paym�nts tfl bring the <br /> �.�an curren�. �f Borrower does not d� so within a reasonabl�p�riod o�t��n�, L�n��r shail e�t��er a�piy suc� <br /> funds�r return�hem to Barrower. If not app�ie�earl�er, such funds u�il1 be applied t��he autstanding <br /> pr�nc�pai ba�ance und�r the N��e immediate�y pri�r to forec�osure. N� offset ar claim which B�rrower might <br /> have now or in the future aga�nst L�nder shall re��eve Barro�ver from making pa�ments due under the No�e <br /> and this Secur�ty Instrument or performing��e c�v�nan�s and agr�ements secured b��his Security <br /> Iristrument. <br /> �. App��cat�an af Payments or Proce�ds. Except a� othez w�se descr�bed in this Sec��on 2, al�pa�m�nts <br /> acc�p�ed and appl�e�b� Lender s�iall�e appl�ed in the fa��owzng order af priority: �a} �nterest due und�r the <br /> No��; �b�principal due und�r the Nn�e; �c}amounts due under Se�t�on 3. Such pa�ments sha�l be app����i t� <br /> each P�r�odi� Payment�n�he order�n which it�e�ame due. Any rema�n�ng amoun�s shall be appl��d f�rst to <br /> la�e charges, second ta any o�her axnoun�s due under�h�s Se�urity Instrumen�, and then to reduce the <br /> pr�nc�pal ba�an�e of�he Nflte. . <br /> �f Lender recei�es a pa�men�fr�m Borrovver for a de�inquent Periodic Payment vvh�ch includes a suffici�nt <br /> arn�un�to paX any �ate char��due, th�payment may be app�z�d�o�he d��inquent paymen� and the Ia�e <br /> charbe. If mnre than ane Periodzc Paymen�is outs�anding, Lender may app�y any paymen� received from <br /> B�rrower�o the repayment of the Per�odic Payments if, and�o�he ex�ent�hat, each paymen�can�e paid �n <br /> fuil. To�he e�tent that any excess exists after the payment�s app�zed�o the full payment af�ne ar more <br /> Period�c Payments, such excess may be applied to ar�y late charges due. Volun�ary prepayments sha.��be <br /> appl�ed �rs�to any prepaymen�charges and then as des�ribed �n�he No�e. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singfe Family-�annie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM IN5TRLIM�NT �orm 3�28 11a1 <br /> VMP� VMP6fNE}(13�2f <br /> Wotters ICtuvr►er Financia!Ser�ices Page 4 af 17 <br />
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