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. 2� 1 ��48� 1 <br /> C3EED �F TRUST <br /> �Corltitlued� Page 4 <br /> any proceeding or purchase in lieu of condemnati�n, L�nd�r may at its election �equire that all or any por�ion�f th� <br /> ne� proceeds a� the award he applied to the Indebtedness or the repair or restorat�on a� the Proper�y. The net <br /> proceeds o��he award shall mean the award af�er payment of all reas�nable costs, exp�ns�s, and attvrneys' �ees <br /> incurred by T�ustee or Lender in connec�ion wi�h�he condemnativn. <br /> �MPfl51TIflN �F TA�CES, FEES AND GHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AUTH�RITIES. The fol�ow�ng pro�isians �elating <br /> to g��ernmentai taxes, fees and charges are a part�f this D�ed o�Trust: <br /> �urrent Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shal� execute such dacuments in addition t� <br /> this ❑eed af Trus�and take whate�er�ther act�on is r��u�st�d by L�nd�r to p�r�ect and continue Lender's lien an <br /> the Real Praperty. Trustor shall reimburse Lender for al[ �axes, as des�ribed �elow, together with all expenses <br /> incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing �his �eed of Trust, includ€ng without limitation all taxes, f��s, <br /> do�umentary s�amps, and ather charges tar recording or registering this Deed o�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The follawing shall constitute taxes to which this section applies: 41� a speci��c tax upon this type o� <br /> Deed of Trust or upvn all or any part a� �he �ndebtedness secured by th�s Deed o�Trusfi; �2� a specific tax on <br /> Trustor whi�h Trustor is auth�ri�ed or r�quired �o d�duct from payments Qn the Indebtedness secured by �his type <br /> af Deed ❑�Trust; �3� a tax on this type of❑eed o�Trust chargeab�e against�h� Lend��or the hold�r❑�f the Note; <br /> and �4� a specific tax on all or any porti�n of the Indebtedness or on payments o� principa� and interest made �y <br /> Trustor. <br /> Subsequent Tax�s. 1f any tax ta which this se�tion applies €s enacted subsequent t� the date o� this Deed of <br /> Trus�, this e�ent shal� ha�e the same effect as an E�ent of Default, and Lender may exercise any or all a� its <br /> a�ailable remedies for an E�ent of ❑efault as provided �elow unless Trustor ei�her ��y pays the tax b��or� it <br /> becames delinquent, or �2� contests �he tax as pro��ded aho�e in the Taxes and Liens sec�ion and d�pas�ts with <br /> Lender cash vr a suffic�ent ca�parat� su�efiy hand or vther security satisfactory to Lender. <br /> SE�URiTY AGREEMENT; FINANCiN� STATEMENTS. The follvwing pro�isions relating to �his Deed �f Trust as a <br /> se�urity agr�emen�are a par�of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Se�urity Agreement. This ins�rument shalf consti�ute a Security Agreem�nt to the �xtent any of the Property <br /> cvnstitutes �ixtures, and Lender shall ha�e all of�he righ�s of a secured party under the Un��arm �ommercial �ade <br /> as amended�rom time to time. <br /> Security Interest. Upfln.request hy Lender, Trus�or shall �ake wha�e�er activn is requested by Lender to perfec� <br /> and continue Lend�r's security interesr in �he Ren�s and Personal Property. �n addition to recording this ❑eed of <br /> Trust in the real pr�perty records, Lender may, at any time and withou� fur�her au�horization from Trustor, file <br /> execu�ed counterparts, cop�es vr r�productions of this Deed of Trust as a �inancing statement. Trustor shall <br /> r�imburse Lender�ar all expenses incurred in per�ecting or continuing this security in�eres�. Upan default, Trustar <br /> sha�� not remo�e, se�er or deta�h the Personai Prnperty from the Property. Upvn default, Trustor shalf assemh�e <br /> any Persanal Proper�y not affixed to the Property in a manner and at a place reasonably con�enien�to Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�ailable tv Lender within �hre� �3f days a�ter r�c�ipt o� written demand from Lender to the <br /> extent p�rmitted hy appli�able law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses of Trus�or �debtory and Lender �secured party} from wh�ch informa�ian � <br /> concerning the security inte�est granted by this De�d of Trust may be flb�ained �each as required by the Uniform <br /> CQmmer�ial C�de} are as stated an the first page of this Deed of Trus�. <br /> FURTHE� ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-iN-FACT. The following pro�isions relating �o fur�her assurances and <br /> attorn�y-in-fa�t are a par�of this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Furth�r Assurances. At any time, and firom time t❑ time, upon request o� �ender, Trustor w��l make, execute and <br /> deli�er, or wil� cause to be made, execu�ed or deli�ered, t� Lender or to Lender's d�signee, and when reques�ed by <br /> Lender, caus� to be filed, recorded, re#iled, or rerecorded, as the �ase may be, a� such times and in such offices <br /> and pla�es as Lender may deem appropria�e, any and all suCh mortgages, deeds of trust, security d��ds, s��urity <br /> agreemen�s, financing statements, cont�nuat�an statements, instruments ofi further assurance, cer�ti�ficates, and <br /> ather documents as may, in the sole opinion o� Lender, be necessary a�desirable in order to effectuate, compfete, <br /> perfect, continue, vr preser�e t�y Trustor's abli�ations under the Note, this Deed o� Trust, and the Related <br /> ❑acuments, and 4�� the liens and securi�y interes�s �reated by this Deed af Trust as first and prior liens on �he <br /> Property, whether now owned or herea�ter acquired by Trustor. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agrees �o the <br /> �ontra�y in wri�ing, Trustor sha�l reimburse Lender for a�� costs and expenses incurred in cannection with �he <br /> matters re��rr�d to in this paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fa�t. If Trustar�ails ta do any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do so <br /> for and in the name o�Trustor and a�Trustar's expense. For such purpvses, Trustor hereby irr��ocah�y appoin�s <br /> Lender as Trustar's attflrney-in-fact far the purpose of rnaking, execu�ing, deli�ering, �iling, recording, and doing all <br /> �ther things as may he necessary ar d�sirable, in Lender's soie opinion, to ac�omplish the matt�rs re�erred to in <br /> the preceding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays aIl th� Indel�tedness, inc�ud�ng without ��m�tation al� �uture ad�ances, when due, <br /> and atherw€se per�orms all �he obligations imposed upon Trustor und�r this Deed o� Trust, Lender shall execute and <br /> deli�er to Trustee a request fivr full recon�eyance and shall execu�e and deli�er t� Trustar suitab�e statemen�s af <br /> termina�ion of any financ�ng sfiatement ❑n file e�idencing Lender's security in�erest in the Rents and the Personal <br /> Property. Any recon�eyance�ee required by law shall 1ae paid by Trustor, i#permit�ed �y appli�able law. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFAULT. Each of the foffowing, at L�nder's opt�on, shali constitute an E�ent of Defaul� under this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Payment Defau�t. Trustvr fails�o make any payment when du� under the Indebtedn�ss. <br /> Other Defaults. Trustor fa��s to comply with or �o perform any o�her term, obliga�ion, co�enant or condition <br /> �vntained in �his Deed of Trust ❑r �n any ofi the Related Do�uments or ta cvmply wi�h or to perfvrm any te�m, <br /> oh�€gat�on, co�enant vr conditian contained in any other agreement betw��n Lender and Trus�or. <br /> Compliance Defaui�. Failure �o comply with any other term, obfigation, ca�enant o� condition cvn�ained in th�s <br /> Deed af Trust, the Nvte ❑r in any of�he Related Da�umen�s. <br /> �efau�t on �ther Paymen#s. Failure af Trus�or withi�the time �equired by this Deed af Trust to mak� any paymen� <br /> for�axes or insurance, or any other payment necessary to pre�en�filing of or�o�ffec�discharge of any lien. <br /> Default in Fa�or vf Third Parties. Should Grantor d�fault under any 1oan, extension af credit, security ag�eement, <br /> purchase a�sales agr�ement, or any other ag�eement, in favor o�any othe� �reditor or person that may materia��y <br /> af��ct any of Gran�or`s property or Grantor's abif�ty ta repay the Indebtedn�ss vr Grantor's ability to perform <br /> Grantor's ob�igations under�his Deed of Trust or any�f the Related Documents. <br /> False Statements. Any warran�y, ��presen�a�i�n or statement made ar furnished tv Lender by Trus�or or an <br /> Trust�r's beha�� under this Deed of Trus�or the Related Documents is fafse or misfead�ng in any ma�erial respect, <br /> ei�her naw or at the time made or furnished ar becomes fals��r mis[eading at any t�me ther�after. <br /> Defe�tive Cvlla#�raliza�ion. This ❑e�d ❑f Trust or any of the Related Docum�nts ceases t� be in �ull f�r�e and <br /> effect �incfuding fai�ure of any callateral document to create a �afid and perfected security interest or �ieny at any <br />